Before you get too heavy into a discussion/debated concerning Bible prophecy, I suggest that you ask yourself: does it really matter?
When Christ returns, there will be two types of Christians in the kingdom.
1. Those resurrected from the dead.
2. Those that will be alive at Christ's advent.
Now, it won't matter whether you are resurrected from the dead or you are alive at Christ's advent, because the most important thing is accepting Christ's sacrifice for our salvation (and doing everything we are supposed to do as Christians).
After that however, the only thing that matters is being alive at Christ's advent, which brings me back to my original question: does it really matter?
Christ stated: Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. it must matter. Which brings me to another question: do all the prophetic scriptures provide information on how to escape and be alive at Christ's advent? The following is a short incomplete list of some of the subjects (which are designed to derail you from the purpose of prophecy) that do not provide instructions on how to escape:
1. The pretrib-posttrib-preterist debate.
2. Who/what is the bride?
3. Who is the AC?
4. What is Babylon?
5. Etc...
Let's say that you have these subjects figured out, that you have all the correct answers. Does it really matter? Does the answers to these questions provide you with information on being alive at Christ's advent? The truth is concerning these subjects; it really doesn't matter.
In Yehoshua,
Guy Smith
When Christ returns, there will be two types of Christians in the kingdom.
1. Those resurrected from the dead.
2. Those that will be alive at Christ's advent.
Now, it won't matter whether you are resurrected from the dead or you are alive at Christ's advent, because the most important thing is accepting Christ's sacrifice for our salvation (and doing everything we are supposed to do as Christians).
After that however, the only thing that matters is being alive at Christ's advent, which brings me back to my original question: does it really matter?
Christ stated: Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. it must matter. Which brings me to another question: do all the prophetic scriptures provide information on how to escape and be alive at Christ's advent? The following is a short incomplete list of some of the subjects (which are designed to derail you from the purpose of prophecy) that do not provide instructions on how to escape:
1. The pretrib-posttrib-preterist debate.
2. Who/what is the bride?
3. Who is the AC?
4. What is Babylon?
5. Etc...
Let's say that you have these subjects figured out, that you have all the correct answers. Does it really matter? Does the answers to these questions provide you with information on being alive at Christ's advent? The truth is concerning these subjects; it really doesn't matter.
In Yehoshua,
Guy Smith