And I highly doubt that no feathered mammals or insects with bones poses any problem for creationists
(they all can see there is no such thing....
Barbarian observes:
It's completely inexplicable for them. They talk about a "common designer", but cannot explain why the "designer" couldn't use those things for other kinds of living things. Evolutionary theory makes it clear why things are so.
“These things” (feathered mammals and insects with bones are just as inexplicable for Darwinians (that was my point)….
I don't see how you can avoid the fact that evolutionary theory explains them. Nor can you avoid the fact that they are a mystery for creationism. It's no surprise to scientists that feathers aren't found on mammals. It's a fact that they were first evolved on archosaurs, and since birds are evolved from archosaurs, it's no mystery to science why birds have feathers. And since mammals are not evolved from archsaurs, it's no mystery to science why mammals don't have feathers.
He used and did what He intended for each. Mammals are not meant to have feathers and insects were not intended to have bones.
A shrug and "God just did it that way." But scientists know how He did it that way.
Because they have no way of doing it. (explaining why God DOES NOT do these things)
Neither can Darwinians explain why God does not do these things.
I just showed you how scientists know why mammals don't have feathers.
Also these things would be a problem for Darwinian advocates as well….
Barbarian chuckles:
Yep. In fact Darwin's theory explains the discovery, and predicts transitionals where none were known to exist. And later they were found. The modern synthesis with genetics predicted genetic data would confirm the discovery, and did.
No feathered mammals, no insects with bones, etc. This is an insoluble problem for creationism, but is a prediction of evolution.
Can Darwinians really explain mammals with feathers or insects with bones?
As I showed you, scientists can explain why mammals don't have feathers and insects don't have bones. This is an impenetrable mystery for creationists, who can only shrug and say that God must have done it that way.
Really? Please have at it….
I just did. You see, feathers evolved in a group of reptiles, and since birds evolved from those reptiles, it's no surprise that they have feathers. Likewise, mammals did not evolve from that group, so there's no surprise that they don't have feathers. It turns out that archosaur genes for scute scales are merely a variation on the genes for feathers.
Barbarian observes:
point is, evolutionary theory shows how He did it.
Well it certainly is plausible he use some aspects of evolution (depending on one’s definition) but certainly nothing proves he made men out of monkeys
That's a creationist story, that has no basis in fact. Humans evolved from apes, not monkeys.
or birds out of reptiles…
The evidence is overwhelming. In the 1800s, on basic anatomical data, Huxley predicted the evolution of birds would be from dinosaurs. A bit later, the first transitional was found, confirming his prediction. Later, we learned that dinosaurs had feathers, the avian respiratory system, endothermy, scutes, and many other features of modern birds. When a T-rex bone was found to have retained a bit of heme (fraction of the hemoglobin molecule) tests showed it to be more like that of birds than of other reptiles. Which is exactly what Huxley's prediction would require.
So not much point in denying it any longer. Alan Feduccia, an ornithologist, has argued that birds and dinosaurs have a common thecodont ancestor, based on the differences in the digits of the hands of each of them. However, evo-devo has shown that birds do have the same digits as dinosaurs after all.
or that living things rose out of dead matter.
Sorry, that's not part of evolutionary theory. Darwin, for example, just supposed that God created the first organisms.
Barbarian observes:
But creationists are unable to understand the difference between homology and analogy, and so it's a mystery to them.
You, for example, conflated the two.
and it is not a mystery that God would use similar form and function features in various living things.
That is analogy, not homology. See what I mean?
Homology is not proof of anything.
It is powerful evidence for evolution. I'll show you in a moment...
I have a face and a fish has a face
Indeed. You have the same bones, but used for different purposes. The hyomandibular bone in fish is to strengthen the skull between the operculum (gill cover) and the braincase. The same bone, determined by the same genes, is the stapes of tetrapods. Homology. Same structure, different function.
On the other hand, sound in fish is handled by the lateral line system. Within that system are hairs remarkably like those of the cochlea of tetrapods, but derived from different tissues entirely.
This is analogy. Same function, similar structure.
Barbarian, regarding DNA:
As you know, we still use it today to find the descent of living things. Even the few variations in the code sort out according to common ancestry. And this too, is an inexplicable mystery to creationists.
Sorry, it is exactly an inexplicable mystery. All we get is a shrug and "God did it."
They simply do not accept the notion nor do the scientifically minded interpret the phenomena of shared structures within the DNA or shared functions as necessitating common descent (that’s the spin that fits the idea).
You've been misled on that. In fact, we still check descent in humans that way. And we can check the validity of such tests by doing them on organisms of known descent. No point in denying it.
Barbarian regarding another mystery to creationists:
Why should whales have genes closely allied to hoofed mammals, and seals have genes closely allied to dogs and bears?
Because for whales to be whales this was what they needed along with the rest of THEIR genes, and for bears to be bears these are what they needed along with THEIR other genes. Same with seals….
Another shrug and "God did it." But the discovery of a host of transitionals shows that whales are descended from hoofed mammals, and genetic analysis has since confirmed the fact.
There is ABSOLUTELY not one iota of PROOF that aquatic creatures ever became bears
You've gotten it mixed up. The ancestors of bears and dogs also gave rise to pinnepeds. Bears themselves only recently became marine creatures. (polar bears) And they are only partially adapted to a marine environment. And of course, no carnivore gave rise to whales. Genetic, anatomical, and fossil evidence shows the origin of whales from hoofed mammals.
Barbarian observes:
Because "creationist" has become the term for those who reject science, I'll stay with "Christian."
Well I certainly do not reject science
You've rejected genetics, biochemistry, and a host of other sciences.