October 15, 2006
Submitted from our Friends in Eastern Europe
Forwarded by Global Harvest Ministries
Each of you can continue to help us in the following ways:
Send information to Roger Bullard (rwbullard@fastmail.us) who will take your updates and put them together so that we can compile them.
Send the prayer focus to others who you know will intercede, and encourage them to sign up for themselves.
Give us grace if we make a mistake and pray for us as we seek to see changes in these nations.
Pray for us to "connect" with many other intercessors so that our intercession will expand.
Finally, thank you for sending information regarding the prayer issues your nation faces that affect religious freedom, mission opportunities and social issues that would affect the Body of Christ.
In August the prayer point: pray that new regulations that come into force on September 1st concerning Christian worship and mission will not be interpreted harshly – appears to be an error, at least for Albania. Our apologies. This month please pray
· For the Christians that are in leadership positions in Government etc. that God would protect them, give them wisdom and help them to rule righteously and with justice.
· For a spiritual breakthrough so that the seed sown will fall on fertile ground and that the spirits of stupor, lethargy and others will be bound up in Jesus' Name.
· For revival. We have never had a national revival and this is desperately needed in Albania. We want to see people by the 1000's come from the north, the south, the east and the west to Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
· Thank God for the freedom enjoyed by missionary groups operating in Albania in recent years. Pray that such trips continue to bear much good fruit with many more people coming to know Christ.
· Pray for good relationships and a sense of unity between the religious groups in Albania. Pray that evangelism by missionary groups would be conducted sensitively, that it would be a positive influence in this regard, and that there would not be a perceived threat to local customs and traditions.
· Pray for displaced Albanians (almost half live outside Albania) that they may hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that Christian churches would be established in these
Bosnia: Please pray
· Regarding spiritual warfare in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the souls of those living there. Though not experiencing physical war conditions this is a huge battle raging.
· That those receiving the Bible in their native tongue that has been distributed, will read it and open their hearts to the gospel. May the hope of the Gospel reach each individual of all ethnic groups (Bosnian, Croat, Serb, and Roma).
· That new Bible studies would emerge and grow to become self-sustaining and multiplying churches. Pray that these would lead to an unstoppable church-planting movement that would reach every people group in Bosnia.
· That ethnic discord, poverty and alcoholism among other barriers would be broken down. That the people would find peace through a personal relationship with Christ.
· For strength and encouragement for the believers in Bosnia; pray that their hearts would go out to the lost and they would be bold in their witness.
Bulgaria: Please pray
· For the presidential elections we have on October 22, 2006. There are several opponents and we want the Bulgarians to make the right choice for the peace and the future of the country.
· As there is still a war for democratic rights in our country. Pray for the freedom of the word here to be real, to break the spirit of control in the media which doesn't allow the truth to be spoken.
· For changes in the judicial system that will make it effective. There is a real war against the corruption in high places and the rampant crime and killings in Bulgaria.
· Against the spirit of divorce and abortion. Bulgaria is among the leading places of abortion in Europe, although it is a small country. Let the spirit of Elijah heal the families; turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
· That Christians in Bulgaria will be bold in their witness – that new multiplying churches will increase this witness to the point that a church-planting movement emerges spreading wide the Gospel.
· About Bulgaria and the EU. Rather than social and economic requirements for joining, their true need is spiritual. The general spiritual condition of Bulgaria is disheartening. Pray that eternal reforms take place in the hearts of the Bulgarian people which brings eternal membership into God's family.
· Regarding the case of a young Roma girl that was maliciously beaten to death recently, apparently for petty theft. Intercessors, please pray for God's deliverance.
Croatia: Please pray
· For fruits from a camp held near Zagreb for elementary school children. Children that attended were from three main ethnic groups: Serbs, Muslims and Croats. For some children that was the first time to live and play with children from other ethnicity. They have learned how to overcome hatred and intolerance by the love of Jesus.
· For the many Croatians that say they are Christians, but have no idea what it really means. May God open their hearts to a personal relationship with Christ and turn from their own ways and walk in the ways He has prepared for them.
· May each of them take time to read the Bible and search for the truth and knowledge of the plans and purposes that God has for them.
· For physical and spiritual needs to be met and a peace that passes understanding to fall on the hearts and minds of the people of Croatia.
· That God would move through His people, strengthening them and using them to make His name known throughout the peoples of Croatia.
· That the ministries of Christian workers and volunteers would spread freely and make the name of Christ personally known to the people of Croatia.
· For the refugees to turn to God and let Him be their shelter and for peaceful reconciliation to come between the different ethnic groups.
· Kosova has seen war and devastation for the past five centuries. Many of the people have never known what peace is like. Pray for a peace that passes understanding to descend on the hearts of the people of Kosova.
· Please pray for the Kosovar population, most ethnically Albanian and Muslim in faith. They were at the center of war and human rights atrocities during the 1990s. May this war torn people find Jesus as the only true source of hope and lasting peace.
· Religion, perhaps even more than ethnicity or independence, has become a source of hatred and a reason for violence. Pray that the people would see that religion is not enough, and that true faith only comes through a personal relationship with Christ.
· Pray for the Kosovar Serbs, surrounded by the 90% Albanian population. Life is very dangerous for them. May the message of Christ minister to them.
· Pray for believers in Kosovo to bridge the gap through the love of Christ. Pray that they would have the opportunity to share His love with all they come in contact with, whether Albanian, Serb, Roma (Gypsy) or a person of any other people group.
· Praise God, Members of the Kosova Protestant Evangelical Church (KPEC) are celebrating the unexpected decision to name the Evangelical Church as an official religious community in a new law on religious freedom, which has just been passed.
Macedonia: Please pray
· For the strategic distribution to key church leaders in Albania and Kosova of the book ¡ÈUnity in the Spirit¡É that has been printed in the Albanian language! Pray that people would pick up this book and it would speak deeply into their spirit.
· For unity among believers over the region. The Apostle Paul appealed for believers ¡Èto conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel AND that they stand in ONE spirit, contending as ONE man for the faith of the Gospel!
Montenegro: Please pray
· Regarding instability still existing in Montenegro. Some people lack even the necessities of food and shelter. Pray that along with meeting these physical needs there will be a pronounced change in spiritual desire.
· That the entire population of Montenegro would be told of the Gospel and that they would be receptive to the movement of the Spirit in their lives.
· For the refugees that have been forced from their homes and come to Montenegro seeking safety. Pray that Christ would reveal Himself as their rock and their shelter.
· That the believers in Montenegro would be bold in their witness to the lost in their neighborhoods and throughout their country.
· For church-planting efforts being made throughout Montenegro. Pray that new Bible studies would be started that would grow into multiplying churches.
Serbia: Please pray
· For the people's hearts to be softened and that evangelical churches and ministries would not be seen as a threat to ethnic identity. Pray that God's Word would penetrate people's hearts so that they could experience true salvation.
· For boldness among national believers in Serbia. Pray that they would bring hope to their families, friends, and neighbors by sharing the Good News with them.
· For the healing of ethnic divisions in Serbia. Pray that the people would find Christ and see themselves as the family of God rather than focusing on their differences.
· That new Bible studies would be started and that new churches would be planted. Pray that churches would multiply throughout Serbia.
Estonia: Please pray
· For the 75 percent of the Estonian population calling themselves non-religious – that they seek for their true identity in Christ more than through cultural affiliation.
· For the active strengtheing strategic prayer movement in Tallinn and all Estonia.
· And thank God for a new step of unity among leaders of the churches in Estonia. May they be continually strengthened and empowered by the Spirit for excellence.
· And praise Him for the Estonian Christians and churches that are actively spreading the Gospel of Christ and working to expand His Kingdom.
· Remembering the Russian-speaking ministries have met with success in many cities.
· For the development of the dialogue among leaders of Church and Goverment and Key people in Estonia.
· For wisdom from God and Fear of God for our new president and all people around him.
Latvia: Please pray
· The Latvian elections took place and basically there were no major changes... One positive aspect of this is that it is a sign of stability and hopefully some positive things can be accomplished. Pray for the specifics of the new government as specific people are being placed into positions.
· That Christians would understand their call to be salt and light in every part of society, and that there would be a continuing and growing influence in each part of society, especially where darkness reigns.
· For breakthrough amongst youth, who are becoming increasingly absorbed in hedonistic, materialistic lifestyles. For Christian youth to be passionate and uncompromising in their faith, especially regarding morality and purity in relationships.
· That effective ministries to the poor, abused, depressed and addictive would be raised up.
· Against the sex tourism and party image that has increased in Riga...
· For the Russian-speaking ministries that are reaching out to the Russian minority.
Lithuania: Please pray
· Praising God! Some of the children in Lithuania's orphanages are coming to a saving knowledge of him! We'd asked you to pray for them over summer...so consider this a glimpse of God's answer!
· For God's protection of His work in the mostly Government-owned and run orphanages. It seems as God steps up His work; satan increases his opposition and attack.
· For workers for the harvest field. Several churches and other ministries have people hungry for God, but not enough workers to do the work. This request isn't isolated to Lithuania; pray God sends those He wants here - and that they can obey his call.
· That the majority denomination in Lithuania uses its God-given position in Godly ways, for Godly ends. Pray against the misuse of power and for the denomination to share the work of God's kingdom with others in the body of Christ.
· For people who are culturally of this denomination but don't go to church, that they would come to know Jesus - in whatever way God chooses.
· For the Sielos (Souls) contemporary Christian music festival in Mariampole on November 11. Pray that God brings everyone he wants; people come to know Jesus; people would worship in a new way; the bands are organized; pray God blesses all the organization - and provides for all the needs.
Czech Republic: Please pray
· For a new government in the Czech Republic. The June elections were deadlocked in a tie and ¡Èwe still do not have the new government¡É. It cannot be ruled out that the Social Democrats would make a coalition with Communists and lead the country. The best would be to have preliminary elections as soon as possibly, but Social Democrats are blocking them in the moment.
· For No Boundaries Church outreaches in Hradec Kralove and a new church site they are opening in the neighboring city of Pardubice. We are also changing the name of our church to make it easier to reach a growing crowd of English speaking people in our community and for it to multiply to other locations.
· For new zeal and excitement for Jesus among the church leaders in general. Pray also for the training with John Maxwell¡ÂÂs EQUIP, where 120 Czech pastors are involved from many denominations. May precious relationships be made among them and unity becomes the precious fruit.
· With intercessors that met together recently on Snezka, the highest mountain in Czech Republic. Their prayers and worship were for love and blessings of Almighty God to flow over the nation and to other nations. Their resolve before God was to press on that His Kingdom come in power and glory.
· That the people would reclaim their Christian heritage and put their hope in God's saving grace. Pray for a spiritual renewal that the people will turn to God to fill the void in their lives – that there would truly be hope for every heart.
Hungary: Please pray
· Regarding recent news; ¡Èwe are having a hard period in the Hungarian political life now.¡É Pray that in judgment God would remember mercy and that His righteousness and peace would reign at this time. This government exposed is anti-Christian.
· Pray for all of Hungary during this governmental shake down, that all Christians can cry out to Jesus for His changes to be released. May they unite and pray in one accord.
· Also, for the 23 October celebration of the 50th anniversary of the revolution that defeated Communist rule. Pray for Christian unity and leadership in this.
· For apostolic leaders to be raised up that will receive guidance from God for His plans and purposes for the Church of Hungary in these difficult times. Especially ask that He direct the Church in how to pray.
· For Hungarians in general to be driven towards God, not blaspheming Him but humbling themselves, so that God could restore us. May every hidden thing come to the light and God cleanse public life in Hungary.
· For the first weekend of November when Eileen Vincent, will minister in Szekesfehervar, Hungary with the title "God's warriors". It will be a continuation of the teaching by her husband Alan in May on The Role of Women in the Kingdom.
· For physical stamina and anointing on Eileen to speak God¡Çs words and minister prophetically. Pray for the audience, especially leaders, to have hearing spiritual ears and understand what the Spirit is saying to the Hungarian church on the matter.
· That Hungarian pastors and leaders will be interested and receptive because they can make needed changes in their sphere of influence.
· For the mid-November ministry of Franz Lippi in Budapest at the invitation of the Pastors' Circle of the 14th District. We don't know the topic yet, but pray: for many people to be interested and attend, especially leaders; for hearing spiritual ears again that the words would fall on fertile ground and bear fruit for revival.
· For the relationships between pastors, church leaders, missionaries and other various workers in the Kingdom of God business to love and appreciate each other's contribution in His family interests. Pray that the little trivial issues will be forgiven and forgotten so together we can see His purposes advanced.
· About a possible upcoming youth retreat that will unite and equip the many young people to arise above the religious boundaries and advance to a new level of maturity and service with more of a team mentality. We are hoping to bring youth leaders from different cities and neighboring countries together to challenge the youth.
Poland: Please pray
· For the people's hearts that have become hardened to the message of the Gospel as they have largely turned to the traditions of the Church.
· For the missionaries in Poland that are seeing God moving especially among the disillusioned youth of the country. They are searching for more fulfilling answers in their lives that can only be provided through personal relationship to Jesus Christ.
· Praising God that regardless of the barriers in the hearts of many Poles, the churches in the country are continuing to spread and grow and hope is spreading through the lives of the people.
· That the people would seek a personal relationship with Christ rather than a religious experience. Pray that the Spirit would work in their lives, bringing them to a saving knowledge of Christ.
· For the wisdom and grace of God to fill the missionaries in Poland as they minister to the lost people of the land.
· For the many youth and student ministries that have begun in Poland. Pray that they will continue to grow and bring hope to the young people in the country.
Romania: Please pray
· For the Church of Romania, that each believer would come closer to God, during these times of strain – pray that they would live a life of worship, giving glory to God, having faith in Him, and living according to His standards, without compromise.
· For an increase of prayer in the life of the Church – for boldness in prayer and speaking words of life.
· For Church leaders – support from their flock, their protection, wisdom, discernment, guidance, patience and joy in the ministry.
· For the youth of Romania, especially children and youth from churches – for protection, for a spiritual growth, for holiness and guidance from the Holy Spirit in their relationship about marriage.
For their parents and spiritual leaders – that they would help them and watch upon them with love, patience and prayer.
For those who do not know the Lord, that God would search their hearts and protect them from any demonic assault and bring mighty revival among them.
That the Church would find new ways to present the Gospel to the youth.
· Against idolatry in all forms – the cults, Muslims celebrating Ramadan this month, pray that they all be set free. May the laws of cults and minorities be scriptural.
· For revitalization in the agriculture of Romania, that it again would become the bread-basket of Europe as it was before WWII. Pray for God's blessing and restoration upon the fruits of the land.
· That the Lord would break the spirit of poverty that is over the land, and that He would heal the nation. May it become the spiritual bread-basket of Europe and step into God's calling, becoming a nation that sends missionaries, exporting revival.
· That God would equip and raise more and more Christians in places of influence – government, parliament, legislation, finances – like Joseph or Esther.
· That corruption would be eliminated in every area and for territorial integrity and stability. May hidden structures of power that threaten national security cease.
· That Christian principles will penetrate the business arena so that more businessmen would know God and that His blessing would come over the nation.
· For economic development – especially in areas of creativity. Pray for new jobs and advantageous laws for youth, for them to be stable in the country and not leave it.
· For the churches of Bucharest, that they be able to acquire their own buildings and resources. Many Churches are in rented places and not known in communities.
· For unity in Bucharest between Pastors and leaders of different denominations. May the power of God flow in each ministry. Pray for all the ministers, that the Holy Ghost guide and protect their ministry.
· For a ministry being launched in Romania named Linden Tree Sanctuary. Pray for anointing over the leadership and for them to clearly hear God¡Çs voice in every way.
· For Corpus Christi (http://www.corpuschristi.ro) and their healing and counseling center in Oradea. They ask for leaders with a heart for the Father and for a better understanding between churches, denominations and leaders.
· For orphanages and children's homes across Romania. Stop the violence that some of them face daily. Pray for the leadership and inhabitants as they face difficult and dangerous situations. Ask God to supply their needs – wood for the winter, facilities repair, appliances repair, and clothing. Many of them are desperate for help.
· For the upcoming Romanian Modular School II in early November. That the Ellel team will cover all of their expenses through those that attend. Pray for traveling mercies and for the team to be in good health until, during and after the school.
· Pray for the church visit in Oradea on the morning of 5 November.
Slovakia: Please pray
· For the purging of a corrupt political system and a government based on truth be established.
· For the jury system: Presently there is one jury system for "special people" and another for regular people; the system needs to be changed so all are judged equally.
· Regarding rising Nationalism: Some minority groups are targets of nationalism; especially now among the Hungarian population and the Gypsies.
· For the Church to mature and be unified for God's kingdom to advance in this nation.
· For a greatly needed new evangelism thrust, especially among the youth.
· For the continuing struggle in the economy of Eastern Slovakia. Pensions do not cover rising prices of basic living essentials. Unemployment reaches as high as 20 to 30% in some areas. Pray that they will depend on God in difficult circumstances.
Slovenia: Please pray
· Regarding several inter-denominational events taking place in Slovenia that the Lord could really use to bring believers together in relationship: pray
That the seeds God planted in the lives of those attending the Festival of Worship on October 14 will be well watered and produce much fruit.
For the Women¡Çs Seminar on 21 October that many churches will participate and wonderful unity will grow among all the women attending.
For the homiletics seminar also on 21 October, that God's plans and purposes will be caught from the living Word being taught.
For the youth conference on 10-11November. May the Holy Spirit draw many youth all across Slovenia to this conference
· For the New Hope Band outreach touring Slovenia with 10 concerts 20-29 October with a special Reformation Day concert on 31 October in the Slovene language. Pray
For news about the concert to get around,
For the Lord to draw and prepare the hearts of the people to come,
For His grace and leading in organizing the concert, and
For Jesus¡Ç name to be glorified on the night of the concert.
· Also for 3 Worship Workshops – Oct. 21st in Celje and one each in Ljubljana and Novo Mesto on October 28th. The focus is not only worship, but a practical workshop on how to use drama and music for evangelism. Pray for the host churches to be hospital hosts and that the Lord would anoint the workshop for all those attending.
· Continuing for two book projects underway -- The Man that God Uses and Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith. Pray for Slovenian translator Marko Spindler as he accomplishes this sizable translation project.
Armenia: Please pray
· That the people of Armenia would remember the personal Savior of their forefathers dating back to 303 A.D. when this nation became the first official Christian state. May they realize that Jesus is the only way, truth and life and return to Him.
· That as the people pass by the Christian architectural structures scattered throughout their country, they would be prompted to open their hearts and seek a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior that inspired their construction.
· For the growth and multiplication of churches. Pray that God would begin a church-planting movement that would spread throughout Armenia and even beyond its borders to the many Armenians that live abroad.
· That the Armenian believers would be empowered to tell those around them of the completeness they have received through a personal relationship with Christ.
Belarus: Please pray
· For spiritual as well as physical healing for the peoples of Belarus that have experienced so much (World Wars, totalitarianism, Chernobyl, religious persecution).
· That in spite of the 2002 legislative restrictions, that new multiplying churches would be planted throughout all of the cities and villages of Belarus until a church-planting movement has taken root and blossomed.
· For the urgent situation with New Life Church's building. Please help how you can!!! This is the united appeal from pastors of the Christian churches on the behalf of Christians of Belarus¡ÄBelarusian authorities won't allow New Life church to hold services in any place, even in its lawfully acquired building¡ÄOn August 17, 2005 Minsk City Executive Committee made an illegal decision that deprived New Life the right to use its land with further forceful purchase of its building (1641 m2 for $17,000 -- $10/m2). For this kind of money one can only buy §Ñ room in one-room apartment with shared kitchen in the city of Minsk.¡É¡ÄNew Life has appealed and challenged these rulings in all courts, its Christians wrote to the President of Belarus  all to n§ result New Life church will not give up its building voluntarily, which means that by gathering its all human resources New Life' s Christians will stand for their rights alongside with other Belarusian Christians from other churches and stay inside the building day and night, if such need arises
· For New Life's Christians as tension mounts as the Minsk Executive Committee responds to a court decision to transfer church bank account money and demand building transfer. This was to be on October 8. ¡ÈThe current situation can be described by one phrase: War at our gates¡ÄHow you can help us:
§£§å praying.
§£§å informing all Christians of your country, mass media and your government if possible. (The details are too long to give here – please contact me for them at rwbullard@fastmail.us.)
Russia: Please pray
· Regarding the court ruling in favor of the Salvation Army in Moscow. The State had refused to give it legal status and branded it ¡Èa militarized organization. Praise God, the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) ruled on 5 October that the state must pay the Church compensation of 10,000 Euros. Pray this holds.
· For the spreading of God's word among Russian speaking people in New Zealand.
· For confirmation of the vision for Russian Christian Centre in New Zealand.
· For protection for two leaders' families which are under attack at the moment.
Northern Caucasus region Please pray
· For all the finances to come together for a discipleship school in Armavir in November. Only a small portion of the amount needed is in hand at present.
· For the kids that attended camps in the Chechnya region this season. Many of them came from an area where the Wahhabi (Extremist Islamic) movement is very strong. The stories of the outcome are touching – many came to Christ. Please pray for them.
· Pray for the ones that have experienced these gruesome sights following acts of violence. Pray that Jesus heal them from the damaging effects from this trauma.
· As these teams review and work towards the following things for next summer.
To purchase adjacent property & develop it into a playground.
Make needed improvements to the buildings in order to host larger groups of kids.
Have longer sessions in order to spend more time with each child.
Continue training in trauma care and learning more about Chechen culture
Siberia – Altai Republic:
The Altai Republic (capital Gorno-Altaisk) having an estimated population of 190,000 and 35,800 sq miles in size is located in SE Siberian Russia, bordering Mongolia on the south. It contains most of the Altai Mountains. Gold, manganese, and mercury are mined there, grain is cultivated and livestock raising and dairy farming are important. The majority of the population is Russians; the rest are Altaians (Oirots, Temuts, Shors, Tilengets, and Kumands). Altaians, numbering about 45,000, are Turkic-speaking peoples with Mongolian ancestry. Some are nomadic or semi nomadic herders and hunters, but most are now settled on farms. We received this prayer request:
· On September 16 all Protestant churches of our city had a common service in the city square. This was the first time such a service has been held there or even in the Altai Republic. ¡ÈBefore churches never had such opportunity to proclaim about themselves at such a level. They ask us to continue praying for:
Real changes in the spiritual world of the city and country.
Positive influence on the city and country officials opinion about protestant churches.
Help to build close and friendly relationship among churches and protection over each minister's family in the coming months.
Ukraine: Please pray
· For KIBC in Kiev and their ministry to internationals, especially to Chinese, Spanish, and Persian language groups. Many have prayed to receive Christ and ¡Èthe field is wide open to the many nationalities living here in unfamiliar and often lonely circumstances. They are open to friendships and hope.
· For the many from other nations – over 13,000 Iranians, 10,000 Hispanics, 12,000 Chinese, 4,000 gypsies, 25,000 homeless children, 20,000 expatriate English speakers, thousands of Jews and thousands from Islamic nations and Africa. ¡ÈFor various reasons and in unexplainable numbers they are coming in droves. Pray for KIBC that was planted a year ago to minister specifically to them.
· For the further development of a city-wide prayer strategy that will see centuries-old layers of spiritual darkness and ancient spiritual strongholds destroyed in order for the seed of the Gospel to take root and bring harvest. Prayer continues to be the most powerful missions and evangelism tool available.
· For ministry among youth and young adults through the life-giving ministries throughout Ukraine. KIBC has their Timothy Fellowship for your men and Esther Fellowship for young women. Pray for discipleship, mentoring and leadership development outreaches such as these across Ukraine will produce strong leaders.
· For the deteriorating political conditions in Ukraine. The advances made during the Orange Revolution and ensuing government have been largely wasted and diminished. The collision of ideologies and the partisanship of political sectarianism are eroding what advances were gained.¡É Current Ukrainian policy conflicts and contradictions are causing Western nations, the EU and NATO to back away and again lose interest in Ukraine's future.
· For 4-year old Pavlik diagnosed with leukemia. This is a severe blow to a family that has suffered much tragedy. Pray for healing and to break any curses placed on this family.
Throughout Central Asia, there are people groups who have never heard of God¡Çs love through Jesus Christ. As the Meskhetian (mes-KHE-tee-an) Turks, Uighurs (WEE-ghurs), Western Baluch (BAH-looch), Iranians, Aegean (uh-JEE-an) Turks, Russian-speaking Muslims, and others seek merit through alms and prayers, please ask God to reveal Himself to them.
We acknowledge Windows International Network for much of the information in this section. See (http://www.windowinternationalnetwork1040.com).
Afghanistan: Please pray
· For the democratic form of government under President Karzai that is now being threatened by a resurgence of the Taliban and Islam fundamentalist groups that have not accepted it. Afghanistan's constitution falls short of any guarantee of religious freedom for its citizens. The document declares Islam the religion of the state, with all laws required to conform to the tenets of Islamic law. The Afghan constitution reads: The State will abide by the UN charter, international treaties, international conventions that Afghanistan has signed, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At the same time, it declares that no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam. It declares apostasy a crime punishable by death.
· For Christians living under constant threat of persecution from Muslims. One Muslim convert to Christianity has already been set to go on trial for apostasy but due to international protest, was released and granted asylum in another country. Please pray
That the Taliban resurgence will be halted and peace and stability will come to the country.
For religious freedom for all minorities in Afghanistan, including Christians.
That converted Christian Believers will stand firm in their faith.
That there would be greater openness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
That Afghan Christians will be used by God to transform the nation.
This Muslim country is not open to the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many religious communities have been denied registration and religious literature is subject to compulsory prior censorship. The prime instrument of control is official registration: without which religious communities cannot operate. Although the 1992 Religion Law (amended in 1996 and 1997) does not make registration compulsory, government officials at all levels often act as though it does. Police and local authorities have raided religious communities that have chosen not to register or have tried to register but have been refused. Currently the government is preparing for changes to the Religion Law. Please pray
· Changes to Azerbaijan¡Çs Religion Law would increase freedom for Christians and those who would seek to restrict freedoms further would see no fruit in their efforts.
· For God to strengthen and encourage His Church, somehow allowing Christian Believers access to the literature they need to sustain and disciple their membership.
· For Christians working in Azerbaijan to take every opportunity to tell the precious people in this nation about Jesus Christ and live a lifestyle that reflects Him.
· For God's protection on those sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims.
Considered the most democratic society of all the states of the former Soviet Union , Kyrgyzstan is trying to move to a free market society. Some of the challenges its people face include having few resources to develop, an increase in crime, and chronic water pollution. The healthcare system has its challenges as well. There's a lack of sufficiently trained personnel, medical supplies, equipment, and adequate facilities.
Most of the Christians in Kyrgyzstan are Russian Orthodox. There is hostility towards Muslims who convert to Christianity, and tension does arise from time to time between conservative Muslims and foreign missionaries. Evangelism is restricted. An extremism law was recently adopted, however so far it has not had any negative influence. Pray
· For converts in Kyrgyzstan facing real pressure to renounce their faith in you and ask that God would give them strength in the hardships they face.
· For wise leadership for this nation that will seek the best interests of its citizens.
· For the Christian Church to be a faithful witness of Jesus Christ in ways that are appropriate for their situation.
· Ask the Lord to grow His Church in Kyrgyzstan.
· Please pray for a missionary family that has submitted more documents for their visas at the request of the immigration office, but await the visas or at least a response. They have plane tickets but no visas and the time is nearing. Please pray for a break-through!
Tajiks, the oldest surviving people group in Central Asia, have been repeatedly invaded, conquered and oppressed. After centuries of invasions, most Tajiks settled in remote, rugged mountainous areas. People are scattered with little or no infrastructure to connect them and to facilitate commerce. Economic development is further hindered by frequent natural disasters that destroy the few existing roads and bridges. Flash floods, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches are common. All these factors combine to make Tajikistan the poorest of the former Soviet republics, and one of the poorest countries in the world. Please pray
· For the Tajiks to become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. About ninety percent are Muslim, and about ten percent are "non-religious." There are only a few known believers and one known church in the entire country.
· For them to get the Word of God. The Bible is available in Tajik (Cyrillic script), although the wording is archaic and difficult to understand. The New Testament is available in Arabic script, and the Jesus Film has been broadcast in Tajik on national television.
· For more long-term Christian workers to settle in Tajikistan and bring the gospel there. Pray for anointed Christian leadership to develop among the Tajiks. Pray for one more invasion of Tajikistan: that the Holy Spirit would conquer their hearts and that they would surrender to the lordship of Jesus.
· Pray that much-needed leaders will be trained and discipled as the Christian Church is growing in the midst of persecution. Open sharing of the gospel can be dangerous as one missionary last year was severely beaten for preaching the gospel.
· Praise God for the unity found among denominations as they cooperate and work together in a mission field that ¡Èis more like a battle field¡Äpeople forget their denominational limits and differences – there is one thing that matters – we are all a family of God - serving the same Jesus!
· Pray for the human rights record of Turkmenistan, especially towards Christians. Ask God to bless all those working to expose the lack of religious freedom, and fill all persecuted Christians in that land with His mercy and His grace.
Uzbekistan is an authoritarian state with limited civil rights. Its people are from over 30 different ethnic groups and live mostly in densely-populated rural communities. In August 2004, it was estimated that in a population that was 88% Muslim, with only approximately 25,000 indigenous Christians. These Christian Believers are experiencing huge revival. Before 1991-1992, there were only a handful of indigenous Christians. There is now no city in Uzbekistan that does not have its own indigenous congregation.
However conditions for Christians have not been made any easier. ¡ÈInstead of catching terrorists, the authorities are persecuting Christians.¡É General discrimination of indigenous Christians is common. Those who share their beliefs outside their place of worship face large fines and jail sentences and if caught with Christian literature – often five to eight years. Please pray
· For Christians, who are often arrested on false charges and kept in prison for days. Ask that justice would be done and seen to be done in Uzbekistan.
· Regarding the VOM report of two leaders from Bethany Church that were deported. They were stripped of Uzbek citizenship and deported for practicing their Christian faith. They are now living under very poor conditions in Moscow, Russia.
· For the 27 Christians arrested on August 28th, in the city of Termez in Southern Uzbekistan, for their involvement in illegal religious activities. Six of the believers were severely beaten by police and then held up to six days in jail until the marks left from the torture disappeared from their bodies.
· For the Lord to quickly heal the bodies, minds and spirits of those who were beaten so severely. Pray the refugees will be encouraged and strengthened by the help they receive from their brothers and sisters in Christ.
· That God will move in power to protect Christians in Uzbekistan from any more abuse from the authorities.
· For believers who are persecuted by their own families, often experiencing intimidation, poverty, and being denied burial in the family tomb.
· That the Lord would enable these believers to remain steadfast and that He would soften the hearts of those family members who take part in such persecution.
· And thank God that the Uzbek Church continues to grow and ask that Christians would continue to be unashamed of the Gospel, that they would be strong in Spirit and would continue to lead lives that are a spiritual sacrifice to the Lord.
October 15, 2006
Submitted from our Friends in Eastern Europe
Forwarded by Global Harvest Ministries
Each of you can continue to help us in the following ways:
Send information to Roger Bullard (rwbullard@fastmail.us) who will take your updates and put them together so that we can compile them.
Send the prayer focus to others who you know will intercede, and encourage them to sign up for themselves.
Give us grace if we make a mistake and pray for us as we seek to see changes in these nations.
Pray for us to "connect" with many other intercessors so that our intercession will expand.
Finally, thank you for sending information regarding the prayer issues your nation faces that affect religious freedom, mission opportunities and social issues that would affect the Body of Christ.
In August the prayer point: pray that new regulations that come into force on September 1st concerning Christian worship and mission will not be interpreted harshly – appears to be an error, at least for Albania. Our apologies. This month please pray
· For the Christians that are in leadership positions in Government etc. that God would protect them, give them wisdom and help them to rule righteously and with justice.
· For a spiritual breakthrough so that the seed sown will fall on fertile ground and that the spirits of stupor, lethargy and others will be bound up in Jesus' Name.
· For revival. We have never had a national revival and this is desperately needed in Albania. We want to see people by the 1000's come from the north, the south, the east and the west to Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.
· Thank God for the freedom enjoyed by missionary groups operating in Albania in recent years. Pray that such trips continue to bear much good fruit with many more people coming to know Christ.
· Pray for good relationships and a sense of unity between the religious groups in Albania. Pray that evangelism by missionary groups would be conducted sensitively, that it would be a positive influence in this regard, and that there would not be a perceived threat to local customs and traditions.
· Pray for displaced Albanians (almost half live outside Albania) that they may hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that Christian churches would be established in these
Bosnia: Please pray
· Regarding spiritual warfare in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the souls of those living there. Though not experiencing physical war conditions this is a huge battle raging.
· That those receiving the Bible in their native tongue that has been distributed, will read it and open their hearts to the gospel. May the hope of the Gospel reach each individual of all ethnic groups (Bosnian, Croat, Serb, and Roma).
· That new Bible studies would emerge and grow to become self-sustaining and multiplying churches. Pray that these would lead to an unstoppable church-planting movement that would reach every people group in Bosnia.
· That ethnic discord, poverty and alcoholism among other barriers would be broken down. That the people would find peace through a personal relationship with Christ.
· For strength and encouragement for the believers in Bosnia; pray that their hearts would go out to the lost and they would be bold in their witness.
Bulgaria: Please pray
· For the presidential elections we have on October 22, 2006. There are several opponents and we want the Bulgarians to make the right choice for the peace and the future of the country.
· As there is still a war for democratic rights in our country. Pray for the freedom of the word here to be real, to break the spirit of control in the media which doesn't allow the truth to be spoken.
· For changes in the judicial system that will make it effective. There is a real war against the corruption in high places and the rampant crime and killings in Bulgaria.
· Against the spirit of divorce and abortion. Bulgaria is among the leading places of abortion in Europe, although it is a small country. Let the spirit of Elijah heal the families; turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
· That Christians in Bulgaria will be bold in their witness – that new multiplying churches will increase this witness to the point that a church-planting movement emerges spreading wide the Gospel.
· About Bulgaria and the EU. Rather than social and economic requirements for joining, their true need is spiritual. The general spiritual condition of Bulgaria is disheartening. Pray that eternal reforms take place in the hearts of the Bulgarian people which brings eternal membership into God's family.
· Regarding the case of a young Roma girl that was maliciously beaten to death recently, apparently for petty theft. Intercessors, please pray for God's deliverance.
Croatia: Please pray
· For fruits from a camp held near Zagreb for elementary school children. Children that attended were from three main ethnic groups: Serbs, Muslims and Croats. For some children that was the first time to live and play with children from other ethnicity. They have learned how to overcome hatred and intolerance by the love of Jesus.
· For the many Croatians that say they are Christians, but have no idea what it really means. May God open their hearts to a personal relationship with Christ and turn from their own ways and walk in the ways He has prepared for them.
· May each of them take time to read the Bible and search for the truth and knowledge of the plans and purposes that God has for them.
· For physical and spiritual needs to be met and a peace that passes understanding to fall on the hearts and minds of the people of Croatia.
· That God would move through His people, strengthening them and using them to make His name known throughout the peoples of Croatia.
· That the ministries of Christian workers and volunteers would spread freely and make the name of Christ personally known to the people of Croatia.
· For the refugees to turn to God and let Him be their shelter and for peaceful reconciliation to come between the different ethnic groups.
· Kosova has seen war and devastation for the past five centuries. Many of the people have never known what peace is like. Pray for a peace that passes understanding to descend on the hearts of the people of Kosova.
· Please pray for the Kosovar population, most ethnically Albanian and Muslim in faith. They were at the center of war and human rights atrocities during the 1990s. May this war torn people find Jesus as the only true source of hope and lasting peace.
· Religion, perhaps even more than ethnicity or independence, has become a source of hatred and a reason for violence. Pray that the people would see that religion is not enough, and that true faith only comes through a personal relationship with Christ.
· Pray for the Kosovar Serbs, surrounded by the 90% Albanian population. Life is very dangerous for them. May the message of Christ minister to them.
· Pray for believers in Kosovo to bridge the gap through the love of Christ. Pray that they would have the opportunity to share His love with all they come in contact with, whether Albanian, Serb, Roma (Gypsy) or a person of any other people group.
· Praise God, Members of the Kosova Protestant Evangelical Church (KPEC) are celebrating the unexpected decision to name the Evangelical Church as an official religious community in a new law on religious freedom, which has just been passed.
Macedonia: Please pray
· For the strategic distribution to key church leaders in Albania and Kosova of the book ¡ÈUnity in the Spirit¡É that has been printed in the Albanian language! Pray that people would pick up this book and it would speak deeply into their spirit.
· For unity among believers over the region. The Apostle Paul appealed for believers ¡Èto conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel AND that they stand in ONE spirit, contending as ONE man for the faith of the Gospel!
Montenegro: Please pray
· Regarding instability still existing in Montenegro. Some people lack even the necessities of food and shelter. Pray that along with meeting these physical needs there will be a pronounced change in spiritual desire.
· That the entire population of Montenegro would be told of the Gospel and that they would be receptive to the movement of the Spirit in their lives.
· For the refugees that have been forced from their homes and come to Montenegro seeking safety. Pray that Christ would reveal Himself as their rock and their shelter.
· That the believers in Montenegro would be bold in their witness to the lost in their neighborhoods and throughout their country.
· For church-planting efforts being made throughout Montenegro. Pray that new Bible studies would be started that would grow into multiplying churches.
Serbia: Please pray
· For the people's hearts to be softened and that evangelical churches and ministries would not be seen as a threat to ethnic identity. Pray that God's Word would penetrate people's hearts so that they could experience true salvation.
· For boldness among national believers in Serbia. Pray that they would bring hope to their families, friends, and neighbors by sharing the Good News with them.
· For the healing of ethnic divisions in Serbia. Pray that the people would find Christ and see themselves as the family of God rather than focusing on their differences.
· That new Bible studies would be started and that new churches would be planted. Pray that churches would multiply throughout Serbia.
Estonia: Please pray
· For the 75 percent of the Estonian population calling themselves non-religious – that they seek for their true identity in Christ more than through cultural affiliation.
· For the active strengtheing strategic prayer movement in Tallinn and all Estonia.
· And thank God for a new step of unity among leaders of the churches in Estonia. May they be continually strengthened and empowered by the Spirit for excellence.
· And praise Him for the Estonian Christians and churches that are actively spreading the Gospel of Christ and working to expand His Kingdom.
· Remembering the Russian-speaking ministries have met with success in many cities.
· For the development of the dialogue among leaders of Church and Goverment and Key people in Estonia.
· For wisdom from God and Fear of God for our new president and all people around him.
Latvia: Please pray
· The Latvian elections took place and basically there were no major changes... One positive aspect of this is that it is a sign of stability and hopefully some positive things can be accomplished. Pray for the specifics of the new government as specific people are being placed into positions.
· That Christians would understand their call to be salt and light in every part of society, and that there would be a continuing and growing influence in each part of society, especially where darkness reigns.
· For breakthrough amongst youth, who are becoming increasingly absorbed in hedonistic, materialistic lifestyles. For Christian youth to be passionate and uncompromising in their faith, especially regarding morality and purity in relationships.
· That effective ministries to the poor, abused, depressed and addictive would be raised up.
· Against the sex tourism and party image that has increased in Riga...
· For the Russian-speaking ministries that are reaching out to the Russian minority.
Lithuania: Please pray
· Praising God! Some of the children in Lithuania's orphanages are coming to a saving knowledge of him! We'd asked you to pray for them over summer...so consider this a glimpse of God's answer!
· For God's protection of His work in the mostly Government-owned and run orphanages. It seems as God steps up His work; satan increases his opposition and attack.
· For workers for the harvest field. Several churches and other ministries have people hungry for God, but not enough workers to do the work. This request isn't isolated to Lithuania; pray God sends those He wants here - and that they can obey his call.
· That the majority denomination in Lithuania uses its God-given position in Godly ways, for Godly ends. Pray against the misuse of power and for the denomination to share the work of God's kingdom with others in the body of Christ.
· For people who are culturally of this denomination but don't go to church, that they would come to know Jesus - in whatever way God chooses.
· For the Sielos (Souls) contemporary Christian music festival in Mariampole on November 11. Pray that God brings everyone he wants; people come to know Jesus; people would worship in a new way; the bands are organized; pray God blesses all the organization - and provides for all the needs.
Czech Republic: Please pray
· For a new government in the Czech Republic. The June elections were deadlocked in a tie and ¡Èwe still do not have the new government¡É. It cannot be ruled out that the Social Democrats would make a coalition with Communists and lead the country. The best would be to have preliminary elections as soon as possibly, but Social Democrats are blocking them in the moment.
· For No Boundaries Church outreaches in Hradec Kralove and a new church site they are opening in the neighboring city of Pardubice. We are also changing the name of our church to make it easier to reach a growing crowd of English speaking people in our community and for it to multiply to other locations.
· For new zeal and excitement for Jesus among the church leaders in general. Pray also for the training with John Maxwell¡ÂÂs EQUIP, where 120 Czech pastors are involved from many denominations. May precious relationships be made among them and unity becomes the precious fruit.
· With intercessors that met together recently on Snezka, the highest mountain in Czech Republic. Their prayers and worship were for love and blessings of Almighty God to flow over the nation and to other nations. Their resolve before God was to press on that His Kingdom come in power and glory.
· That the people would reclaim their Christian heritage and put their hope in God's saving grace. Pray for a spiritual renewal that the people will turn to God to fill the void in their lives – that there would truly be hope for every heart.
Hungary: Please pray
· Regarding recent news; ¡Èwe are having a hard period in the Hungarian political life now.¡É Pray that in judgment God would remember mercy and that His righteousness and peace would reign at this time. This government exposed is anti-Christian.
· Pray for all of Hungary during this governmental shake down, that all Christians can cry out to Jesus for His changes to be released. May they unite and pray in one accord.
· Also, for the 23 October celebration of the 50th anniversary of the revolution that defeated Communist rule. Pray for Christian unity and leadership in this.
· For apostolic leaders to be raised up that will receive guidance from God for His plans and purposes for the Church of Hungary in these difficult times. Especially ask that He direct the Church in how to pray.
· For Hungarians in general to be driven towards God, not blaspheming Him but humbling themselves, so that God could restore us. May every hidden thing come to the light and God cleanse public life in Hungary.
· For the first weekend of November when Eileen Vincent, will minister in Szekesfehervar, Hungary with the title "God's warriors". It will be a continuation of the teaching by her husband Alan in May on The Role of Women in the Kingdom.
· For physical stamina and anointing on Eileen to speak God¡Çs words and minister prophetically. Pray for the audience, especially leaders, to have hearing spiritual ears and understand what the Spirit is saying to the Hungarian church on the matter.
· That Hungarian pastors and leaders will be interested and receptive because they can make needed changes in their sphere of influence.
· For the mid-November ministry of Franz Lippi in Budapest at the invitation of the Pastors' Circle of the 14th District. We don't know the topic yet, but pray: for many people to be interested and attend, especially leaders; for hearing spiritual ears again that the words would fall on fertile ground and bear fruit for revival.
· For the relationships between pastors, church leaders, missionaries and other various workers in the Kingdom of God business to love and appreciate each other's contribution in His family interests. Pray that the little trivial issues will be forgiven and forgotten so together we can see His purposes advanced.
· About a possible upcoming youth retreat that will unite and equip the many young people to arise above the religious boundaries and advance to a new level of maturity and service with more of a team mentality. We are hoping to bring youth leaders from different cities and neighboring countries together to challenge the youth.
Poland: Please pray
· For the people's hearts that have become hardened to the message of the Gospel as they have largely turned to the traditions of the Church.
· For the missionaries in Poland that are seeing God moving especially among the disillusioned youth of the country. They are searching for more fulfilling answers in their lives that can only be provided through personal relationship to Jesus Christ.
· Praising God that regardless of the barriers in the hearts of many Poles, the churches in the country are continuing to spread and grow and hope is spreading through the lives of the people.
· That the people would seek a personal relationship with Christ rather than a religious experience. Pray that the Spirit would work in their lives, bringing them to a saving knowledge of Christ.
· For the wisdom and grace of God to fill the missionaries in Poland as they minister to the lost people of the land.
· For the many youth and student ministries that have begun in Poland. Pray that they will continue to grow and bring hope to the young people in the country.
Romania: Please pray
· For the Church of Romania, that each believer would come closer to God, during these times of strain – pray that they would live a life of worship, giving glory to God, having faith in Him, and living according to His standards, without compromise.
· For an increase of prayer in the life of the Church – for boldness in prayer and speaking words of life.
· For Church leaders – support from their flock, their protection, wisdom, discernment, guidance, patience and joy in the ministry.
· For the youth of Romania, especially children and youth from churches – for protection, for a spiritual growth, for holiness and guidance from the Holy Spirit in their relationship about marriage.
For their parents and spiritual leaders – that they would help them and watch upon them with love, patience and prayer.
For those who do not know the Lord, that God would search their hearts and protect them from any demonic assault and bring mighty revival among them.
That the Church would find new ways to present the Gospel to the youth.
· Against idolatry in all forms – the cults, Muslims celebrating Ramadan this month, pray that they all be set free. May the laws of cults and minorities be scriptural.
· For revitalization in the agriculture of Romania, that it again would become the bread-basket of Europe as it was before WWII. Pray for God's blessing and restoration upon the fruits of the land.
· That the Lord would break the spirit of poverty that is over the land, and that He would heal the nation. May it become the spiritual bread-basket of Europe and step into God's calling, becoming a nation that sends missionaries, exporting revival.
· That God would equip and raise more and more Christians in places of influence – government, parliament, legislation, finances – like Joseph or Esther.
· That corruption would be eliminated in every area and for territorial integrity and stability. May hidden structures of power that threaten national security cease.
· That Christian principles will penetrate the business arena so that more businessmen would know God and that His blessing would come over the nation.
· For economic development – especially in areas of creativity. Pray for new jobs and advantageous laws for youth, for them to be stable in the country and not leave it.
· For the churches of Bucharest, that they be able to acquire their own buildings and resources. Many Churches are in rented places and not known in communities.
· For unity in Bucharest between Pastors and leaders of different denominations. May the power of God flow in each ministry. Pray for all the ministers, that the Holy Ghost guide and protect their ministry.
· For a ministry being launched in Romania named Linden Tree Sanctuary. Pray for anointing over the leadership and for them to clearly hear God¡Çs voice in every way.
· For Corpus Christi (http://www.corpuschristi.ro) and their healing and counseling center in Oradea. They ask for leaders with a heart for the Father and for a better understanding between churches, denominations and leaders.
· For orphanages and children's homes across Romania. Stop the violence that some of them face daily. Pray for the leadership and inhabitants as they face difficult and dangerous situations. Ask God to supply their needs – wood for the winter, facilities repair, appliances repair, and clothing. Many of them are desperate for help.
· For the upcoming Romanian Modular School II in early November. That the Ellel team will cover all of their expenses through those that attend. Pray for traveling mercies and for the team to be in good health until, during and after the school.
· Pray for the church visit in Oradea on the morning of 5 November.
Slovakia: Please pray
· For the purging of a corrupt political system and a government based on truth be established.
· For the jury system: Presently there is one jury system for "special people" and another for regular people; the system needs to be changed so all are judged equally.
· Regarding rising Nationalism: Some minority groups are targets of nationalism; especially now among the Hungarian population and the Gypsies.
· For the Church to mature and be unified for God's kingdom to advance in this nation.
· For a greatly needed new evangelism thrust, especially among the youth.
· For the continuing struggle in the economy of Eastern Slovakia. Pensions do not cover rising prices of basic living essentials. Unemployment reaches as high as 20 to 30% in some areas. Pray that they will depend on God in difficult circumstances.
Slovenia: Please pray
· Regarding several inter-denominational events taking place in Slovenia that the Lord could really use to bring believers together in relationship: pray
That the seeds God planted in the lives of those attending the Festival of Worship on October 14 will be well watered and produce much fruit.
For the Women¡Çs Seminar on 21 October that many churches will participate and wonderful unity will grow among all the women attending.
For the homiletics seminar also on 21 October, that God's plans and purposes will be caught from the living Word being taught.
For the youth conference on 10-11November. May the Holy Spirit draw many youth all across Slovenia to this conference
· For the New Hope Band outreach touring Slovenia with 10 concerts 20-29 October with a special Reformation Day concert on 31 October in the Slovene language. Pray
For news about the concert to get around,
For the Lord to draw and prepare the hearts of the people to come,
For His grace and leading in organizing the concert, and
For Jesus¡Ç name to be glorified on the night of the concert.
· Also for 3 Worship Workshops – Oct. 21st in Celje and one each in Ljubljana and Novo Mesto on October 28th. The focus is not only worship, but a practical workshop on how to use drama and music for evangelism. Pray for the host churches to be hospital hosts and that the Lord would anoint the workshop for all those attending.
· Continuing for two book projects underway -- The Man that God Uses and Why Grace Changes Everything by Chuck Smith. Pray for Slovenian translator Marko Spindler as he accomplishes this sizable translation project.
Armenia: Please pray
· That the people of Armenia would remember the personal Savior of their forefathers dating back to 303 A.D. when this nation became the first official Christian state. May they realize that Jesus is the only way, truth and life and return to Him.
· That as the people pass by the Christian architectural structures scattered throughout their country, they would be prompted to open their hearts and seek a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior that inspired their construction.
· For the growth and multiplication of churches. Pray that God would begin a church-planting movement that would spread throughout Armenia and even beyond its borders to the many Armenians that live abroad.
· That the Armenian believers would be empowered to tell those around them of the completeness they have received through a personal relationship with Christ.
Belarus: Please pray
· For spiritual as well as physical healing for the peoples of Belarus that have experienced so much (World Wars, totalitarianism, Chernobyl, religious persecution).
· That in spite of the 2002 legislative restrictions, that new multiplying churches would be planted throughout all of the cities and villages of Belarus until a church-planting movement has taken root and blossomed.
· For the urgent situation with New Life Church's building. Please help how you can!!! This is the united appeal from pastors of the Christian churches on the behalf of Christians of Belarus¡ÄBelarusian authorities won't allow New Life church to hold services in any place, even in its lawfully acquired building¡ÄOn August 17, 2005 Minsk City Executive Committee made an illegal decision that deprived New Life the right to use its land with further forceful purchase of its building (1641 m2 for $17,000 -- $10/m2). For this kind of money one can only buy §Ñ room in one-room apartment with shared kitchen in the city of Minsk.¡É¡ÄNew Life has appealed and challenged these rulings in all courts, its Christians wrote to the President of Belarus  all to n§ result New Life church will not give up its building voluntarily, which means that by gathering its all human resources New Life' s Christians will stand for their rights alongside with other Belarusian Christians from other churches and stay inside the building day and night, if such need arises
· For New Life's Christians as tension mounts as the Minsk Executive Committee responds to a court decision to transfer church bank account money and demand building transfer. This was to be on October 8. ¡ÈThe current situation can be described by one phrase: War at our gates¡ÄHow you can help us:
§£§å praying.
§£§å informing all Christians of your country, mass media and your government if possible. (The details are too long to give here – please contact me for them at rwbullard@fastmail.us.)
Russia: Please pray
· Regarding the court ruling in favor of the Salvation Army in Moscow. The State had refused to give it legal status and branded it ¡Èa militarized organization. Praise God, the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) ruled on 5 October that the state must pay the Church compensation of 10,000 Euros. Pray this holds.
· For the spreading of God's word among Russian speaking people in New Zealand.
· For confirmation of the vision for Russian Christian Centre in New Zealand.
· For protection for two leaders' families which are under attack at the moment.
Northern Caucasus region Please pray
· For all the finances to come together for a discipleship school in Armavir in November. Only a small portion of the amount needed is in hand at present.
· For the kids that attended camps in the Chechnya region this season. Many of them came from an area where the Wahhabi (Extremist Islamic) movement is very strong. The stories of the outcome are touching – many came to Christ. Please pray for them.
· Pray for the ones that have experienced these gruesome sights following acts of violence. Pray that Jesus heal them from the damaging effects from this trauma.
· As these teams review and work towards the following things for next summer.
To purchase adjacent property & develop it into a playground.
Make needed improvements to the buildings in order to host larger groups of kids.
Have longer sessions in order to spend more time with each child.
Continue training in trauma care and learning more about Chechen culture
Siberia – Altai Republic:
The Altai Republic (capital Gorno-Altaisk) having an estimated population of 190,000 and 35,800 sq miles in size is located in SE Siberian Russia, bordering Mongolia on the south. It contains most of the Altai Mountains. Gold, manganese, and mercury are mined there, grain is cultivated and livestock raising and dairy farming are important. The majority of the population is Russians; the rest are Altaians (Oirots, Temuts, Shors, Tilengets, and Kumands). Altaians, numbering about 45,000, are Turkic-speaking peoples with Mongolian ancestry. Some are nomadic or semi nomadic herders and hunters, but most are now settled on farms. We received this prayer request:
· On September 16 all Protestant churches of our city had a common service in the city square. This was the first time such a service has been held there or even in the Altai Republic. ¡ÈBefore churches never had such opportunity to proclaim about themselves at such a level. They ask us to continue praying for:
Real changes in the spiritual world of the city and country.
Positive influence on the city and country officials opinion about protestant churches.
Help to build close and friendly relationship among churches and protection over each minister's family in the coming months.
Ukraine: Please pray
· For KIBC in Kiev and their ministry to internationals, especially to Chinese, Spanish, and Persian language groups. Many have prayed to receive Christ and ¡Èthe field is wide open to the many nationalities living here in unfamiliar and often lonely circumstances. They are open to friendships and hope.
· For the many from other nations – over 13,000 Iranians, 10,000 Hispanics, 12,000 Chinese, 4,000 gypsies, 25,000 homeless children, 20,000 expatriate English speakers, thousands of Jews and thousands from Islamic nations and Africa. ¡ÈFor various reasons and in unexplainable numbers they are coming in droves. Pray for KIBC that was planted a year ago to minister specifically to them.
· For the further development of a city-wide prayer strategy that will see centuries-old layers of spiritual darkness and ancient spiritual strongholds destroyed in order for the seed of the Gospel to take root and bring harvest. Prayer continues to be the most powerful missions and evangelism tool available.
· For ministry among youth and young adults through the life-giving ministries throughout Ukraine. KIBC has their Timothy Fellowship for your men and Esther Fellowship for young women. Pray for discipleship, mentoring and leadership development outreaches such as these across Ukraine will produce strong leaders.
· For the deteriorating political conditions in Ukraine. The advances made during the Orange Revolution and ensuing government have been largely wasted and diminished. The collision of ideologies and the partisanship of political sectarianism are eroding what advances were gained.¡É Current Ukrainian policy conflicts and contradictions are causing Western nations, the EU and NATO to back away and again lose interest in Ukraine's future.
· For 4-year old Pavlik diagnosed with leukemia. This is a severe blow to a family that has suffered much tragedy. Pray for healing and to break any curses placed on this family.
Throughout Central Asia, there are people groups who have never heard of God¡Çs love through Jesus Christ. As the Meskhetian (mes-KHE-tee-an) Turks, Uighurs (WEE-ghurs), Western Baluch (BAH-looch), Iranians, Aegean (uh-JEE-an) Turks, Russian-speaking Muslims, and others seek merit through alms and prayers, please ask God to reveal Himself to them.
We acknowledge Windows International Network for much of the information in this section. See (http://www.windowinternationalnetwork1040.com).
Afghanistan: Please pray
· For the democratic form of government under President Karzai that is now being threatened by a resurgence of the Taliban and Islam fundamentalist groups that have not accepted it. Afghanistan's constitution falls short of any guarantee of religious freedom for its citizens. The document declares Islam the religion of the state, with all laws required to conform to the tenets of Islamic law. The Afghan constitution reads: The State will abide by the UN charter, international treaties, international conventions that Afghanistan has signed, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At the same time, it declares that no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam. It declares apostasy a crime punishable by death.
· For Christians living under constant threat of persecution from Muslims. One Muslim convert to Christianity has already been set to go on trial for apostasy but due to international protest, was released and granted asylum in another country. Please pray
That the Taliban resurgence will be halted and peace and stability will come to the country.
For religious freedom for all minorities in Afghanistan, including Christians.
That converted Christian Believers will stand firm in their faith.
That there would be greater openness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
That Afghan Christians will be used by God to transform the nation.
This Muslim country is not open to the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many religious communities have been denied registration and religious literature is subject to compulsory prior censorship. The prime instrument of control is official registration: without which religious communities cannot operate. Although the 1992 Religion Law (amended in 1996 and 1997) does not make registration compulsory, government officials at all levels often act as though it does. Police and local authorities have raided religious communities that have chosen not to register or have tried to register but have been refused. Currently the government is preparing for changes to the Religion Law. Please pray
· Changes to Azerbaijan¡Çs Religion Law would increase freedom for Christians and those who would seek to restrict freedoms further would see no fruit in their efforts.
· For God to strengthen and encourage His Church, somehow allowing Christian Believers access to the literature they need to sustain and disciple their membership.
· For Christians working in Azerbaijan to take every opportunity to tell the precious people in this nation about Jesus Christ and live a lifestyle that reflects Him.
· For God's protection on those sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims.
Considered the most democratic society of all the states of the former Soviet Union , Kyrgyzstan is trying to move to a free market society. Some of the challenges its people face include having few resources to develop, an increase in crime, and chronic water pollution. The healthcare system has its challenges as well. There's a lack of sufficiently trained personnel, medical supplies, equipment, and adequate facilities.
Most of the Christians in Kyrgyzstan are Russian Orthodox. There is hostility towards Muslims who convert to Christianity, and tension does arise from time to time between conservative Muslims and foreign missionaries. Evangelism is restricted. An extremism law was recently adopted, however so far it has not had any negative influence. Pray
· For converts in Kyrgyzstan facing real pressure to renounce their faith in you and ask that God would give them strength in the hardships they face.
· For wise leadership for this nation that will seek the best interests of its citizens.
· For the Christian Church to be a faithful witness of Jesus Christ in ways that are appropriate for their situation.
· Ask the Lord to grow His Church in Kyrgyzstan.
· Please pray for a missionary family that has submitted more documents for their visas at the request of the immigration office, but await the visas or at least a response. They have plane tickets but no visas and the time is nearing. Please pray for a break-through!
Tajiks, the oldest surviving people group in Central Asia, have been repeatedly invaded, conquered and oppressed. After centuries of invasions, most Tajiks settled in remote, rugged mountainous areas. People are scattered with little or no infrastructure to connect them and to facilitate commerce. Economic development is further hindered by frequent natural disasters that destroy the few existing roads and bridges. Flash floods, earthquakes, landslides and avalanches are common. All these factors combine to make Tajikistan the poorest of the former Soviet republics, and one of the poorest countries in the world. Please pray
· For the Tajiks to become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. About ninety percent are Muslim, and about ten percent are "non-religious." There are only a few known believers and one known church in the entire country.
· For them to get the Word of God. The Bible is available in Tajik (Cyrillic script), although the wording is archaic and difficult to understand. The New Testament is available in Arabic script, and the Jesus Film has been broadcast in Tajik on national television.
· For more long-term Christian workers to settle in Tajikistan and bring the gospel there. Pray for anointed Christian leadership to develop among the Tajiks. Pray for one more invasion of Tajikistan: that the Holy Spirit would conquer their hearts and that they would surrender to the lordship of Jesus.
· Pray that much-needed leaders will be trained and discipled as the Christian Church is growing in the midst of persecution. Open sharing of the gospel can be dangerous as one missionary last year was severely beaten for preaching the gospel.
· Praise God for the unity found among denominations as they cooperate and work together in a mission field that ¡Èis more like a battle field¡Äpeople forget their denominational limits and differences – there is one thing that matters – we are all a family of God - serving the same Jesus!
· Pray for the human rights record of Turkmenistan, especially towards Christians. Ask God to bless all those working to expose the lack of religious freedom, and fill all persecuted Christians in that land with His mercy and His grace.
Uzbekistan is an authoritarian state with limited civil rights. Its people are from over 30 different ethnic groups and live mostly in densely-populated rural communities. In August 2004, it was estimated that in a population that was 88% Muslim, with only approximately 25,000 indigenous Christians. These Christian Believers are experiencing huge revival. Before 1991-1992, there were only a handful of indigenous Christians. There is now no city in Uzbekistan that does not have its own indigenous congregation.
However conditions for Christians have not been made any easier. ¡ÈInstead of catching terrorists, the authorities are persecuting Christians.¡É General discrimination of indigenous Christians is common. Those who share their beliefs outside their place of worship face large fines and jail sentences and if caught with Christian literature – often five to eight years. Please pray
· For Christians, who are often arrested on false charges and kept in prison for days. Ask that justice would be done and seen to be done in Uzbekistan.
· Regarding the VOM report of two leaders from Bethany Church that were deported. They were stripped of Uzbek citizenship and deported for practicing their Christian faith. They are now living under very poor conditions in Moscow, Russia.
· For the 27 Christians arrested on August 28th, in the city of Termez in Southern Uzbekistan, for their involvement in illegal religious activities. Six of the believers were severely beaten by police and then held up to six days in jail until the marks left from the torture disappeared from their bodies.
· For the Lord to quickly heal the bodies, minds and spirits of those who were beaten so severely. Pray the refugees will be encouraged and strengthened by the help they receive from their brothers and sisters in Christ.
· That God will move in power to protect Christians in Uzbekistan from any more abuse from the authorities.
· For believers who are persecuted by their own families, often experiencing intimidation, poverty, and being denied burial in the family tomb.
· That the Lord would enable these believers to remain steadfast and that He would soften the hearts of those family members who take part in such persecution.
· And thank God that the Uzbek Church continues to grow and ask that Christians would continue to be unashamed of the Gospel, that they would be strong in Spirit and would continue to lead lives that are a spiritual sacrifice to the Lord.