SAVE FOR DOCUMENTATION SITE OF ADVENTISM'S SLIMPIT! When one Teaches Rev. 18:4's Truth.. ',, Come [out of her my people], that ye [BE NOT PARTAKERS OF HER SINS] that ye [RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES].' and then we see ALL OF THIS DOCUMENTED TRITE being done and these professed leaders STILL STAYING YOKED TO THIS DENOMINATION AS PARTAKERS (of satan Rev. 3:9) claiming for you to join them, one best know that the END IS UPON THEM!! See Christs Words of Matt. 10:15 for these Luke 12:47-48 Ones! (+ 1 Peter 4:17's LAST TIME JUDGEMENT of the House of God FIRST!)
Join this?? Are they NUTS?? One thing is for sure, Christ IS NOT IN THIS GARBAGE! Josh. 7:12's last part of the verse.. '..[NEITHER WILL I BE WITH YOU ANY MORE], [EXCEPT YE DESTROY THE ACCURSED FROM AMONG YOU].' And seeing that they refuse to follow Matt. 18:17-18, they have (PAST/TENSE) gone the 'repeated' way of old Israel! Rev. 2:5
http://theirmanygods.blogspot.com/2009/ ... enism.html
Join this?? Are they NUTS?? One thing is for sure, Christ IS NOT IN THIS GARBAGE! Josh. 7:12's last part of the verse.. '..[NEITHER WILL I BE WITH YOU ANY MORE], [EXCEPT YE DESTROY THE ACCURSED FROM AMONG YOU].' And seeing that they refuse to follow Matt. 18:17-18, they have (PAST/TENSE) gone the 'repeated' way of old Israel! Rev. 2:5
http://theirmanygods.blogspot.com/2009/ ... enism.html