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End time message= the good news of the kingdom


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Matt 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations then the end will come.

So what do you know about the good news of the kingdom?
The bible is filled with many teachings on it. All true followers know those teachings because it's the message being taught in these last days. Please share some thoughts.
Matt 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations then the end will come.

So what do you know about the good news of the kingdom?
The bible is filled with many teachings on it. All true followers know those teachings because it's the message being taught in these last days. Please share some thoughts.
I like the acronym G O S P E L

Matt 24:14--This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all nations then the end will come.

So what do you know about the good news of the kingdom?
The bible is filled with many teachings on it. All true followers know those teachings because it's the message being taught in these last days. Please share some thoughts.
Hi kjw47

Yes, the good news of the kingdom is the gospel that has been preached since Jesus left us. Literally the gospel of the kingdom is what Jesus preached to Israel.

God bless,
Hi kjw47

Yes, the good news of the kingdom is the gospel that has been preached since Jesus left us. Literally the gospel of the kingdom is what Jesus preached to Israel.

God bless,
So share some good news about what that kingdom will accomplish for mankind. The OT is filled with teachings about it. Surely you know them.
So share some good news about what that kingdom will accomplish for mankind. The OT is filled with teachings about it. Surely you know them.
Hi kjw47

It won't accomplish anything for mankind as a whole. When God's kingdom comes and we are then resurrected and living in it, the wicked of the world will have been dispatched outside the gates of the city. Other than that, I just know that it will be a life of peace, provision and joy in the Lord and his God for those whose names were found written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

The good news isn't about the kingdom per se. It's about the provision that God has made that we can now enter it. That's the good news of the kingdom.

But I'm happy to look over what you got.

God bless,
Hi kjw47

It won't accomplish anything for mankind as a whole. When God's kingdom comes and we are then resurrected and living in it, the wicked of the world will have been dispatched outside the gates of the city. Other than that, I just know that it will be a life of peace, provision and joy in the Lord and his God for those whose names were found written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

The good news isn't about the kingdom per se. It's about the provision that God has made that we can now enter it. That's the good news of the kingdom.

But I'm happy to look over what you got.

God bless,
The Ot teaches-( Isaiah 33:24=Residents will never say i am sick,)) The mountains will overflow with abundance of food. Isaiah 11 shows pure harmony amongst all of Gods creatures always.) Psalm 29:11= A world at peace forever. Daniel 2:44 =no more mortal govts ever.
Jesus showed Gods kingdom will cure all infirmities. These are a few of Gods promises his kingdom rule will accomplish.= truly good news.
Hey kjw47

Yes, that's all covered by what I explained. Peace, provision, the joy of the Lord.

You want to word that as the Scriptures do as the mountains overflowing with the abundance of food, I'm good with that. You'd rather write pure harmony amongst all of God's creatures, rather than just say peace. I'm also good with that. And yes, for those with God, He and His Son will be our justice and righteousness in all things and there won't be any need for governments of men.

But yes, I'm in agreement that's what the new heaven and the earth will be like.

But the good news of the kingdom is still the gospel being spread on the earth to all mankind before that time comes.

God bless,
For those who obey.( John 15:10-14) And then endure until their end( Matt 10:22)-- Do you know anything else about the kingdom promises found in the bible?
Yes. Another good acronym is B I B L E

So what do you know about the good news of the kingdom?
The bible is filled with many teachings on it. All true followers know those teachings because it's the message being taught in these last days. Please share some thoughts.
To quote from Hamlet, with mirth in the joy of Christ's return and with dirge in the Antichrist's reign, in equal scale weighing delight and sorrow, taken into expectation.
Christ's arrival as the Savior born into the world was stated as the "good news" for those who believe and love God. Not so much for unbelievers.

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!
Christ's arrival as the Savior born into the world was stated as the "good news" for those who believe and love God. Not so much for unbelievers.

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!
Hey Randy

And it still amazes me that after such a heralding of a baby's birth, everyone seems to have forgotten about it by the time they nailed that man who grew from that child to a tree. But I also understand that some things are for God's good purposes. The people of Israel were brought up and established to slaughter the final Passover Lamb and so they would have had to have had their hearts and eyes blinded to a lot of the events that had happened in Jesus' life, to want to do that.

God bless,
The new earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever. No more satan ever. Earth transformed into an Eden( paradise) mortals back to perfection, not aging like now, never sick, never without, harmony amongst all of Gods creatures, abundance of peace forever= happiness.
Hey Randy

And it still amazes me that after such a heralding of a baby's birth, everyone seems to have forgotten about it by the time they nailed that man who grew from that child to a tree. But I also understand that some things are for God's good purposes. The people of Israel were brought up and established to slaughter the final Passover Lamb and so they would have had to have had their hearts and eyes blinded to a lot of the events that had happened in Jesus' life, to want to do that.

God bless,
Apparently not the same "they". Those religious elites and the mob they mobolized didn't represent every Jew. I refused to believe that the same crowd who heralded Jesus at the triumphant entry was the same one condemning him to death, as many pastors preached in their sermons.
I am. I shared a truth from the bible with you in my previous post pat 2:21-22--s Who do you think its speaking of? Psalm 37:29= The righteous themselves will possess the earth and reside forever upon it.
I believe all that the Father gives Jesus will go to Him and He will never drive them away as its His Fathers will to raise them up on the last day. So no-one who looks to the Son and believes in Him will remain in heaven. Their place will be on the earth and when the Son of Man comes in His glory on/with the clouds of heaven He will rule the nations with a iron scepter and dash them to pieces like pottery. And give the elect a place on His throne just as He sat down with the Father on His Fathers throne. Including the Patriarch Abraham who God made the Father of many nations will rise on that day. Jesus will gather the elect from the ends of the heavens to the ends of the earth on that last day and raise them up into a nation and everlasting Kingdom that can never be destroyed.

Furthermore after a 1000 years the City of God, the New Jerusalem, will descend on this earth and from that day forward Gods place will be on earth with man.
I believe all that the Father gives Jesus will go to Him and He will never drive them away as its His Fathers will to raise them up on the last day. So no-one who looks to the Son and believes in Him will remain in heaven. Their place will be on the earth and when the Son of Man comes in His glory on/with the clouds of heaven He will rule the nations with a iron scepter and dash them to pieces like pottery. And give the elect a place on His throne just as He sat down with the Father on His Fathers throne. Including the Patriarch Abraham who God made the Father of many nations will rise on that day. Jesus will gather the elect from the ends of the heavens to the ends of the earth on that last day and raise them up into a nation and everlasting Kingdom that can never be destroyed.

Furthermore after a 1000 years the City of God, the New Jerusalem, will descend on this earth and from that day forward Gods place will be on earth with man.
The new jerusalem= the bride of Christ. Jerusalem represents Gods rulers mortal kings( throne= back in the OT days) same with the bride they will be co rulers with Christ on thrones( Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)-- Its not an actual city.


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