God is all-powerful and all-knowing. He created you. He knit you together in your mother's womb. He knew you before you were even made. He thought of you before your parents' parents' ever even thought of them. But how can He have an individual relationship with every single person? Well, here's how I think of it...
I know every mis-stitch on every piece of clothing I make. I know where I marked certain items, and where I had difficulty sewing 2 pieces of fabric together. After making many things, you would think that some of them may be forgotten, but I assure you, all I have to do is look at an item, and I remember. This is sort of like God's relationship with each of us. He made you, so He knows all your specifications. He knows the number of hairs on you head, every breath you take, every fiber of your being. After all, He did put you together, piece by piece. His love for us is so deep, that He even cares to know what's going on with you. He spent time and dedication to make you. If you pour your heart and soul into creating something, you're not going to just toss it out, are you? You won't soon forget all the hard work that went into it? Every time I wear something that I've made, I feel a sense of pride. I love the item that I'm wearing. I recently finished a jacket. I put a ruffle around it that I simply don't like. I spent 5 hours on that ruffle, and I don't like it. I love the jacket itself, so what I'm going to do is fix it. I will take that ruffle off, and put a hem in it, so that I will love to wear it. This too is kind of like God's love. When you have a relationship with Him, and something is wrong, He'll take the time to work it out with you. He loved you enough to make you, and that love doesn't end because of a problem or two. He'll put a little more time into you to make you even better than you were before. Like my jacket!