Ephesians 6:12
Not all documentation of phenomena is scientific, but some is. psiberific.com & psifactor.tvheaven.com are related to the old tv series "PSI Factor-Chronicles of the Paranormal", which claimed to be based on true case files of the Office of Scientific Investigation & Research...................................................................................................The real OSIR has a contact address at one of the sites posted, but they aren't open to the public, and investigate internationally at the request of govs, who determine if the phenomena warrants investigating..............................................................................................There is an amateur group of investigators with the same OSIR initials that are the "Organization of Scientific Investigation & Research" at OSIRonline.org. They are not near as scientific, but do investigate paranormal phenomena..................................................................................................Ghostresearch.org & ghostpix.com are 2 of many haunted sites investigators, documenting undeniable evidence like temperature fluxuations and anomalously high EMF readings at haunted sites, besides objects moving, spontaneous fires, ghost scratches (really burns), and EVPs....................................................................Electronic Voice Phenomena is evolving better ways of filtering out sounds other than ghosts, using modulation techniques.................................................................................................At ghostpix.com are thousands of DIGITAL photos of faint floating glowing orbs, and smokelike plasm, and human ghost images, from haunted sites...................................................................Science has a rule of "energy conversion" that doesn't apply to the electro-static field of living things in the death process. I speculate the 4 inch glowing orbs are captured energy signatures of the departed, as with the "plasm" (for lack of a better term)....................................................................Other sites of interest are; paranormal.org, Bellwitchfansite.com, paranormalnews.com, Forteantimes.com, & unexplainable.net...........................................................................................Documentations of other phenomena are related, and can be Googled, such as; seances (1 Samuel 28:3-16-old KJV), possession or dispossession (1 Samuel 16:13-23 old KJV), and oracles via automatic writing/Ouija (Habakkuk 2:2, 2 Chronicles 18:19-22 old KJV).....................................................................Sand table oracles were used by various religions before Christ, and in the age of Zarathustra, thus the reference of Habakkuk 2:2. When Jesus stooped to write on the ground, he needed a wise answer fast, lest the bloodthirsty crowd stone him also for contradicting the law of Moses (John 8:6-11). He was doing a variation of sand table oracles, or "automatic writing"...................................................................................................There is much documentation of the validity of oracles, from Spurrina warning of Greeks bearing gifts (Trojan horse), to Julius Ceasar told "Beware the ides of March", to the Oracle of Delphi put to the test by Lydian king Croesus....................................................................................................Historic documentation of curse powers are also worth mentioning. The "evil eye" and defenses are famed around the Mediterranean. Deuteronomy 30:7 & 2 Samuel 16:12 KJV, and 1 Timothy 1:20, 1 Corinthians 5:5 are not all the Biblical references to curse powers. Google curses for many modern curse stories that defy scientific explanation also.....................................................................Good or evil is not the issue, but the validity of the phenomena, where science is concerned................................................................Fatima, Garabandal, and similar stories fit the definition of paranormal also, as does the story of Jeshua (Jesus). The comatose woman of Conyers Georgia at the heart of miraculous or paranormal phenomena there shows God has a problem with representatives being discredited by lies, so she was chosen, I assume..................................................................Telepathy and prophecy by dreams and visions are validated in the Bible also. But consider that info is transferred to the past from the future by whatever means or Force, for an entanglement regarding linear time, and our time/space continuum breached somehow..................................................................Science doesn't have all the answers, but the concept of a universal spirit explains alot that science won't touch. The common denominator of intelligent life lives through all life. How could Jesus command demons into swine, or God command the animals onto Noahs' ark? God is within animals also.....................................................................I post this article for the reinforcement of faith, too often under attack by those who refuse to recognize such evidences...from the twilight zone....................................................................This is too hostile an environment to testify to my personal experiences, but, I was dead 3 hours in 1971, and supernaturally kept alive through another 7 hangings, and attempts on my life with guns. (Revelations 9:6, Ephesians 6:16). Keep the faith, true Christians! God is a scientific fact, as far as I'm concerned.