One of the biggest holes in the theory of evolution is the fact that the fundamental laws of science actually work in direct opposition to the processes that would be essential for life to arise from non-living chemicals. The laws of science do not favor evolution; they are diametrically opposed to it.
Now if evolution were actually true, what would it tell us about the natural processes active in our world? First, it would tell us that organic chemicals must have the ability to spontaneously arrange themselves into the highly complex, high-energy chemical polymers that would be essential for the first living cell to operate. It would also tell us that the information systems in living organisms must have the ability to create new information where none has existed before. The first living cell would have had no information in its genetic code on how to construct a heart, or lungs, or limbs, or wings, or feathers. All of that new information would have had to appear out of nothing through random mutations in the genetic code. Without these two natural processes available to it, evolution would be impossible. So when we look at the laws of science we should find one or more fundamental laws that would make these processes possible.
But what we actually find is that one of the fundamental laws of science indicates that exactly the opposite process is active in our world. And that law is the second law of thermodynamics. The second law describes the “entropy†of any given system. The entropy of a system is a mathematical formulation that expresses how much disorder or unavailable energy is present in the system. Basically the second law states that entropy always increases in an isolated system and always tends to increase in an open system. (An open system can exchange matter and energy with its surroundings whereas an isolated system cannot.) In the real world the second law can be expressed in at least three different ways:
1) In Classical Thermodynamics the second law states that there will be an increasing unavailability of energy in the system to do useful work.
2) In Statistical Thermodynamics the law states that there will be increasing disorder, randomness or probability of the arrangement of the components of the system.
3) In Informational Thermodynamics the law states that there will be increasingly confused information or “noise†in the transmission of coded information through the system.
Each of these expressions of the second law has been shown to be mathematically equivalent to the others.
So what does this law tell us about the how our world works? It tells us that everything in our world when left to itself will tend to move toward a state where the least amount of energy is available for work, with the greatest disorder possible, and with the least amount of information present. This is exactly the opposite of what is necessary for evolution to work. Evolution requires high-energy chemical polymers to form spontaneously in order for there to be any chance of a self-replicating cell to arise from non-living chemicals and yet the second law favors the breakdown of high energy molecules into those with lower useable energy. Evolution requires the spontaneous generation of complex information systems within the first cell to hold genetic information and yet the second law favors disorder and randomness. Evolution requires the spontaneous generation of new information within the genome of the first cells that would create new tissues and new organs and yet the second law favors the breakdown of coded information into random noise. You could hardly conceive of a law that is more directly in opposition to the processes that evolutionists claim have brought about all life found on earth.
Now I’m sure that at this point there are evolutionists in this forum who are groaning while reading this post and saying to themselves, “The only reason creationists keep bringing up the second law of thermodynamics is because creationists have no concept of how the second law actually works. The second law allows for local decreases in entropy within a system as long as the overall entropy of the system continues to increase. The formation of crystals proves that ordered systems can arise spontaneously without violating the second law of thermodynamics.â€Â
Now, while it is quite true that the second law does allow for local decreases in entropy, the formation of crystals actually gives no help to the theory of evolution at all. Comparing the formation of crystals to the formation of proteins or DNA and RNA is like comparing apples to oranges. The process of forming crystals is opposite to the formation of polypeptide chains or polynucleotide chains in almost every way. Here’s a comparison of crystal formation to the formation of proteins, DNA and RNA:
Crystals – can form spontaneously given the right temperature conditions
Proteins, DNA/RNA – do not form spontaneously at any temperature
Crystals – release energy to their surroundings when forming and enter a lower energy state
Proteins, DNA/RNA – must absorb energy from their surroundings and enter a higher energy state
Crystals – entropy of the crystal decreases while the entropy of the surroundings increases resulting in an overall increase in entropy
Proteins, DNA/RNA – entropy of both the surroundings and the forming protein, DNA or RNA decreases resulting in an overall decrease in entropy
Crystals – consist of a simple, uniform, repetitive structure that is functionally inert
Proteins, DNA/RNA – consists of a non-repetitive structure that contains specified complexity. Each amino acid in a protein chain must be specified individually in order for the protein to fold into a functional molecular machine. Each nucleotide in a DNA or RNA chain must be individually specified in order for it to contain coded information. The resulting structures are highly functional.
Crystals – contain no information content aside from the simple structure of the crystal lattice
Proteins, DNA/RNA – contain a high degree of specified information
It is obvious that there is no comparison between the process of crystallization and the process of forming proteins, DNA and RNA. Crystal formation works within the second law of thermodynamics but the second law works directly against the spontaneous formation of proteins, DNA and RNA.
Now to try and demonstrate that complexity can form spontaneously, evolutionists always bring up one specific example of crystal formation and that is the formation of snowflakes. It’s true that snowflakes do form into beautiful geometric patterns but does this pattern formation consist of specified complexity? Not at all. When water vapor forms into snow crystals it takes on different geometric shapes depending on the temperature. At temperatures between 0 and 3 degrees Celsius, the snow crystals form into thin hexagonal plates. Between -3 and -5 degrees, the snow crystals form needles at the points of the hexagonal plates. And at -25 to -30 degrees, the crystal shape is a hollow prism. As the forming snowflake falls through the atmosphere it encounters varying temperatures and so a geometric pattern is built up consisting of plates, needles and hollow prisms. Since the snowflake is so small, all six branches of the crystal are affected by the same temperature conditions and so all six branches form identical patterns. So snowflake formation is based entirely on the inherent properties of water molecules and on the random temperature fluctuations that occur as the forming flake falls through the atmosphere. There is no specified complexity involved. But proteins and DNA/RNA have no inherent properties that cause them to spontaneously form polypeptide chains or polynucleotide chains. Proteins and DNA/RNA do not form spontaneously at any temperature. It can also be pointed out that, as with all crystals, snowflakes release energy to their surroundings as they form and enter a lower energy state. They result in an overall increase in entropy of the snowflake plus its surroundings. They contain no information aside from their geometric pattern and they have no functionality. These characteristics are all exactly opposite to proteins and DNA/RNA.
Another example that evolutionists frequently bring up to try and demonstrate the spontaneous generation of complexity is the formation of storms such as hurricanes. Evolutionists state that hurricanes create a swirling aggregation of thunderheads that form complex vortices of airflow that would require sophisticated equations in chaos theory to describe. But does this constitute the same specified complexity that is found in proteins and DNA/RNA. Not at all. Naturalistic processes do have the ability within open systems to form ordered arrangements of molecules, as in crystals, or to create an ordered flow of molecules, as in ocean currents or the vortices of a hurricane, but naturalistic processes have never been observed to create the non-repetitive, specified structure found in the molecular machines of proteins or the coded information of DNA and RNA. Hurricanes contain no coded information and no specified complexity. And of course hurricane generation goes in exactly the opposite thermodynamic direction to the formation of proteins and DNA/RNA. Storm systems are formed through an exothermic process – warm, moist air rises in the atmosphere and the water vapor in the air mass condenses out into clouds and releases its latent heat energy into the surrounding atmosphere. That heat energy is what drives and sustains the hurricane. Its release results in a huge increase in entropy within the storm system. You could almost think of a hurricane as a giant machine whose function is to increase the entropy and disorder of everything it comes in contact with. That is completely opposite to the endothermic process of forming proteins and DNA/RNA. Amino acids and nucleic acids must absorb energy from the surroundings in order to join into chains. The entropy and disorder of both the surroundings and the developing chemical chain must decrease in order to form proteins and DNA/RNA.
But I’m sure that at this point evolutionists will still object and say, “Creationists are completely ignoring the fact that the earth is an open system. Within an open system like the earth the second law of thermodynamics can be locally overcome because there is plenty of energy flowing in from the sun to build up what the second law breaks down and there is plenty of new raw material available for the building. When you place an acorn in the ground and let time pass, the acorn builds itself up from a relatively simple seed into a highly complex oak tree. That is a clear violation of the second law that becomes possible because the tree is growing in an open system.â€Â
I quite agree that living systems do overcome the second law of thermodynamics, at least for a period of time. And I also fully agree that having an open system is essential for overcoming the second law. But an open system alone is not sufficient in itself to overcome the second law. All living systems have three extra, necessary components that are essential for overcoming the second law during the life of the organism. First of all, all living systems have molecular machinery continuously at work that is specifically designed to both build up the organism and repair all damage caused by the second law. Secondly, all living systems also have detailed programming built into their genome that not only tells the organism how to build it own machinery but also how to use that machinery to construct and repair. And lastly, all living systems have an energy conversion system available that can supply a constant and sufficient supply of energy to its molecular machinery in a form that the machines can use. Without these three additional components present, it would be impossible for living organisms to overcome the second law.
Just consider what would happen if you left a dead raccoon out in the sun. We know that the dead critter would still be present in an open system. There would be plenty of energy poring onto the carcass from the sun. There would still be raw material available within the cells of the raccoon. According to evolutionists, this is all that is necessary for overcoming the second law of thermodynamics. And yet the dead raccoon will never spontaneously come back to life. What is missing from the system? Just after death the molecular machinery is still present in the cells of the raccoon. And all the information necessary for running the machinery is still present in the DNA of the cells. What is missing is the continuous and sufficient supply of energy to the machinery of the cells. Those molecular machines require energy in a specific form in order to work. All living organisms on earth primarily use molecules of ATP as little “energy pellets†to drive the machinery of the cell. In the human body every cell contains about a billion molecules of ATP. And every one of those energy molecules is used and then recycled about three times in every minute just to keep the cell’s machinery working. During the course of a day the average person cycles through about 400 pounds of ATP. So without a sufficient supply of ATP, the machinery of the cell just stops working and the second law has free reign to do as it pleases. Within minutes of the raccoon’s death the second law has already produced so much disorder and damage within the critical organs of the body that death becomes irreversible. No amount of medical attention will ever bring the raccoon back to life. So if only one of the four essential components just mentioned is missing, it becomes impossible to build up and maintain high-energy, low-entropy, functional systems containing specified complexity, which is what all living organisms are.
But on the pre-biotic earth there would be three essential components missing. There would be no molecular machinery present, no information system available with instructions for creating and running the machinery, and no energy conversion system working to provide energy in a form that the molecular machines could use. And the second law would work directly against the spontaneous formation of any one of those three essential components. In all the experiments performed so far on the abiogenesis of life, evolutionists haven’t come even remotely close to spontaneously producing even a single functional protein, let alone the information systems present in DNA or the photosynthetic systems that ultimately provide the energy for all living organisms. All that has been accomplished in their experiments so far can be compared to taking just the first step in a journey that goes from here to Pluto.
To show just how poor the evidence that evolutionists have come up with is, let’s take a look at one very well known experiment that has been reported. Sydney Fox performed a series of experiments in which he took pure, concentrated amino acids and heated them while dry or in aqueous solution for several hours until all the water was vaporized. He then tested the chemical results and found that the amino acids had formed polypeptide chains with up to as many as 200 amino acid units. He called these polypeptides, proteinoids.
Now it shouldn’t be surprising that this experiment resulted in the formation of polypeptide chains. After all, that is exactly what Sydney Fox designed the experiment to do. He certainly didn’t start with a mixture of chemicals that would supposedly be present in a pre-biotic soup. He didn’t want to give his amino acids the chance to react with all those other organic chemicals. He took only pure, dry, concentrated and optically active amino acids and then supplied energy to them in the form of heat. He gave the amino acids no choice but to react only with other amino acids. Now the polymerization of amino acids is a condensation reaction that requires the removal of a molecule of water as two amino acids join together. So Sydney Fox specifically favored this result by allowing all the water present in the initial reactants to be removed by vaporization before he tested the chemical results.
Now even under these highly unrealistic conditions that Fox intelligently designed to favor the evolutionary scenario, the so-called “proteinoids†that were produced did not resemble true proteins in any way. When amino acids join together they can form up to four different chemical bonds that are known as alpha, beta, gamma and epsilon-peptide bonds. True proteins found in all living organisms use alpha bonds exclusively. But in the proteinoids from Fox’s experiments it was found that beta, gamma and epsilon bonds predominated over the alpha bonds. It was also found that the proteinoid chains had an almost equal mixture of left and right-handed amino acids whereas true proteins use left-handed amino acids exclusively. There are only a few exceptions found where some bacteria use some right-handed amino acids in their cell walls as a defense mechanism since right-handed amino acids are toxic to other bacteria. So once again the proteinoids showed no resemblance to true proteins. And finally it was found that the polypeptide chains resembled nothing more than random sequences of amino acids that had little or no catalytic activity. In other words they were functionally inert. They certainly weren’t anything resembling the molecular machines that are true proteins. So even in this highly manipulated experiment the results fell completely flat in demonstrating that true proteins could arise spontaneously on a pre-biotic earth.
You know, for hundreds of years many inventors pursued the dream of creating a perpetual motion machine – a machine that would run continuously without the need for fuel of any kind. But every one of their designs failed to work. Up until Rudolph Clausius and Lord Kelvin articulated the second law of thermodynamics in the middle of the 1800s, all those inventors failed to realize that the very laws of science were working against them. During every cycle of an engine the second law states that some of the useable energy present in the engine will be lost to the surroundings. If an engine is continuously losing useable energy, then it becomes impossible for the engine to run forever without being refueled. So the laws of science state that creating a perpetual motion machine is an impossibility. All that the designers of those perpetual motion machines accomplished with all their experiments was to confirm the validity of the second law of thermodynamics over and over again.
And that is all that evolutionists are accomplishing with their experiments in the supposed abiogenesis of life. Their religious faith in materialistic naturalism blinds them to the fact that the very laws of science are working directly against them. They believe with unshakeable faith that naturalistic processes produced all life on earth. So they simply will not accept the fact that the second law is going to thwart them in their goal at every turn. There simply must be a way to recreate the spontaneous generation of proteins and DNA/RNA, their faith tells them so. So they just keep plugging away at the problem. They’ve been working at it for more than 50 years now and they still aren’t even remotely close to spontaneously creating a functional molecular machine like a protein. And it doesn’t matter how many more decades they keep working at it, they will never get any closer. The second law of thermodynamics guarantees their failure. All that their experiments will accomplish will be to confirm over and over again that the spontaneous generation of life is an impossibility.
Now if evolution were actually true, what would it tell us about the natural processes active in our world? First, it would tell us that organic chemicals must have the ability to spontaneously arrange themselves into the highly complex, high-energy chemical polymers that would be essential for the first living cell to operate. It would also tell us that the information systems in living organisms must have the ability to create new information where none has existed before. The first living cell would have had no information in its genetic code on how to construct a heart, or lungs, or limbs, or wings, or feathers. All of that new information would have had to appear out of nothing through random mutations in the genetic code. Without these two natural processes available to it, evolution would be impossible. So when we look at the laws of science we should find one or more fundamental laws that would make these processes possible.
But what we actually find is that one of the fundamental laws of science indicates that exactly the opposite process is active in our world. And that law is the second law of thermodynamics. The second law describes the “entropy†of any given system. The entropy of a system is a mathematical formulation that expresses how much disorder or unavailable energy is present in the system. Basically the second law states that entropy always increases in an isolated system and always tends to increase in an open system. (An open system can exchange matter and energy with its surroundings whereas an isolated system cannot.) In the real world the second law can be expressed in at least three different ways:
1) In Classical Thermodynamics the second law states that there will be an increasing unavailability of energy in the system to do useful work.
2) In Statistical Thermodynamics the law states that there will be increasing disorder, randomness or probability of the arrangement of the components of the system.
3) In Informational Thermodynamics the law states that there will be increasingly confused information or “noise†in the transmission of coded information through the system.
Each of these expressions of the second law has been shown to be mathematically equivalent to the others.
So what does this law tell us about the how our world works? It tells us that everything in our world when left to itself will tend to move toward a state where the least amount of energy is available for work, with the greatest disorder possible, and with the least amount of information present. This is exactly the opposite of what is necessary for evolution to work. Evolution requires high-energy chemical polymers to form spontaneously in order for there to be any chance of a self-replicating cell to arise from non-living chemicals and yet the second law favors the breakdown of high energy molecules into those with lower useable energy. Evolution requires the spontaneous generation of complex information systems within the first cell to hold genetic information and yet the second law favors disorder and randomness. Evolution requires the spontaneous generation of new information within the genome of the first cells that would create new tissues and new organs and yet the second law favors the breakdown of coded information into random noise. You could hardly conceive of a law that is more directly in opposition to the processes that evolutionists claim have brought about all life found on earth.
Now I’m sure that at this point there are evolutionists in this forum who are groaning while reading this post and saying to themselves, “The only reason creationists keep bringing up the second law of thermodynamics is because creationists have no concept of how the second law actually works. The second law allows for local decreases in entropy within a system as long as the overall entropy of the system continues to increase. The formation of crystals proves that ordered systems can arise spontaneously without violating the second law of thermodynamics.â€Â
Now, while it is quite true that the second law does allow for local decreases in entropy, the formation of crystals actually gives no help to the theory of evolution at all. Comparing the formation of crystals to the formation of proteins or DNA and RNA is like comparing apples to oranges. The process of forming crystals is opposite to the formation of polypeptide chains or polynucleotide chains in almost every way. Here’s a comparison of crystal formation to the formation of proteins, DNA and RNA:
Crystals – can form spontaneously given the right temperature conditions
Proteins, DNA/RNA – do not form spontaneously at any temperature
Crystals – release energy to their surroundings when forming and enter a lower energy state
Proteins, DNA/RNA – must absorb energy from their surroundings and enter a higher energy state
Crystals – entropy of the crystal decreases while the entropy of the surroundings increases resulting in an overall increase in entropy
Proteins, DNA/RNA – entropy of both the surroundings and the forming protein, DNA or RNA decreases resulting in an overall decrease in entropy
Crystals – consist of a simple, uniform, repetitive structure that is functionally inert
Proteins, DNA/RNA – consists of a non-repetitive structure that contains specified complexity. Each amino acid in a protein chain must be specified individually in order for the protein to fold into a functional molecular machine. Each nucleotide in a DNA or RNA chain must be individually specified in order for it to contain coded information. The resulting structures are highly functional.
Crystals – contain no information content aside from the simple structure of the crystal lattice
Proteins, DNA/RNA – contain a high degree of specified information
It is obvious that there is no comparison between the process of crystallization and the process of forming proteins, DNA and RNA. Crystal formation works within the second law of thermodynamics but the second law works directly against the spontaneous formation of proteins, DNA and RNA.
Now to try and demonstrate that complexity can form spontaneously, evolutionists always bring up one specific example of crystal formation and that is the formation of snowflakes. It’s true that snowflakes do form into beautiful geometric patterns but does this pattern formation consist of specified complexity? Not at all. When water vapor forms into snow crystals it takes on different geometric shapes depending on the temperature. At temperatures between 0 and 3 degrees Celsius, the snow crystals form into thin hexagonal plates. Between -3 and -5 degrees, the snow crystals form needles at the points of the hexagonal plates. And at -25 to -30 degrees, the crystal shape is a hollow prism. As the forming snowflake falls through the atmosphere it encounters varying temperatures and so a geometric pattern is built up consisting of plates, needles and hollow prisms. Since the snowflake is so small, all six branches of the crystal are affected by the same temperature conditions and so all six branches form identical patterns. So snowflake formation is based entirely on the inherent properties of water molecules and on the random temperature fluctuations that occur as the forming flake falls through the atmosphere. There is no specified complexity involved. But proteins and DNA/RNA have no inherent properties that cause them to spontaneously form polypeptide chains or polynucleotide chains. Proteins and DNA/RNA do not form spontaneously at any temperature. It can also be pointed out that, as with all crystals, snowflakes release energy to their surroundings as they form and enter a lower energy state. They result in an overall increase in entropy of the snowflake plus its surroundings. They contain no information aside from their geometric pattern and they have no functionality. These characteristics are all exactly opposite to proteins and DNA/RNA.
Another example that evolutionists frequently bring up to try and demonstrate the spontaneous generation of complexity is the formation of storms such as hurricanes. Evolutionists state that hurricanes create a swirling aggregation of thunderheads that form complex vortices of airflow that would require sophisticated equations in chaos theory to describe. But does this constitute the same specified complexity that is found in proteins and DNA/RNA. Not at all. Naturalistic processes do have the ability within open systems to form ordered arrangements of molecules, as in crystals, or to create an ordered flow of molecules, as in ocean currents or the vortices of a hurricane, but naturalistic processes have never been observed to create the non-repetitive, specified structure found in the molecular machines of proteins or the coded information of DNA and RNA. Hurricanes contain no coded information and no specified complexity. And of course hurricane generation goes in exactly the opposite thermodynamic direction to the formation of proteins and DNA/RNA. Storm systems are formed through an exothermic process – warm, moist air rises in the atmosphere and the water vapor in the air mass condenses out into clouds and releases its latent heat energy into the surrounding atmosphere. That heat energy is what drives and sustains the hurricane. Its release results in a huge increase in entropy within the storm system. You could almost think of a hurricane as a giant machine whose function is to increase the entropy and disorder of everything it comes in contact with. That is completely opposite to the endothermic process of forming proteins and DNA/RNA. Amino acids and nucleic acids must absorb energy from the surroundings in order to join into chains. The entropy and disorder of both the surroundings and the developing chemical chain must decrease in order to form proteins and DNA/RNA.
But I’m sure that at this point evolutionists will still object and say, “Creationists are completely ignoring the fact that the earth is an open system. Within an open system like the earth the second law of thermodynamics can be locally overcome because there is plenty of energy flowing in from the sun to build up what the second law breaks down and there is plenty of new raw material available for the building. When you place an acorn in the ground and let time pass, the acorn builds itself up from a relatively simple seed into a highly complex oak tree. That is a clear violation of the second law that becomes possible because the tree is growing in an open system.â€Â
I quite agree that living systems do overcome the second law of thermodynamics, at least for a period of time. And I also fully agree that having an open system is essential for overcoming the second law. But an open system alone is not sufficient in itself to overcome the second law. All living systems have three extra, necessary components that are essential for overcoming the second law during the life of the organism. First of all, all living systems have molecular machinery continuously at work that is specifically designed to both build up the organism and repair all damage caused by the second law. Secondly, all living systems also have detailed programming built into their genome that not only tells the organism how to build it own machinery but also how to use that machinery to construct and repair. And lastly, all living systems have an energy conversion system available that can supply a constant and sufficient supply of energy to its molecular machinery in a form that the machines can use. Without these three additional components present, it would be impossible for living organisms to overcome the second law.
Just consider what would happen if you left a dead raccoon out in the sun. We know that the dead critter would still be present in an open system. There would be plenty of energy poring onto the carcass from the sun. There would still be raw material available within the cells of the raccoon. According to evolutionists, this is all that is necessary for overcoming the second law of thermodynamics. And yet the dead raccoon will never spontaneously come back to life. What is missing from the system? Just after death the molecular machinery is still present in the cells of the raccoon. And all the information necessary for running the machinery is still present in the DNA of the cells. What is missing is the continuous and sufficient supply of energy to the machinery of the cells. Those molecular machines require energy in a specific form in order to work. All living organisms on earth primarily use molecules of ATP as little “energy pellets†to drive the machinery of the cell. In the human body every cell contains about a billion molecules of ATP. And every one of those energy molecules is used and then recycled about three times in every minute just to keep the cell’s machinery working. During the course of a day the average person cycles through about 400 pounds of ATP. So without a sufficient supply of ATP, the machinery of the cell just stops working and the second law has free reign to do as it pleases. Within minutes of the raccoon’s death the second law has already produced so much disorder and damage within the critical organs of the body that death becomes irreversible. No amount of medical attention will ever bring the raccoon back to life. So if only one of the four essential components just mentioned is missing, it becomes impossible to build up and maintain high-energy, low-entropy, functional systems containing specified complexity, which is what all living organisms are.
But on the pre-biotic earth there would be three essential components missing. There would be no molecular machinery present, no information system available with instructions for creating and running the machinery, and no energy conversion system working to provide energy in a form that the molecular machines could use. And the second law would work directly against the spontaneous formation of any one of those three essential components. In all the experiments performed so far on the abiogenesis of life, evolutionists haven’t come even remotely close to spontaneously producing even a single functional protein, let alone the information systems present in DNA or the photosynthetic systems that ultimately provide the energy for all living organisms. All that has been accomplished in their experiments so far can be compared to taking just the first step in a journey that goes from here to Pluto.
To show just how poor the evidence that evolutionists have come up with is, let’s take a look at one very well known experiment that has been reported. Sydney Fox performed a series of experiments in which he took pure, concentrated amino acids and heated them while dry or in aqueous solution for several hours until all the water was vaporized. He then tested the chemical results and found that the amino acids had formed polypeptide chains with up to as many as 200 amino acid units. He called these polypeptides, proteinoids.
Now it shouldn’t be surprising that this experiment resulted in the formation of polypeptide chains. After all, that is exactly what Sydney Fox designed the experiment to do. He certainly didn’t start with a mixture of chemicals that would supposedly be present in a pre-biotic soup. He didn’t want to give his amino acids the chance to react with all those other organic chemicals. He took only pure, dry, concentrated and optically active amino acids and then supplied energy to them in the form of heat. He gave the amino acids no choice but to react only with other amino acids. Now the polymerization of amino acids is a condensation reaction that requires the removal of a molecule of water as two amino acids join together. So Sydney Fox specifically favored this result by allowing all the water present in the initial reactants to be removed by vaporization before he tested the chemical results.
Now even under these highly unrealistic conditions that Fox intelligently designed to favor the evolutionary scenario, the so-called “proteinoids†that were produced did not resemble true proteins in any way. When amino acids join together they can form up to four different chemical bonds that are known as alpha, beta, gamma and epsilon-peptide bonds. True proteins found in all living organisms use alpha bonds exclusively. But in the proteinoids from Fox’s experiments it was found that beta, gamma and epsilon bonds predominated over the alpha bonds. It was also found that the proteinoid chains had an almost equal mixture of left and right-handed amino acids whereas true proteins use left-handed amino acids exclusively. There are only a few exceptions found where some bacteria use some right-handed amino acids in their cell walls as a defense mechanism since right-handed amino acids are toxic to other bacteria. So once again the proteinoids showed no resemblance to true proteins. And finally it was found that the polypeptide chains resembled nothing more than random sequences of amino acids that had little or no catalytic activity. In other words they were functionally inert. They certainly weren’t anything resembling the molecular machines that are true proteins. So even in this highly manipulated experiment the results fell completely flat in demonstrating that true proteins could arise spontaneously on a pre-biotic earth.
You know, for hundreds of years many inventors pursued the dream of creating a perpetual motion machine – a machine that would run continuously without the need for fuel of any kind. But every one of their designs failed to work. Up until Rudolph Clausius and Lord Kelvin articulated the second law of thermodynamics in the middle of the 1800s, all those inventors failed to realize that the very laws of science were working against them. During every cycle of an engine the second law states that some of the useable energy present in the engine will be lost to the surroundings. If an engine is continuously losing useable energy, then it becomes impossible for the engine to run forever without being refueled. So the laws of science state that creating a perpetual motion machine is an impossibility. All that the designers of those perpetual motion machines accomplished with all their experiments was to confirm the validity of the second law of thermodynamics over and over again.
And that is all that evolutionists are accomplishing with their experiments in the supposed abiogenesis of life. Their religious faith in materialistic naturalism blinds them to the fact that the very laws of science are working directly against them. They believe with unshakeable faith that naturalistic processes produced all life on earth. So they simply will not accept the fact that the second law is going to thwart them in their goal at every turn. There simply must be a way to recreate the spontaneous generation of proteins and DNA/RNA, their faith tells them so. So they just keep plugging away at the problem. They’ve been working at it for more than 50 years now and they still aren’t even remotely close to spontaneously creating a functional molecular machine like a protein. And it doesn’t matter how many more decades they keep working at it, they will never get any closer. The second law of thermodynamics guarantees their failure. All that their experiments will accomplish will be to confirm over and over again that the spontaneous generation of life is an impossibility.