I have really been struggling with this issue lately, how can the zealous evangelistic Christians tell me that God is omnibenevolent considering the atrocities committed by Him in the Old Testament? If God is the source of our Morality, then wouldn't He also be a hypocrite for not living up to His own standard? And if He is sorry for what He did in the Old Testament, and that is why He started the New Covenant, I would have no trouble forgiving Him, and He has done much good for me, but wouldn't that contradict the Doctrine of Omniscience because it means that He was prone to making a mistake? What is the answer to this question? I cannot understand it as hard as I try, and I know that many Atheists find this the most challenging as well. Why do we have to add omnibenevolence? Why can't He just be omniscient and omnipotent? It seems much simpler that way, but then again, the truth is never simple. Most of the areas in the Bible where the Doctrine of Omnibenevolence comes from, hence the Psalms, were written by people who were treated excellently by Him, such as David, but what about those who were not treated so excellent?
You're probably not going to like my answer, but life is full of contradictions and paradoxes, yet these do not alter truth. Welcome to the real world, and not that which is created in glass towers.
You won't get a direct answer to your questions, but I believe that God is drawing you closer to His word. The great Patriarch Jacob wrestled with God, and walked away with a limp... and he was then called Israel. We are no greater than the Patriarchs who struggled and wrestled with God, yet God draws us closer to him.
But we want answers... we want to know everything, and we want to know it now. Did you know that Jesus was asked many questions to which he did not give an answer. Moreso, Jesus also asked many questions. Not because he didn't know the answers, but he wants us to find them. Like Job, God wants to stretch us, and expand our world because often, we can only find grace when were in the midst of struggles. At the heart of the cross, lies a paradox, for Christ was perfected through suffering. Suffering is a very real part of this world, and to love, is, in a sense, to loose ones happiness. Let me explain in a very simplistic way.
One day you are out doing your thing and you are happy, yet the next day your out doing your thing and your sad because the one you want to share that happiness isn't by your side.
To struggle with these kinds of questions is good, and what I'll leave you with is simply this.
God is doing a great thing in your life. Embrace the struggles, embrace the contradictions as you will find these traits also in your day to day life. But know this, God wants you to struggle with these things, and probably not for the reasons you think. Ohh,,, and God will reveal them to you at just the right time. Just be patient.
P.S. God was going to wipe out the Israelite in the desert and start new with Moses, yet God repented and didn't do such a thing and yet still, Moses could see the promise land, but wasn't able to enter it. And as far as David, did you not read where David lost his son because of his sin? Or did you also not read the plague God put upon Isreal due to David's sin? David suffered much by way of watching those who he loved suffer because of his actions.