Particular Baptist
- Sep 25, 2016
- 55
- 3
It has been thus far an interesting experience on this board with many a vast viewpoint, all the way from Christian Zionists to the seemingly few active posters maintaining the sovereignty of God in the gospel of grace, TULIP, New Evangelicals, fundamentalists, and New Calvinists as well as those either insufficiently studied or simply undecided as to their beliefs.
At present, one has about three book projects in the fire; the first book in defense of the five fundamentals or solae of the Christian faith demands much time, research as well as devotion.
The solae are:
It is because of this I must take an noticeably extended leave of absence, requesting your prayers for these books that Jesus Christ would be glorified. The other two books are in their infancy, awaiting the finish of the first book; if God is to help his servant I would like to complete these within the next two years. Pastor John Suttles of Coweta Particular Baptist Church in Moreland, Georgia has taken an interest in publishing them, as well as my articles. It has been sweet fellowship with a brother of like faith; do pray for the US Eastern seaboard as Hurricane Matthew comes barreling down that it might seek the face of God during this time. Admittedly, this form has been wonderful writing practice with (and against) those of such varying views.
While not forsaking these boards that have lead to wonderful fellowship with some, it is because of these many divergent views I may not be able to spend much time in these forums. To explain what a book project requires, imagine sitting at a computer between two to five hours with breaks either writing, proofreading, revising, editing, citing and other such like things, and still having other daily tasks to perform. Interruptions also occur; it is annoying, but part and parcel with the territory. Many hours thus far have been spent dealing with old theological treasures like Philip Mauro's Which Version? Authorized or Revised?, many of the resources of David Cloud or Richard Bennett among others, statements from various denominations on a multiplicity of topics, the Creeds below, the Popish catechism and other documents, for example, the Compendium, Canon Law, and old Councils like the Council of Trent (I derive the opinion that these are so purposefully long as to make unsavrory reading, but what is contained therein is truly shocking), researching Latin phrases, old versions of the Scripture, and many, many hours of scripture study occupying in the day some one or two hours. There is no deadline for the publication of these books, but it is meet to be responsible with time. Your prayers in this endeavor would be most helpful, as well as a tremendous blessing.
Laus Deo (praise God).
Here is a comical phrase from Horace, Satirae II, Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit (The man is either insane or he is composing verses).
Dum loqour, hora fugit, or to translate Ovid, "While I speak, the time flies".
Good day.
It has been thus far an interesting experience on this board with many a vast viewpoint, all the way from Christian Zionists to the seemingly few active posters maintaining the sovereignty of God in the gospel of grace, TULIP, New Evangelicals, fundamentalists, and New Calvinists as well as those either insufficiently studied or simply undecided as to their beliefs.
At present, one has about three book projects in the fire; the first book in defense of the five fundamentals or solae of the Christian faith demands much time, research as well as devotion.
The solae are:
- Sola denotes alone, unaccompanied or only.
- There are five:
- Scriptura (Scripture)
- Fide (Faith)
- Gratia (Grace)
- Deo gloria (God Glorified)
- Christus (Christ)
It is because of this I must take an noticeably extended leave of absence, requesting your prayers for these books that Jesus Christ would be glorified. The other two books are in their infancy, awaiting the finish of the first book; if God is to help his servant I would like to complete these within the next two years. Pastor John Suttles of Coweta Particular Baptist Church in Moreland, Georgia has taken an interest in publishing them, as well as my articles. It has been sweet fellowship with a brother of like faith; do pray for the US Eastern seaboard as Hurricane Matthew comes barreling down that it might seek the face of God during this time. Admittedly, this form has been wonderful writing practice with (and against) those of such varying views.
While not forsaking these boards that have lead to wonderful fellowship with some, it is because of these many divergent views I may not be able to spend much time in these forums. To explain what a book project requires, imagine sitting at a computer between two to five hours with breaks either writing, proofreading, revising, editing, citing and other such like things, and still having other daily tasks to perform. Interruptions also occur; it is annoying, but part and parcel with the territory. Many hours thus far have been spent dealing with old theological treasures like Philip Mauro's Which Version? Authorized or Revised?, many of the resources of David Cloud or Richard Bennett among others, statements from various denominations on a multiplicity of topics, the Creeds below, the Popish catechism and other documents, for example, the Compendium, Canon Law, and old Councils like the Council of Trent (I derive the opinion that these are so purposefully long as to make unsavrory reading, but what is contained therein is truly shocking), researching Latin phrases, old versions of the Scripture, and many, many hours of scripture study occupying in the day some one or two hours. There is no deadline for the publication of these books, but it is meet to be responsible with time. Your prayers in this endeavor would be most helpful, as well as a tremendous blessing.
Laus Deo (praise God).
Here is a comical phrase from Horace, Satirae II, Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit (The man is either insane or he is composing verses).
Dum loqour, hora fugit, or to translate Ovid, "While I speak, the time flies".
Good day.
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