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Bible Study Ezekiel 43:10-27 and Mark 5:1-6:56

Ben Avraham

EZEKIEL 43: 10-27

The prophet receives a vision of the heavenly temple, which is an exact replica of the tabernacle and temple on earth. When YHVH gave the instructions to Moshe to make the tabernacle and later, when Solomon built the temple, it was with the plan of the heavenly temple that was in mind. When Yeshua died for our sins, He went up to the Heavenlies and placed his own blood on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, meaning that our sins are forgiven, erased, and blotted out forever!

One day soon, we will all see that heavenly temple with our new eyes created for eternity. Every piece of furniture, both in the Mishkan (the tabernacle) and the "Beit HaMikdash" (The Temple) points to Yeshua/Jesus.

The Brazen Altar = HIS atoning death and judgment of our sins. The Bronze Lavar = Yeshua the Living Water. The Menorah = Yeshua, the Light of the World. The Golden table of Shewbread = Yeshua, the Bread of Life. The Altar of Incense = Our prayers and HIS mediation between us and the Father. The Ark of the Covenant = His Holy presence forever.

MARK 5:1-6:56

This is when Yeshua heals the man who was possessed by demons. There were one thousand demons inside the body of this man, since demons are in the spirit world, the physical body is not an obstacle, no, they didn't feel “crowded”. And since the demons have to obey the voice of God, they left, and as we read, they went into the bodies of swine.

we can see how far away some Israelites were, from walking in fellowship and obedience to the Torah, since they herded swine, which was and still is, an unclean animal, unsuitable for eating although many Christians believe the contrary. When the swine took a suicide leap from the cliff into the Sea of Galilee, they told Yeshua to “Leave”! Imagine that, telling “God” that he was not welcome in their city. “Hey, you just ruined our business, get out of here!” well, THEY had no business herding and raising pigs, to begin with. Sheep and goats would have been better.

How do we react when God calls our attention to something, do we tell him to “get away from us?” or do we “welcome” his visit and correct our sinful ways? The man who was demonized, now in his right mind wanted to follow Yeshua, yet Yeshua told him; “go and tell what has happened to you to your family and people”

Even though he wanted to follow Yeshua personally, Yeshua sent him on another mission, to “evangelize and be a living witness” He had credibility, since everyone knew him. YHVH sends each and every one of us on special missions to fulfill while we are on earth. He has equipped each and every believer with the gifts of the spirit to fulfill our missions. Let us be faithful to HIM who has provided us with such a blessing as eternal life.


Ben Avraham