1. serve two masters
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
This principle applies to more than serving God and mammon. In my case, as a Christian I was serving two masters, Jesus Christ and Christianity. Or so I thought. Actually I was serving Christianity. It was Christianity I was following, rather than Jesus Christ, the one that Christianity claims to follow by virtue of its own name, Christianity. I was one who had begun by the Spirit and was trying to be made perfect by the flesh (Gal 3:3). I was following the interpretations of whatever denomination I was in at the time, as well as some interpretations of my own. I was listening to Christianity instead of Jesus Christ. And I went through several Christian denominations and read a lot of Christian history and doctrinal works before I realized something was wrong with this picture. But, no doubt by the grace of God, I finally realized that as a Christian I wasn’t actually following Christ. I was following a man-made religion. Or more apt, man-made denominations of a man-religion. I realized I was as a child, being
“tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceiveâ€
(Ephesians 4:14 KJV)
And please don’t think I’m necessarily referring to those who are in Christ here. Few of those would go to that extreme. Many among the majority would, however.
But I realized that through the practice of biblical interpretation so common in Christianity, and in myself at the time, that I was,
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.â€
(2 Timothy 3:7 KJV)
When I first came to this realization, I thought I was abandoned by God. And then I began to think that God didn’t exist to abandon me and that I was doing this to myself. At that point God intervened. At least, that is what I currently believe. God showed me that I was walking as the nations,
“in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.â€
(Ephesians 4:17-19 KJV)
That’s pretty serious. Then God showed me what Paul was really saying when he wrote,
“But ye have not so learned Christ; if so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.â€
(Ephesians 4:20-24 KJV)
It was at that point that I really began to be taught by Jesus Christ, instead of the man-made religion. The old man is just fallen Adamic humanity. The new man is the new creation (2 Cor 5:17), the new humanity in Christ.
And then this,
“Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour:.â€
(Ephesians 4:25 KJV)
became real to me. As Christians, of which I was one at that time, we are lying to one another through our promotion of our biblical interpretations. Because the biblical interpretations are NOT the truth. They are opinions. And even if one opinion is actually the truth, that would imply that all other opinions are not the truth, and thus are lies. And it then becomes the responsibility of all the ones who are lying to put away their lying. But in Christianity, where opinions are not just tolerated, but are part and parcel of the fabric of denominationalism, of the authority of each denomination, to be able to distinguish between truth and fantasy is not possible.
I’ve already heard the variations of the Christianity interpretation of these verses that is far different from what I have shared above. They say that the verses that follow make what they believe is my personal interpretation impossible. They wish to defend their denominationalism and their own practice of biblical interpretation, and to make me an Atheist in the process. Better I’m an Atheist, then their practice and their resulting interpretations be wrong. Probably not consciously. But that would be the end result if I agreed that they were right.
If I believed that what I believe the bible is actually saying is nothing more than an opinion, why should I continue to believe in an opinion? Why should I believe in the opinions of others. Especially in light of the common consensus that the only way to understand the bible is through one of the many methods of biblical interpretation?
Biblical interpreters can’t grasp an obvious fact. Common sense really. That if the bible can only be understood through the, rather a, practice of interpretation, then the bible is nothing more than a man-made document, compiled by men. Just as man-made as is Christianity itself. A document filled with lies because of the claims of the writers to be witnesses of supernatural reality. Though probably most biblical writers didn’t actually see what they were saying as lies. But they were interpretations of what they experienced nevertheless, and wrong interpretations at that. The bible becomes a document for the educated to discern whether there’s any value to be had therein. And many such discernments there have been in Christianity to feed the adversarial flesh in man.
That is the obvious ultimate conclusion if the practice of biblical interpretation is valid. Because there hasn’t been another addition to the bible or any verifiable evidence of the supernatural in two millennia. Other than the interpretations considered the ongoing revelation of God by certain denominations, and those seemingly miraculous events that have been determined to be miraculous by interpretation.
I believe that Christianity is a man-made religion. And most who realize that equate the bible with Christianity and thus reject them both. I was led, yes I believe I was led, to realize that Christianity and the bible are two separate things. So I continue to believe that the bible is, not the Word of God, only Jesus Christ and God himself is the Word of God, but that it is a document revealed and compiled by God for the purpose of being used by Jesus Christ to teach the ones who are in Christ through the Spirit of God.
Jesus Christ can only teach those who have an open mind to receive his teaching. And he can only teach those who are in Christ who also walk by the Spirit. In my case, as a Christian, I had an open mind, and walked by the Spirit to the extent that I could considering the conditions I was in as a Christian. Got me into more trouble with denominational authorities than you may be able to imagine. But that is why I was able to realize certain things that the biblical interpreters could not. Some may be walking by the Spirit just as I did. But they aren’t open minded except to learn the next new interpretation, usually of their own fabrication. Effectively, that is the same as a closed mind to whatever Jesus Christ might reveal to them or teach them.
“for we are members one of anotherâ€
(Ephesians 4:25 KJV)
Paul had already said there is one body (Eph 4:4). And he had already written about how the ekklesia are to express that one body on the earth (Eph 4:11-16). What he is writing in verses 17 and following is simply a continuation of the application for that expression.
The new humanity that is in Christ is a humanity that is part of the Body of Christ. There is a supernatural oneness or unity in the Body through the Holy Spirit. Which is why Paul had said, “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace†(Eph 4:3). The old humanity in Adam is individualistic, and can only achieve oneness or unity by means of natural organization with authoritative laws or doctrines that bind all concerned. Like nations and social clubs. Can you see which is Christianity?
2. today you are the only one who is in Christ
You misunderstood. When I said “Today, I am only one who is in Christ.â€, you misread it to say “Today, I am THE only one who is in Christ.“ You interpreted what I said. A good example of how biblical interpreters understand the bible. For some it is a conscience act. For others it’s inadvertent. As I’m sure was the case here.
I don’t believe that I’m the only one who is in Christ. I believe there are many in Christianity who are in Christ. But the majority are not. The majority simply follow a philosophy, their own or of one of the denominations. They are religious, but they aren’t in Christ. They’re like the Pharisees who constantly opposed Jesus in the first century. The only difference between the majority of Christians and the Christians who are in Christ is that the ones who are in Christ are in Christ. Outwardly, the difference is not always discernable.
I no longer refer to myself as a Christian, simply because I no longer consider myself a Christian or a part of Christianity. Ergo, former Christian. I now only refer to myself as one who is in Christ.