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Family Focus Newsletter | October 2024

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family
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Our 24/7 goal is ...​

Your gifts are making a difference for marriages, families, children in foster care, mothers considering abortion and more. But there is something else you should know about what your generosity accomplishes …

Everything you make possible with your support is used to achieve another underlying goal, something that is in the very fabric of our ministry!

We exist to introduce individuals and families to our loving Savior Jesus Christ.

“Jesus said … ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he life, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die’ ” (John 11:25-26 ESV).

And I know you agree with this all-important mission to share the Gospel, because this is the eternity-changing message of grace and hope that you share with every broadcast and resource you provide. Because Christ was resurrected, we can have eternal life! His grace is sufficient to redeem and reconnect us with our Heavenly Father.

Your gifts share the Good News of Christ’s love through our broadcasts, counseling resources, magazines, articles, programs and more.

In the last year alone, your support helped more than 158,000 people make decisions for Christ. Thank you for sharing the Gospel with families. None of this would be possible without you.


Transform someone's eternity!​

Families desperately need the unwavering hope of Jesus Christ. You can share the Good News and be the light that shines in the darkness!

“I have made you a light . . . that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 13:47 ESV).

When you support Focus on the Family today, you pierce the darkness with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every broadcast, podcast, article or event you make possible shares the eternity changing message of hope.

Give Now to Help Impact Eternity!

Let a hurting child know they are not alone​

Your support today will not only support our Wait No More Foster Care and Adoption program efforts, but you’ll also offer a waiting child something comforting that they can call their own!

With your one-time gift of $100 or recurring gift of any amount, a waiting child will receive a suitcase bundle with the following items the moment they make the transition to a foster family:

  • Suitcase — not only is this functional, but it also helps a child make the transition to a foster family with dignity.
  • Teddy Bear — a cuddly toy helps children process their emotions and reduces stress in times of uncertainty.
  • Age-Appropriate Bible — this kid-friendly Bible helps children understand and apply scripture in their daily life.
  • Handwritten note — a personal note lets a child know that someone cares.
Image of Jim Daly

Jim's Heart​

Hello from Focus on the Family! It’s my hope that you’re having a wonderful fall and that you and all your loved ones are healthy and happy. If, however, you’re walking through a challenging season, I pray you’re able to cling to the Lord and find hope in the promises given to us in His Word. What a comfort to know that we serve a God who pours out blessings upon us and also sustains and strengthens us in the midst of difficult times.

I’ve had my own share of hardship and have relayed my story openly in countless venues, on the air, and in my memoir titled Finding Home. My father left when I was 5, and then my mother died when I was just 9 years old. As if that weren’t enough, my stepfather cleaned out our house while my four siblings and I were at our mothers funeral. When we arrived home, he announced that he was leaving. Thus began a childhood marked by deep pain, loneliness, and instability. I was bounced around to various dysfunctional foster homes and, at a very young age, had to ask the most important questions any of us can ask: Is God real? Does He care about me?

I’m so thankful that the Lord brought people into my life during those formative years who exemplified Christ for me and introduced me to the Gospel. These people became the very hands and feet of Jesus for me — and through their sacrificial and loving examples, I learned that God is indeed real. And yes, He cares deeply for each one of us.

I am grateful for the ways my early years shaped me, because I developed a passionate desire to become an advocate for the weak and downtrodden — and particularly those the Bible calls “the fatherless.” Listen to the way Eugene Peterson interprets James 1:26-27 in The Message:

Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

What a convicting and powerful reminder of our charge to “learn to do good; seek justice; correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless…” (Isaiah 1:17).

In fact, this is precisely the mission you are helping to carry out through our Wait No More program. This life-changing initiative seeks to raise awareness among the Christian community about the desperate need for suitable families to step up and open their hearts and homes to children and teens in need. This program began as a series of events that brought together members of Focus’ staff, church leaders, and local agencies who all collaborated to sound the alarm about the hundreds of thousands of youngsters in our nation who are awaiting their “forever families.”

Currently, Wait No More is centered on education and practical, impactful outreach projects such as our Suitcase Bundle Program. I’m especially excited about this initiative because I remember all too well the desire to have my own belongings that I could carry from place to place. Toward that end, we partner with on-the-ground ministries and organizations to supply children with these bundles at no cost.

Each suitcase contains three items: a Bible, a teddy bear, and a handwritten letter expressing genuine love for the child receiving the suitcase. This “bundle” becomes a treasured possession that foster kids can keep with them as a reminder that the God of the universe sees them, knows their name, and will meet all of their needs.

It’s been especially heartening to receive updates from those who have seen how the Lord is using our Suitcase Bundle Program. Through efforts like these, you are helping to change the trajectory of young lives as families become apprised of the foster care crisis and make the decision to get involved. This important work is only possible because good folks like you have sown your hard-earned funds into our outreach. Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude for our faithful and generous partners.

Please consider giving today to support our Wait No More Care and Adoption program. God can use your generosity to change a child’s life and offer immediate comfort through efforts like the Suitcase Bundle Program.

With your one-time gift of $100 or a monthly gift of any amount, a waiting child will receive a suitcase, a teddy bear, a kid-friendly Bible, and a note handwritten by a caring staff member or volunteer.

Whatever you feel called to do in the realm of foster care and adoption, my hope is that you won’t underestimate the Lord’s ability to redeem difficult childhoods and transform young lives when loving people step in to play a pivotal role in the life of a child.

It’s been a joy giving you a glimpse into our efforts as we advocate for children. This, of course, is just one aspect of our ministry as we strive to help families thrive in Christ, and I’m thankful to be able to let you know that God’s hand is clearly guiding and multiplying our work in all its forms. May His abundant blessings be yours, and may He be with all of us as we advance His Kingdom.

God bless you!

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family

P.S. Click here to watch an encouraging video and to learn more about our suitcase bundles.

Give A Suitcase Bundle Today!

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