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Finding God


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Hi, My name is Charles and this is my first post. I have a long history of going from Agnosticism to Theism to Christianity. Then from Christianity to agnosticism to Christianity several times. I've been on a quest to make a determination for myself once and for all, so I don't keep changing. I gained a lot of knowledge on all sides of the issues through research. That and forums have addressed virtually all of my concerns, and I am embracing my faith again.

As I understand it, God reveals Himself to us via the Holy Spirit since Jesus' Ascension. Would anyone mind sharing their experiences with the Holy Spirit and or how God revealed Himself to you?

My sincere thanks to anyone who doesn't minid doing this.
Once I'd concluded that the Chrisian faith was true, the only issue for me was whether God was trust worthy. I pretty much challenged him to give me what he had to get me out of the problem I was in......I was unable to stand for what felt like 20 minutes though I'm reliably informed by those who were there that night that it was closer to an hour
Welcome, Charles.:wave

The Holy Spirit revealed Himself to me at a time when I was beginning to think that maybe everything I was ever taught about God was all just one big lie that we had all fallen for. I just wanted some confirmation that this thing was real, y'know? So one night He just spoke to me, though not out loud. He let me know that He was real and that I was on the right path.
Sometime after that I dedicated my life to God and I began to see things in a different way. Reading the Bible was the thing I looked forward to every day, and something about it was almost constantly on my mind. That was probably the best time of my life.

Even with all that, today I still struggle with doubts sometimes. Particularly lately. I think God lets us struggle with doubts for a reason. If we don't give up, I believe our faith will end up strengthened even more.
I was saved when I was a little girl about 5 so I grew up in the church. Non-denomination. My Dad was an alcoholic and abusive to us.
He loved us just didn't know how to show it. I remember my mother, my sister and I would all sit around our dinner table when my dad was out drinking and we would pray for him that he would stop drinking and stop smoking. We prayed every night for a long time. One day he stopped. Didn't drink one drink or smoke one cigarette and we and moved to another state so that he could go to Bible school. So God not only answered our prayers but drew him closer to Jesus.

That was my first revelation that God was real in my life. Through troubles and hardship I knew that He would see me through.


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