I watch a guy on YouTube called Round SaturnsEye. He tends to be hyper-eisegetical. It seems he does wordplay with life. I find him entertaining. However there are things that he says that makes me think.
Recently I watched a video, read some comments, and had some thoughts. Let's take a look when Jesus healed a man which was possessed with a legion of devils in Luke 8.
And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep. Luke 8:31
The word for the deep in the Greek is
abysson [Strong's G12]
. They ask not to be sent to a distant place, the abyss. In revelation we see the beast is thrown into the abyss.
The root word of the Greek
abysson is
So could that mean that Jesus walking on the waters shows his authority over the abyss? Furthermore Jesus told us to be fishers of men...
Are we casting fishing line of the Gospel to save men from the abyss?
We find that Jude tells us the angels that kept not their first estate are being held chained in darkness until the day of Judgement Jude 1:6, Peter tells us where that place is, Hell, Strong's #G5020 in the center of the earth 2 Peter 2:4, Luke tells us Sheol, the abode of the dead is a place of torment Luke 16:23 and we also learn that angels carry the soul and spirit of men to it Luke 16:22, so we can conclude that the demons can go too and look into the place where the fallen angels are being held and see their torment, we read in Matthew's account the demon asked Jesus if He was going to torment them before it was the appointed time of judgement, I hope that explains the reason of the demon's question.
Jesus walked on water because He is God the Creator, so yes He does have authority over
all of His creation, but the story is about the faith of the fishermen, He told them
let us go over to the other side, that is a Divine command, it shows us even though we don't see Jesus in the storms of our lives He is always there with us.
Fishers of men, the first time Jesus told Peter to cast his net we find the net broke and some were lost Luke 5:6, the second time Jesus instructs Peter to cast his net we are told the net didn't break and the actual number of fish in the net was153 John 21:11. The first instance is to show the gospel is announced to everyone, some will believe and some will not, the second instance teaches us that those that are
the elect, before the foundation of the world, will be caught, ..receive the Gospel and receive salvation, for us that means we are to preach the Gospel in season and out, but to be ever on the lookout for the 153rd fish, God has a number, being omniscient He knows how many are the elect and when that last one will come into the Kingdom, when the last person to accept Christ as Lord and Savior comes in we're outta here, it's finished, ...we go home to be with our Lord.
Here's the other side of that story, satan doesn't know how many, so every time he hears the Angels of Heaven rejoicing over another saved person Luke 15:10 he becomes nervous because he knows his end is near, ...that's cool, him being constantly nervous!