Rev. 13:11 End Time 'From Lamb to DRAGON!
God has the Eternal Gospel & His Eternal Covenant clearly seen in His Isaiah 8:20 verse for mans teaching & testing of truth. And in the New Testament His Word states both as Everlasting! See Rev. 18:4 & Heb. 13:20. It is impossible to have Truth without the two being united! (2 Cor. 3:3's Epistle of Christ) It would be no different than to have in the Throne room of the Most Holy Place in heaven, the Ark of God with the Mercy Seat representing the Everlasting Gospel as the Righteousness of Christ.. yet, with the Ark being empty of the Eternal Covenant!! (the ten commandments) Or having the Ark with the Eternal Covenant inside, and then without the Eternal Mercy Seat of Christ's TRUTH covering the Law! God character requires ALL OF CHRIST! Rom. 8:1
It is impossible to separate!
Yet, we know that the one time covering cherub Lucifer, that stood above the Eternal Universal Covenant that is inside the Ark, and who was above the Mercy Seat that was the covering of the Ark in heaven, now makes his primary attack against the very Law of the Universe! See Daniel 7:25. All through mankind's history we see 'professed' Christians go to 'evil' extremes from only law too only Gospel! Back and forth!
The GodHead has NO Pendulum of swinging back & forth! His Truth is anchored securely in place! If one would understand the Sanctuary Truth, (representing the Rock of our Salvation) they would come to understand this. See Psalms 77:13. The Truth is clearly seen & understood inside of the Most Holy Place in heaven itself. Where Christ is now our heavenly attorney. (High Priest) When Christ died the 'Vail of separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place was rent from top to bottom by an unseen hand making the way into the heavenly, Most Holy Place' where the Ark of God is still Eternally in place, with the Covenant inside, and the Mercy Seat still above the 'broken' Covenant, where Christ now 'pleads our repentant on-going case'! And over the Mercy seat? There are still two covering cherubs with their wings covering the Ark of God! Yes, one of these two, replaced Lucifer there! See Eze. 28.
Psalms 77:13 is 'CHRIST' Rock Solid! It is the cast/aside one with the many names as seen in Rev. 12 that has the pendulum swing [from the Most Holy Place truth!] We see he & his helpers described as '1/3 fallen stars', 'red dragon', 'old serpent', (deceiveth the *whole world) And called 'satan'. Also that his war was in 'heaven' itself!! Yes, Eze. 28 tells of another Truth using the King of Tyrus as an 'object' lesson about the Lucifer of Isaiah 14:12-14. You do recall Christ telling Peter to.. 'get behind me satan'? Well in Eze. 28 we see an ex/covering cherub that was created & once in heaven! And the Bible only teaches Truth of one rebellion in heaven! And over in Isaiah 14 we see his name, while he was a covering cherub. God named him Lucifer. We also see that his warfare was for the purpose of having himself to be worshiped! This was against the first table of stone, the GodHeads Eternal Covenant. This is where his warfare 'swings' about! "I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH" Verse 14 ibid.. He hates Christ with a devilish passion. And what does he zero in on in his attack? In 2 Cor. 3:3 we see that the Eternal Covenant is the very 'Epistle or Letter' of Christ! Profession of Christ, without His Moral Character is 1/2 Truth! This is 'Who' 's'atan hates and where he directs his hatred! The Character of God is LOVE!
And satan knows that the Eternal Covenant without the Eternal Righteousness of Christ is also No Gospel at all! So, all through history we see either all law, or No Law with just a 'nothing' of profession in 'c'hrist. And each & every time we see satan at work, swinging his satanic 'pendulum' masterpiece from one extreme side of truth to the other! For he knows that it takes both together, to be 'in' Christ! Rom. 8:14.
We are now seeing right before [our eyes] what is taking place with the devil 'blinding' the eyes of the worlds professed Christians.
We see what No Covenant Law has produced!! (check openly inside your churches) We are in the time of trouble that is leading up to the Mark of the Beast! The world & Christians have 'together' become Lawless! Now we will see the devil's pendulum swing the other way into, forced religion! (now comes his law of forced religion of worship to himself) Surely any worldings can see that all 'hell' so to speak, is now upon us? The Judgements of God were to come upon the old antediluvian world, Niniveh, and Sodom and Gomorrah because they were LAW BREAKERS! Wicked!! "Whosoever committeth sin trangresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4
Yes! We are next!
Friends, the world will do anything to get out of what they have brought upon themselves, except REPENT! (surely only a few will heed the Masters call as seen in Rev. 18:4) Eight souls went into the Ark, only a few followed Christ out of Israel of old that made up the Remnant Church, and Rev. 12:17 tells us of the repeat! The larger majority of earth's inhabitants will use the devils power of forced worship, they will follow their leaders forward in doing anything to get out of the JUDGEMENTS OF GOD!
And what will these ones then say about the GodHeads Covenant being NAILED TO THE CROSS? About THEIR 7th. day Sabbath being a rest only in Christ?? Think about their rest in God's 'flood', 'fire' & 'slaughter'?
Well friend, it is going to be interesting for me at least, to see the pendulum swingers do their flip/flop! You need to study Roman's 13 for yourself, for this is the book that all of these pendulum swinger ones will next need to botch/up! See 2 Peter 3:14-16!
God has the Eternal Gospel & His Eternal Covenant clearly seen in His Isaiah 8:20 verse for mans teaching & testing of truth. And in the New Testament His Word states both as Everlasting! See Rev. 18:4 & Heb. 13:20. It is impossible to have Truth without the two being united! (2 Cor. 3:3's Epistle of Christ) It would be no different than to have in the Throne room of the Most Holy Place in heaven, the Ark of God with the Mercy Seat representing the Everlasting Gospel as the Righteousness of Christ.. yet, with the Ark being empty of the Eternal Covenant!! (the ten commandments) Or having the Ark with the Eternal Covenant inside, and then without the Eternal Mercy Seat of Christ's TRUTH covering the Law! God character requires ALL OF CHRIST! Rom. 8:1
It is impossible to separate!
Yet, we know that the one time covering cherub Lucifer, that stood above the Eternal Universal Covenant that is inside the Ark, and who was above the Mercy Seat that was the covering of the Ark in heaven, now makes his primary attack against the very Law of the Universe! See Daniel 7:25. All through mankind's history we see 'professed' Christians go to 'evil' extremes from only law too only Gospel! Back and forth!
The GodHead has NO Pendulum of swinging back & forth! His Truth is anchored securely in place! If one would understand the Sanctuary Truth, (representing the Rock of our Salvation) they would come to understand this. See Psalms 77:13. The Truth is clearly seen & understood inside of the Most Holy Place in heaven itself. Where Christ is now our heavenly attorney. (High Priest) When Christ died the 'Vail of separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place was rent from top to bottom by an unseen hand making the way into the heavenly, Most Holy Place' where the Ark of God is still Eternally in place, with the Covenant inside, and the Mercy Seat still above the 'broken' Covenant, where Christ now 'pleads our repentant on-going case'! And over the Mercy seat? There are still two covering cherubs with their wings covering the Ark of God! Yes, one of these two, replaced Lucifer there! See Eze. 28.
Psalms 77:13 is 'CHRIST' Rock Solid! It is the cast/aside one with the many names as seen in Rev. 12 that has the pendulum swing [from the Most Holy Place truth!] We see he & his helpers described as '1/3 fallen stars', 'red dragon', 'old serpent', (deceiveth the *whole world) And called 'satan'. Also that his war was in 'heaven' itself!! Yes, Eze. 28 tells of another Truth using the King of Tyrus as an 'object' lesson about the Lucifer of Isaiah 14:12-14. You do recall Christ telling Peter to.. 'get behind me satan'? Well in Eze. 28 we see an ex/covering cherub that was created & once in heaven! And the Bible only teaches Truth of one rebellion in heaven! And over in Isaiah 14 we see his name, while he was a covering cherub. God named him Lucifer. We also see that his warfare was for the purpose of having himself to be worshiped! This was against the first table of stone, the GodHeads Eternal Covenant. This is where his warfare 'swings' about! "I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH" Verse 14 ibid.. He hates Christ with a devilish passion. And what does he zero in on in his attack? In 2 Cor. 3:3 we see that the Eternal Covenant is the very 'Epistle or Letter' of Christ! Profession of Christ, without His Moral Character is 1/2 Truth! This is 'Who' 's'atan hates and where he directs his hatred! The Character of God is LOVE!
And satan knows that the Eternal Covenant without the Eternal Righteousness of Christ is also No Gospel at all! So, all through history we see either all law, or No Law with just a 'nothing' of profession in 'c'hrist. And each & every time we see satan at work, swinging his satanic 'pendulum' masterpiece from one extreme side of truth to the other! For he knows that it takes both together, to be 'in' Christ! Rom. 8:14.
We are now seeing right before [our eyes] what is taking place with the devil 'blinding' the eyes of the worlds professed Christians.
We see what No Covenant Law has produced!! (check openly inside your churches) We are in the time of trouble that is leading up to the Mark of the Beast! The world & Christians have 'together' become Lawless! Now we will see the devil's pendulum swing the other way into, forced religion! (now comes his law of forced religion of worship to himself) Surely any worldings can see that all 'hell' so to speak, is now upon us? The Judgements of God were to come upon the old antediluvian world, Niniveh, and Sodom and Gomorrah because they were LAW BREAKERS! Wicked!! "Whosoever committeth sin trangresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4
Yes! We are next!
Friends, the world will do anything to get out of what they have brought upon themselves, except REPENT! (surely only a few will heed the Masters call as seen in Rev. 18:4) Eight souls went into the Ark, only a few followed Christ out of Israel of old that made up the Remnant Church, and Rev. 12:17 tells us of the repeat! The larger majority of earth's inhabitants will use the devils power of forced worship, they will follow their leaders forward in doing anything to get out of the JUDGEMENTS OF GOD!
And what will these ones then say about the GodHeads Covenant being NAILED TO THE CROSS? About THEIR 7th. day Sabbath being a rest only in Christ?? Think about their rest in God's 'flood', 'fire' & 'slaughter'?
Well friend, it is going to be interesting for me at least, to see the pendulum swingers do their flip/flop! You need to study Roman's 13 for yourself, for this is the book that all of these pendulum swinger ones will next need to botch/up! See 2 Peter 3:14-16!