From The Moderator's Desk

Hidden In Him

Staff member
Sep 10, 2021
Reaction score
From The Moderator's Desk


Take the Spam Challenge! There's a lot of it going around these days, and the best thing one can do (when the world gives us these lemons) is to make lemonade with them.

Pronounce the following accounts 10 times real fast.

orunulir, enuxumahei, exazayoxuza, ivizane, uhhasirnodiwu, obayonizii, univago, iyuwisa, eiwegunoyudeq, imeboewa, iojojimi, obucuuhhizoxe, ibmonat, edeiqum, forkuxiga, uvefouyehuze, eaciyobiqup, ugorixalituqa, ijogzojuu, imijubonok, diyoceaowevi, atuwhuyi, doljojayisux, upeenoiku, uruquqoztie, isayasimo. Also shared IP with rejected users oyiwumeq, obayonizii, univago, iyuwisa, eiwegunoyudeq, imeboewa.

If you make it, we'll send you a cookie. We haven't tried yet, but we believe it's doable. Note: Please leave your name, address and next of kin, just in case you pass on from loss of breath in the attempt. All successful attempts must be recorded and verifiable by at least two witnesses to receive your prize. Limited time only.
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This sounds like the latest medical breakthrough. "Ask your doctor about Forkuxiga. With just one easy pill you can 'say as you mow' all day long. Just hope your machine doesn't come to pieces when you make a left turn. [image of man happily mowing while making a left turn] Note: May result in measles, or cause you to break out in hives and grow two heads. Please consult your physician first before taking."
Just hope your machine doesn't come to pieces when you make a left turn. [image of man happily mowing while making a left turn] Note: May result in measles, or cause you to break out in hives and grow two heads.

Not to be confused with Forxiga, which was invented to help keep blood sugar low.
