jasonc e-85 is only a dime cheaper than regular.
That industry is finished... I wonder how long North America will be able to compete with the Saudis. t's like Wallmart competing with the mom and pop store down the block. Wallmart can sustain losses longer than mom and pop. Eventually, mom and pop are out of business and Wallmart can do whatever they want with their prices.. oh, with very little competition too.
So what happens when all the investors in North American oil loose their tail and bail out? They won't come back. drill baby drill... not going to happen. So we get stuck spending trillions on our military protecting our interest in middle eastern oil... yeah, the Wallmart of oil production. We Americans are so stupid... Hurry and buy that SUV! Gas prices are low! Quick, re-mortage with variable rate while rates are low! Don't worry yourself with the future, right now everything is good, Good, GOOD! Idiots....