General summary of how the end will unfold from this time forward

As soon as the Progressive Communist Dems and RINOs have enough control over the US they will turn their face more outwardly towards their conspiracy with the Muslin Brotherhood and the other Muslim nations surrounding Israel, to overthrow Israel and turn their land over to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization. I am certain when this takes place the Antichrist will emerge from among the Muslim terrorist leaders and put Israel on the back burner through a phony peace treaty between many nations and Israel. The Antichrist will use the authority he will gain through this to lead the Progressives Communists on a crusade to remove the Christian obstacle out of the way and thereby move the Global Great Reset forward. When this is accomplished the Antichrist will turn on Israel capture Jerusalem and he with the help of False Prophet will alter history and claim the Antichrist is the one the Bible and the counterfeit books of the cults foretold would come. He and the False Prophet will claim the anti-Christian Progressive laws are from God and He and the False Prophet will alienate the Christians even further by requiring that everyone take his mark in order to buy and sell. However, infighting will breakout between nations and kings over who will rule Israel. When the earthquakes John saw in Rev. 16 split the US, which is Babylon the great, into three the Antichrist will talk many of the kings of the earth into forming the fourth and final beast and Jesus will use this beast as His instrument of indignation toward Woke US and the US will be defeated militarily. Immediately afterwards the resurrection will take place and the believers will go to the wedding feast for 40 days. However, the Christian Pastors who will be saying that Jesus isn't coming for a long time when the resurrection takes place will be left behind unchanged until they receive the number of lashes each are allotted to receive and then they will be killed, put on the incorruptible and join the believers at the wedding feast. Dan. 12 tells us some believers will be changed in the resurrection, but remain behind to minister to those who will believe during the wedding feast and when they are finished they will join the rest of the believers at the wedding feast. After the wedding feast we will return with Jesus and He will throw the Antichrist and the False Prophet alive into the Lake of Fire and destroy his armies through a worldwide Jericho wall collapse like event and change Jerusalem into New Jerusalem where we will reign with Jesus over the earth for a 1000 years, while Satan is bound and cannot deceive those unbelievers who are still alive.
It must be remembered that the identification of Babylon the Great as Catholic/Rome was originally developed by Protestant Reformers who saw the Roman Catholic Church as the primary source of evil in the world.
Not sure how much earlier, but long before there was a Protestant church at all, even as early as the first century (in Scripture), the perpetrator of evil worldwide was declared , exposed and known to
the followers of Jesus.