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Hail to the brothers and sisters (LONG!)


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Well, hello there and what's the news? Jesus, of course.

I'm Anthiena, lady of the flowers and a former Pagan. My chosen name is from Anthea, which means flower-of course. I listen to rock of all kinds, even metal, I watch cartoons at the "ripe" age of 24, I am engaged to a lovely Christian man a little younger than myself and I take things in general both with light-hearted humor and gravity.

I have an unusual history. My parents were divorced at five, both remarried later-my mother well and my father to an abusive hypocrite. My mother is a good, Christian woman-faulted but willing to accept others for their faults as well. She was willing more than my stepmother to accept that nobody alive now is perfect. She (my mother) is foul-mouthed, strong, steadfast and faithful to the following of Christ and to those she holds dear. She might seem like an unlikely person to hold as an example-but she, I realize now, showed me that you don't have to be perfect in order to be a good Christian.

You might expect me to bash Wicca/Witchcraft (which is NOT the same thing) or to site various publications like "Wicca: Satan's White Lie" or other bumf. I will not. They were good people in general, sincere and most quite non-judgemental. Their ways are not ours but they are peaceful in general and many quite admire Christ's messages of peace and tolerance. What a jewel to the crown of Christianity they are. Yet they just smile in the face of talking about the Bible and prove quite steadfast in their faith.

I was not in a cult. The one big "faith" I have troubled thoughts over is so-called "Scientology," which is nothing of that sword and is an insult to the name. They are money hungry, helping only the higher-ups instead of those in true need. Indeed, most cults are a mockery of Christianity, not Pagan or Satanists. Note the word mockery. That is, a twisted, evil take on the Bible and Christian ways.

Yes, I was a Wiccan. For useful notes this is an excellent resource with excellent research and an excellent reputation from many faiths, including Christians. I did not worship Satan nor did I or anyone I know sacrifice animals, small children or have abortions. Nobody thought Harry Potter said anything about Wicca, Paganism or Satanism-it is just a heroic fantasy, written by rather wordy lady.

I don't think video games, Satanism or any of the usual things are to blame for anything. Willful ignorance, greed, despair and sheer need are. Video games can be art, polemic and as cinematic as anything. Allegories abound-questions of faith, what it means to be alive, technology's advance, humanity-all sorts of wonderful questions that appeal to the very human soul. Are there bad video games out there? Yes. Just as the same as there are bad books, bad movies and bad music that has no value whatsoever.

I don't believe in believing something just because one is being told to. We translate the bible for just this reason-that a reasonable person may read and know that Christians aren't just talking out of "Oh, it's this way just because." They can read it and say "Oh, so it's because of Luke ??:??" "Oh, so Ruth ?:??". We are commanded to be as innocent as doves but also wise as serpents. Wisdom includes knowledge.

I always tell people that I talk to about matters of faith- "Science is the how. Religion is the why and what for." Science is God's plan, too! How beautiful it is to know that we revolve around the "Son"! That mathematics can show us the symmetries that God made for us to wonder. That light has many things that humans cannot perceive without help. How small are we, how unlikely. Yet here we are.

What miracle can be explained without it being the plan of God?


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