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halloween part 2

You know Christians think, they are on some kind of party ride, the devil is deadly serious, there are thousands of groups all across the world, who will pray for the destruction of Christianity on this time, this is the height of evil and must be opposed.

It is time to tell you kids not to participate in this, to forbid them.. yes, to be strict, what peer group pressure is placed on them. It is time for you pastors to preach against this evil, it is time for the church to pray against this evil, to not go to stores who sell this stuff.

It is time to burn the stuff you have about Halloween and go to the Lord in Repentance.. are you prepared to burn all the Halloween stuff you have in your house?


IF you join in with this evil, then you are standing with the devil's side, what was Aaron and the Children of Israel doing, when they worshipped the Golden Calf, bowing down to an idol. What are we doing when we have pumpkins around the porch? Oh, they look pretty, the Lord doesn't think so?


You refuse and join in with this stuff, then you are in rebellion against God and what is rebellion, it is like the sin of witchcraft

In 1 Samuel 15, the Lord says that rebellion, which is a refusal to do what you are told and to go your own way, is like this

22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.

In verse 16 of Ephesians 5, we are told to redeem the time, literally to buy it back. If you are involving yourself in this practice.. stop and turn in repentance.

There are millions of Christians who say nothing and are silent, it is time to rise up like a mighty army of prayer warriors. Prayer chains against this evil should run in every church, every city, every village and every Christian household. We need to stand against this evil and to come to Lord in repentance asking his forgiveness and pleading for revival, so that this evil will be banished forever.

If you refuse to obey the Lord and participate in Halloween, then you are guilty of witchcraft, and as Galatians 5 says.. no one who does such a thing will enter the Kingdom of God.. A very sobering thought.. Amen


A final word, the 31st October is the anniversary of Martin Luther and what he did back in 1517, what did he do you say?

Christians know more about halloween than they do about the reformation, what a disgrace that is...amen

I am going to let my dear friend Pastor Michael say a few words about this, he is far more qualified, over to you Brother...

Hello everyone, and Halloween or All Hallows Eve, does have its roots in paganism. While some do not set out to be a part of paganism when they let their children "trick or treat," we do need to understand where this "holiday" came from. While the practices were and are different, depending on which country you came from, it is based on the belief in ghosts, and paganism over 2000 years ago. This article gives a good summary:

What are the origins of Halloween?

The question arises about a Christian's participation in this day. Keith has stated his conviction above, and we should be careful. Even if we don't celebrate it, there is an opportunity, at least in America, to use this to share the Gospel. At no other time does someone have many kids, and adults, coming to the door, asking for candy! What a great opportunity to give out tracks and a treat! We overcome the darkness by bringing the light and there is nothing brighter than the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only way of salvation!

In His Love, Michael
And so christmas is also filled with pagan ways and this is a bigger problem for christians... its easy to see its pagan yet most churches and christians take part in it.
What a great opportunity to give out tracks and a treat!.

Giving out treats, isnt that one of the pagan ways of this holiday? I dont think anyone should take part in this.... while you are adding a tract into the world the world is adding some pagan into you..
What a great opportunity to give out tracks and a treat!.

Giving out treats, isnt that one of the pagan ways of this holiday?
The intention/motivation behind the treat matters.
If youre doing this normally sinless thing for the sake of a pagan holiday, perhaps.
I dont think anyone should take part in this.... while you are adding a tract into the world the world is adding some pagan into you..
You mean 'treat', not 'tract'?
And so christmas is also filled with pagan ways and this is a bigger problem for christians... its easy to see its pagan yet most churches and christians take part in it.
If you celebrate it the way the worLd celebrates it, then yes the celebration is worLdly. the worLdly customs are problem. "be ye not OF the WorLd." - paraphrase or mabye quote.