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Hebrews 4:12, What Is Meant By the "Word of God"?

A Non Ecclesiastical NT
Therefore, we should try hard to enter into that rest, so that no one should fall in the same spectacle of distrust. For God's message is living and working and more sharp than every two-edged sword, and it cuts through to the point of separating life and breath, both joints and marrow, and it is able to judge the heart's reflections and thoughts. And no creature fails to be apparent in his presence, but all things are naked and laid open to his eyes. The message for us is directed toward him.

2001 Translation
Therefore, let’s do everything that we can to enter that rest, so no one will fail because of disobedience. For, the word of God is alive and at work, and it’s sharper than any two-edged sword. Why, it cuts so fine that it can separate the breath from the breather, as well as his joints and marrow! So, it becomes the judge of the thoughts and desires of [our] hearts. Why, nothing in creation is invisible to His eyes… everything is naked and open before He who sent us His Word!

What is this "Word" or "Message" of God that this text speaks of? I had always thought it was a reference to the Bible, but the problem with that theory is that the books of the Bible were not complete or compiled when these words were pinned. So instead, could the "Word" mentioned here be a reference to what was spoken of in 1 John 1 as well as John 1?
A Non Ecclesiastical NT
Therefore, we should try hard to enter into that rest, so that no one should fall in the same spectacle of distrust. For God's message is living and working and more sharp than every two-edged sword, and it cuts through to the point of separating life and breath, both joints and marrow, and it is able to judge the heart's reflections and thoughts. And no creature fails to be apparent in his presence, but all things are naked and laid open to his eyes. The message for us is directed toward him.

2001 Translation
Therefore, let’s do everything that we can to enter that rest, so no one will fail because of disobedience. For, the word of God is alive and at work, and it’s sharper than any two-edged sword. Why, it cuts so fine that it can separate the breath from the breather, as well as his joints and marrow! So, it becomes the judge of the thoughts and desires of [our] hearts. Why, nothing in creation is invisible to His eyes… everything is naked and open before He who sent us His Word!

What is this "Word" or "Message" of God that this text speaks of? I had always thought it was a reference to the Bible, but the problem with that theory is that the books of the Bible were not complete or compiled when these words were pinned. So instead, could the "Word" mentioned here be a reference to what was spoken of in 1 John 1 as well as John 1?

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb 4:12 RSV)

Even though the joining together of the New and Old Testament was not yet completed the early Christians did have access to the Torah as well as the prophets. It was these words of God, along with the early writings of the Apostles, which I believe are being referenced here.

However, God of course knew that the entire Bible would be completed, therefore this passage of Scripture is also prophetic in that sense.

The main thrust of what is being taught (v.9-12) is that there is "a rest" that is available for the children of God. And that if they would, through faith believing, allow the Spirit of God, through the Word of God to divide their soul from their spirits they would find, in the words of the Lord Jesus, "...the words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life." (Jn 6:63)

Yours in Christ
Well according to the Bible the word was here before we were. John 1:1 In the BEGINNING was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD and the WORD became FLESH. In other words Jesus is the Gospel. You can tell by studying the book of Leviticus and how the laws and rituals all pointed in some way to Jesus. John 8:58 Jesus said to them,"before Abraham was I AM"
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Heb 4:12 RSV)

Even though the joining together of the New and Old Testament was not yet completed the early Christians did have access to the Torah as well as the prophets. It was these words of God, along with the early writings of the Apostles, which I believe are being referenced here.

However, God of course knew that the entire Bible would be completed, therefore this passage of Scripture is also prophetic in that sense.

The main thrust of what is being taught (v.9-12) is that there is "a rest" that is available for the children of God. And that if they would, through faith believing, allow the Spirit of God, through the Word of God to divide their soul from their spirits they would find, in the words of the Lord Jesus, "...the words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life." (Jn 6:63)

Yours in Christ

The Word of God has a starting period??? Immortal means what? ETERNAL!! 'don't think so!' And God spoke directly to his first created ones. When Truth came to human's does not change The Truth! Matt. 4:4, 2 Tim. 3:16

And the Godheads 7th Day Sabbath was Blessed of Them, & Set Aside for Holy Use, + SANCTIFIED, from creation on for ALL mankind.. Adam on! Where does one 'think' that the 'First' Word of REMEMBER pointed to in the 4th Commandment but to Earth's 'Memorial' BIRTH?? Psalms 135:13 (birthday)
