Great Prayer Warriors
"' I will not let you go unless you bless me." (v.26)
-- For reading & meditation: Genesis 32:22-31
We look now at twin characteristics of "revival praying" - tenacity and persistence.
Read the record of revivals and you will find that these qualities are both present. In the days prior to revival people not only pray zealously but they pray persistently.
For over a period of thirteen years Evan Roberts prayed for revival to come to Wales. "There was never a day," he says, "when I didn't fling myself before God and cry out for Him to send the Holy Spirit to my native land."
Dafydd Owen also prayed every day for over ten years for a great outpouring to come to the Principality.
And concerning David Morgan it was recorded "that for ten years before 1858 a petition for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was never absent from his prayers".
We must recognise that often this persistence was not something that was natural but was given by the Holy Spirit.
It was said of Evan Roberts that when he was a boy, "he hardly ever saw anything through and would give up a task most easily".
Listen to what Jonathan Edwards, another great revivalist, had to say about the importance of persistence and perseverance:
"It is very apparent from the Word of God that the Lord is wont often to try the faith and patience of His people, when crying to Him for some great and important mercy, by withholding the mercy sought for a season; and not only so but at first to cause an increase of dark appearances.
"And yet He, without fail, at last succeeds those who continue instant in prayer with all perseverance and will 'not let Him go except He blesses'."
O Father, search my heart today and see if there is any hidden thing in me that holds me back from persistent and perservering prayer. Bring it to the light so that I can deal with it. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Luke 18:1-8; James 5:13-18; 1 Thess. 5:17
1. What did Jesus teach on prayer?
2. What did Elijah demonstrate?
For more devotional materials and books from Selwyn Hughes visit CWR Online Store at: http://www.cwrstore.org.uk
Great Prayer Warriors
"' I will not let you go unless you bless me." (v.26)
-- For reading & meditation: Genesis 32:22-31
We look now at twin characteristics of "revival praying" - tenacity and persistence.
Read the record of revivals and you will find that these qualities are both present. In the days prior to revival people not only pray zealously but they pray persistently.
For over a period of thirteen years Evan Roberts prayed for revival to come to Wales. "There was never a day," he says, "when I didn't fling myself before God and cry out for Him to send the Holy Spirit to my native land."
Dafydd Owen also prayed every day for over ten years for a great outpouring to come to the Principality.
And concerning David Morgan it was recorded "that for ten years before 1858 a petition for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was never absent from his prayers".
We must recognise that often this persistence was not something that was natural but was given by the Holy Spirit.
It was said of Evan Roberts that when he was a boy, "he hardly ever saw anything through and would give up a task most easily".
Listen to what Jonathan Edwards, another great revivalist, had to say about the importance of persistence and perseverance:
"It is very apparent from the Word of God that the Lord is wont often to try the faith and patience of His people, when crying to Him for some great and important mercy, by withholding the mercy sought for a season; and not only so but at first to cause an increase of dark appearances.
"And yet He, without fail, at last succeeds those who continue instant in prayer with all perseverance and will 'not let Him go except He blesses'."
O Father, search my heart today and see if there is any hidden thing in me that holds me back from persistent and perservering prayer. Bring it to the light so that I can deal with it. I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Luke 18:1-8; James 5:13-18; 1 Thess. 5:17
1. What did Jesus teach on prayer?
2. What did Elijah demonstrate?
For more devotional materials and books from Selwyn Hughes visit CWR Online Store at: http://www.cwrstore.org.uk