God bless you! I'm so sorry that you have suffered through so much. Life isn't fair, and unfortunately because we have been given free will, we will at times do wrong, and at other times bad things will happen or be done to us. I know some will disagree with me, but I don't believe God brings hardship into our lives to test us. I believe God created this world and us, but it is more like a rock sent rolling down a hill towards an ultimate, glorious destination, and less like a car God drives.
When bad things happen to us it is often our first response to blame God and shut ourselves off from his love. This is very human! It is an even more logical response to do so after someone who claims to be speaking for God takes advantage of us! Who wouldn't cry out and say, "God! How could you do this to me!" Well, my brother, God didn't do this to you! A man did. A human, imperfect man. God didn't point you out to get this bone disease, it was bad luck, or some genetic mishap.
Bad things happen in this world, and we will all die eventually. But when we close ourselves off from God, we are closing ourselves off to the greatest source of solace and comfort available to us. God loves you and is waiting for you to recognize that He has been and always will be with you no matter what trials or tragedies you may suffer. The first step is asking God to come into your heart.
I would pray something like the this: "Dear God, I come to you hurting and angry. I have suffered and been abused and I have blamed you, but I know you love me. Please come into my heart, and into my mind, and into my soul and guide me. Change me into who you created me to be. I put my life into your hands. I love you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
God loves you and if you will let Him, He will teach you how to forgive. You will never be free to be at peace and find happiness until you can forgive.
Forgive the man who abused you! Yes, I know that may well be the last thing you want to do, but do it for yourself! Why carry around such a heavy burden? Also, report him to whatever church officials are over his parish! It is a very different feeling when you report someone out of care and concern rather than out of revenge. That man is so steeped in sin, and filled with self-loathing and pain that unless something is done he will continue to hurt others! Protect others and him from his weakness. Speak up and get that man out of a position of authority he does not have the faith and strength to occupy.
Forgive yourself! We men live in bodies that are very sexually responsive and it can be very confusing to feel outrage at being taken advantage of and at the same time admit that it was in a way enjoyable. Forgive yourself! Don't confuse what was done to you with who you are! We all have inappropriate sexual desires and thoughts. Mature, healthy christians give them to God for forgiveness and then go about the business of doing good and helping others. You are, and we all are human!
Forgive yourself for falling prey to this illness. Put your illness in God's hands! Ask for his will and guidance, and his healing. It's amazing how much better life gets when we stop struggling and worrying and we begin to accept and trust.
When you remember what someone did to hurt you, you can say something like the following:
"I forgive _________________ for ____________________. As I hope and pray to be forgiven, so will I forgive. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."
When you need to be forgiven for your own mistakes or wrongdoing, you can pray something like the following: "Dear God, Please forgive me for ________________. I repent of my sin. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."
DON'T WAIT TO FEEL LIKE FORGIVING! Ask God to give you the strength and then say the words! Trust me! If you start saying the words, your emotions will eventually catch up! Honestly! Thanks to God's love and endless forgiveness I have an amazingly happy and peaceful life. You can too if you will put your faith in God.
God has not and will not ever forsake you! He loves you no matter what sorrows lie in your past! I pray in Jesus' name that you will open your heart to Him, and put your life in His hands. I pray that God's healing love will fill you and heal you of all anguish and pain, and that He will lead you become all that He created you to be.
May God bless you always,
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