I saw my lady friend at a coffee shop. She was going to get food with family. I left because I had to go. She followed me because she wanted to go with me and then she jumped onto my back to give her a piggy back ride to the car. I was at the garage where the car was parked to get my car. Before I opened it I asked her how she felt about her boyfriend. She had distressed eyes and almost teary like she wanted to cry. Then I asked her how she felt about me and she didn't want to say anything. Next thing you know she was sitting over my shoulders and I was looking forward and I said "Let's be friends?' As I said that I stuck my hand out in front of my head with my palm up and before I could finish saying "Let's be friends?" she had already put her hand in mine.
I also had another dream that me and her were brewing coffee together.
Any idea what this could mean?
I would love your input.
Thanks for posting this again, Louis, and sorry about things getting erased in the recent shut down.
To restate my interpretation (and it won't hurt me to take another look, btw):
This lady has an interest in you, and and also in following you in your calling. This is indicated by her wanting to be piggy-backed to your car, as cars often represent ministries. But she is currently spoken for by the looks of it, only this may change. There is a possibility her and her boyfriend won't work out; maybe he is not really that Christian, or has no ministry goals and is not pursuing God which breaks her heart; or maybe they simply find that they can't get along or he leaves her or some other issue. But whatever the case, if you are nice to her and show her Christian kindness, she will jump at the opportunity to be friends with you if things do not work out for her and him, because the dream suggests she likes you and what she sees you doing for God.
As I stated, Coffee Shops are often places where people eat and engage in reading, so the suggestion is that the two of you could some day potentially join in some form of ministry that ministers spiritual food to people together. Just keep in mind that dreams are not set in stone. Pray for her, so that if the opportunity should arise you walk through that door successfully, and the Lord guides you in all your actions and behavior.
Keep in mind that there is very rarely any kind if time stamp on a dream, which means it could present itself next week or a year from now or more. You have no way of knowing but just to watch and pray.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and thanks for posting it again : )