My bf's been struggling with depression for a long time. He has insomnia cuz of it and drinks to sleep cuz that's the only thing that helps. Now he's just given up. We're long distance so I feel extra helpless. He's 31 and feels like he's useless because he has no proper job/savings/ even proper friends since he's pretty anti-social. He says I should leave him cuz I won't get anywhere with him but I told him I'm not going to. We met 10 yrs ago, together 3 1/2 yrs, then I broke up cuz we were unhealthy/co-dependent and I knew if we didn't love the Lord first, we'd never work. The Lord worked in my life, but not in his cuz I guess he has to want it...and he doesn't really want it. we'd stayed in touch over the years and started again last year because things have improved re: how he treats me and he's more mature in ways he wasn't 10 yrs ago but - this depression thing is really getting him down. where he lives, there are no counselors cuz it's a small town in India. He doesn't want to leave his town either. I just don't know what to do. It hurts - because I know he has so much potential because he's so talented musically if he would just study but he's proud too - says he's not gonna go out and study at the age of 31... i guess it may be an asian mindset thing.
Please - pray for him - that he will have hope again and that I will know what to say/do. It hurts because he's the only one i've ever loved and been with my whole life and I wish so much that we'd work out. I don't know what I'd do if I lose him again cuz the breakup the first time took me 4 years to get over... neither one of us expected we'd be back again but we are and now... oh... I don't know what to think. I'm sorry. I'd really appreciate anything from anyone. Thank you.
Please - pray for him - that he will have hope again and that I will know what to say/do. It hurts because he's the only one i've ever loved and been with my whole life and I wish so much that we'd work out. I don't know what I'd do if I lose him again cuz the breakup the first time took me 4 years to get over... neither one of us expected we'd be back again but we are and now... oh... I don't know what to think. I'm sorry. I'd really appreciate anything from anyone. Thank you.