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I've only had the 11 freeview Christian TV channels @ 6 weeks now, but watch probably an average of 3/4 hours of Christian TV daily

It's been my only direct observation of the Word of Faith movement & as far as I know, Kenneth Copeland is the only 1 of its teachers I've regularly watched: unless Joyce Meyer is, in which case I heard her daily for @ 2/3 years on UCB Europe, 549mMW/AM & have read 2 of her Bible-filled books

I've never heard either of them mention Dake even once

Both preachers consistently pack their teaching with solid Bible quotes

If any readers wanna check 'em out, see

I think his site is

AH: I'm sure I've heard folk call Benny Hinn a Word of Faith teacher

Check him out @

Again, I've watched his This Is Your Day daily - as Dr Morris Cerullo's

He is @

I thnk both are actually Pentecostals?

Again, both say, daily & firmly that the Bible is the source of their teaching, never have mentioned Dake & always glorify Jesus as the Great Physician who miraculously heals so many using them as catalysts for building folks' faith thru solid Bible teaching

I lived in major retirement town Southport for 9.5 years - till November - & have heard several retired pastors & missionaries - all of whom know their Bible very well indeed - & they regularly watched Benny Hinn, Morris Cerullo & Keneth Copeland for years & commended their faithfulness to the Bible

I know I've heard all 3, & Joyce Meyer, specifically say that it is the eternal Word of God we need to trust & obey, not the mere whims & changing ideas of man

I've testified several times in my 4.5 years - on several Christian forums like this 1 - that I use public PCs in big libraries/UK Online Centres, where there are often 3/4 conversations going on at once, so that I always have to ask God to guide me & have been cosistently amazed at how many Scriptures He consistently brings to mind as I type

If you click my profile & then on 'find all posts by...', you'll see how many varied posts I make in my daily 3 hours online

I have no way of knowing what will come up when I hit 'posts since your last visit' & certainly have no vast pile of research books to hand on these kinda small PC desks

But the first & most wonderful thing that came to my mind to share as I read the OP was the amazing testimonies of African orphans who'd never seen a Bible in their lives

There are many documented examples of how God has given such kids dreams & visions of Bible texts & stories that they'd never heard

Many folk testify how, in the 1st years of knowing Jesus as Lord & Saviour - before having time to read the whole Bible, or hear it all preached - God often put His Word direct into their hearts when they asked Him @ situations confronting them or their families or friends

The final thing I have time to share is Jeremiah 18:1-11 - @ God being the Potter & us being the clay

Sorry: copy/paste not worked - twice now

The clay can't judge the Potter

But the Potter, being holy, just & righteous, faithfully 'watching over His Word to perform it' - MUST assess, discern & judge the clay

I think that there is much in popular condemnation of these folk - & of evangelists in general - that is falsely trying, as Satan did in Genesis 3 - to cast doubt on God's eternal Word by falsely alleging that it is merely certain preachers who say..when the accusers know full well that they themselves are trying thus to disguise their own rebellion against God's right to rule their lives, to call the shots

Must go!

Bah! Itching ears and feel good religion is what they are about. :o

2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Tim 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Tim 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.


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