Are You Holding On to Worthless Things?
Nancy C. Anderson
Cheetah Chicks
Editors note: this article is from the Life’s a Jungle! message by Nancy C. Anderson and Tonya Ruiz, who speak and write as the Cheetah Chicks.®
How many items in your home are broken, outdated, or worthless?
Is your home like mine?
We had oodles of items we didn’t need. For instance, we had accumulated 12 years of Auto Club books. We should have thrown the outdated ones away when we got the new ones, but did we? No! However, during a 15-minute spurt of de-cluttering, I tackled one bookshelf and bravely threw the outdated books in the recycle trash bin. I felt so free!
Holding on to worthless things?
In South Africa, there are colonies of termites that build towers large enough for a man to stand in, but in Southern California, these critters are doing the opposite by tearing down structures. Our house was due to be treated by the Termite Squad and they asked us to put protective bags around all the food and medicines so the poison, meant to kill the bugs, didn’t kill us...
Nancy C. Anderson
Cheetah Chicks
Editors note: this article is from the Life’s a Jungle! message by Nancy C. Anderson and Tonya Ruiz, who speak and write as the Cheetah Chicks.®
How many items in your home are broken, outdated, or worthless?
Is your home like mine?
We had oodles of items we didn’t need. For instance, we had accumulated 12 years of Auto Club books. We should have thrown the outdated ones away when we got the new ones, but did we? No! However, during a 15-minute spurt of de-cluttering, I tackled one bookshelf and bravely threw the outdated books in the recycle trash bin. I felt so free!
Holding on to worthless things?
In South Africa, there are colonies of termites that build towers large enough for a man to stand in, but in Southern California, these critters are doing the opposite by tearing down structures. Our house was due to be treated by the Termite Squad and they asked us to put protective bags around all the food and medicines so the poison, meant to kill the bugs, didn’t kill us...