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How are we saved?

To be saved we must believe in God’s love which He expressed by dying for the sins we committed against Him (Matthew 26:28). To believe in His love is to love one another as He has loved us (John 15:12). Therefore, it is not our own effort to be saved that saves us; rather it is God’s love for us and our acceptance of His love that saves us. In other word, if we do good acts just to be saved, it would not save us, because they have a selfish motive. On the other hand, if we believe in God’s love, and therefore, do good acts out of pure love, then we will be saved.
Furthermore, our contrition for our sins would be out of love for God and our fellow human beings, and not out of fear of punishment.

aru says

To be saved we must believe in God’s love which He expressed by dying for the sins we committed against Him

This is wrong , believing is not a condition to get saved..only christ finished work for his people !

Therefore, it is not our own effort to be saved that saves us; rather it is God’s love for us and our acceptance of His love that saves us.

What a contradiction = not our effort to be saved , but our acceptance of Gods love that saves..Instead of saying plainly that christ love alone saves his people..

rev 1:

5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

By his mercy alone he saved us..

titus 3

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

By His eternal good pleasure outside of time he saved us according to 2 tim 1

Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

, if we believe in God’s love, and therefore, do good acts out of pure love, then we will be saved.

funny thing , this guy is promoting works salvation, and he does not even realize it..sad !

Furthermore, our contrition for our sins would be out of love for God and our fellow human beings, and not out of fear of punishment.

Trusting in his contrition... :crazyeyes: good luck sir
beloved57 said:
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

That's right! Are you a follower of Jesus? Will you follow Jesus into the Baptismal waters?

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
StoveBolts said:
beloved57 said:
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

That's right! Are you a follower of Jesus? Will you follow Jesus into the Baptismal waters?

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Huh.. :crazyeyes:
beloved57 said:
aru says

To be saved we must believe in God’s love which He expressed by dying for the sins we committed against Him

This is wrong , believing is not a condition to get saved..only christ finished work for his people !

[quote:1e082]Therefore, it is not our own effort to be saved that saves us; rather it is God’s love for us and our acceptance of His love that saves us.

What a contradiction = not our effort to be saved , but our acceptance of Gods love that saves..Instead of saying plainly that christ love alone saves his people..

rev 1:

5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

By his mercy alone he saved us..

titus 3

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

By His eternal good pleasure outside of time he saved us according to 2 tim 1

Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

, if we believe in God’s love, and therefore, do good acts out of pure love, then we will be saved.

funny thing , this guy is promoting works salvation, and he does not even realize it..sad !

Furthermore, our contrition for our sins would be out of love for God and our fellow human beings, and not out of fear of punishment.

Trusting in his contrition... :crazyeyes: good luck sir[/quote:1e082]

Sorry, beloved57, you’re missing the point. God because of his mercy and love, chose to save mankind before the world began, by freely paying for the sin of the whole world (with the death of his Son) that will apply to every person who willingly chooses to repent of their sins and follow Christ. You will be judged by your works, sir.

And yes, I realize this is considered a 'works salvation' but this IS what the Bible teaches, whether it's what your church teaches or not. The thing you need to see is that 1. God made this salvation available by his grace, love and mercy, not because we deserved it, 2. The works that save are works of faith and love and not works of ceremonial laws, and 3. The Bible says there will be 'no boasting', not that there should be 'no works'. When you get that straight, you can read the Bible as it was intended.
Sorry, beloved57, you’re missing the point. God by his mercy and love, chose to save mankind before the world began, by freely paying for the sin of the whole world (with the death of his Son) that will apply to every person who willingly chooses to repent of their sins and follow Christ. You will be judged by your works,

Sorry you have missed the point and you are teaching lies in which you will shortly have to give in account have absolutely no business trying to teach the bible at all..
beloved57 said:
Sorry, beloved57, you’re missing the point. God by his mercy and love, chose to save mankind before the world began, by freely paying for the sin of the whole world (with the death of his Son) that will apply to every person who willingly chooses to repent of their sins and follow Christ. You will be judged by your works,

Sorry you have missed the point and you are teaching lies in which you will shortly have to give in account have absolutely no business trying to teach the bible at all..

No, actually, I am preaching the gospel that Jesus taught and that he told his disciples to teach. You have got yourself another gospel. You just don’t know it yet.

btw, I added another paragraph to my post while you were writing yours.
People, no need to bicker over something so trivial. The fact is that faith in Jesus Christ causes good works.
quote by kenan on Sun Dec 02, 2007:
People, no need to bicker over something so trivial. The fact is that faith in Jesus Christ causes good works.

I’m not bickering. That is true, that faith in Jesus Christ causes good works. The reason that it makes a difference as to whether we believe that good works are essential to our salvation or not, is if we believe the responsibility to do those good works lies solely with God, it takes all incentive from us to do them. Then, at the same time, instead of it being that we do works because we have to in order to be saved, it’s that we do them because we are being gracious to God and doing something that we are not required to do. It becomes that man is doing a favor for God out of his great love for him, and not that God is doing a favor for man. Grace is turned upside down.

Do you understand how this can be used to first cause man to be lazy and complacently apathetic toward works and also to be somewhat proud that he is a good little boy who is nice enough to do something out of pure love, when he is not under any compulsion to do so? Yet, to do works of faith because one believes what Jesus said is true, and doing so will end in the reward of eternal life, these works are touted by Calvinists as being done through pride!

The Bible, however, tells us to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. Fear and trembling is not pride, but I have met more than a few proud, hard working calvinists who are confident they don’t have to lift a finger for their salvation. They do this for God because they appreciate what he has done even though they don’t have to do a thing. Then, there are others with Calvinist beliefs that work because it shows to themselves and the world that they indeed must be one of the chosen few. It gives them the assurance of their hope that they have been so chosen by God.
It is not because of works that we are saved, but because of salvation that we should work. Rev chapter 2:2-3:15 tells us of Christ judging the works of the seven chuches. He says to all of them..."I know your works".

We are saved by God's grace and love for us.

Jn 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The verse above uses the words, "world", (Greek - NT:2889; kosmos (the world including its inhabitants)) and "whosoever" (NT:3956; apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole:)

Our part is accepting His gift and believing in His Son. Not just believing He exist but believing Who He is, What He did, and Why he did it.
quote by GraceBwithU:

It is not because of works that we are saved, but because of salvation that we should work. Rev chapter 2:2-3:15 tells us of Christ judging the works of the seven chuches. He says to all of them..."I know your works".

You should work because if you don’t work, you won’t be saved. You should not think that your work is something that God must pay you for though. He gives eternal life but not because you have earned it. A lifetime of work does not settle the score for the rebellion you have exhibited against God. Jesus blood does that. If you follow Christ, repent of your sin and obey him, his blood will take away those sins that you repent of.

You are correct that it is not because of our works that God chose to save us, and sent his son to die for us. He doesn’t need our works. He chose to save us because he loves us, in fact, he loves all of us, even while we were yet sinners. God made this salvation available by his grace, love and mercy, not because we deserved it.

quote by GraceBwithU:

We are saved by God's grace and love for us.

Jn 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The verse above uses the words, "world", (Greek - NT:2889; kosmos (the world including its inhabitants)) and "whosoever" (NT:3956; apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the wholeJ

There you go. You got that spot on.

quote by GraceBwithU:
Our part is accepting His gift and believing in His Son. Not just believing He exist but believing Who He is, What He did, and Why he did it.

You forgot that we must believe what he taught us to do in order to be saved. If we believe what he taught and do it in faith believing that is the way of eternal life, we will be saved by that faith.

Let me repeat what I told beloved57. 1. God made this salvation available by his grace, love and mercy, not because we deserved it, 2. The works that save are works of faith and love and not works of ceremonial laws, and 3. The Bible says there will be 'no boasting', not that there should be 'no works'. When you get that straight, you can read the Bible as it was intended. It’s really quite simple, once you get it all together. :fadein: