George Muller
Well of course we know brother that the scriptures are the foundation and that we can do many great things but without love, it profits nothing.
Those of us who have these things, should seek to prove them in the scriptures. If a believer who has been taught against the anointing begins to walk in Gods love and confidence of the scriptures, they will in fact open their hearts to the working of the Holy Spirit.
ummm. Without Love, faith won't work. Even a little bitterness can hinder the Holy Spirits power and the greatest thing is the Love of God which passes understanding. (Eph) I am married so it starts at home. I like what you have written George, the greatest imparting gift from the Holy Spirit is Love and that we should walk in it. Gifts are just that, free and Jesus said we know them by the fruit (of the Spirit) not gifts. Thank you for opening that up
My prison wing was on lock down as a virus had incapacitated every one. Out of about 100 men, over 60 percent were at the Hospital trying to recover. I myself was feeling miserable.
3 weeks Before:
I was watching WWF (Wrestling) and one of my Brothers in Christ came and berated me for not setting a very good example. After all, the Undertaker had just come on stage and was speaking "demonic tongues" (Oh my) Well, Prison is boring and I do like wrestling so I told him to go mind his own business, and work out his own salvation in soon to be fear if he kept bothering me about it.
That was the end our our daily bible fellowship as He was in the wrong and I was not talking with him anymore. I am sure he felt the same way.
Forward 2 weeks:
The virus hit our wing, and I was feeling miserable. Bless God that by his stripes I am the Healed and no sickness was keeping me down. Well, I was down, but Mike don't waiver, so I was standing.
Forward to Week 3:
Still standing on the Word, quoted scripture to every devil within earshot. Not feeling any better. IN fact, I was really thinking I best ask to go to the doctor because I could hardly get out of my bunk. Now it is in bad taste to ask God why His word is not working or keep asking over and over as If God is deaf, but I was not seeing results and not feeling better. So, I asked God what was going on, and what was I missing.
The Lord spoke to me, not a voice but inside. He said,"
Go tell your brother you love him." So, I did the smart thing and told God that if he sends my brother to apologize then I will tell him I love him. Mind you, I am really not that smart, but it made sense at the time.
2 more days pass, and I am just miserable.
I remind God that he has yet to send my brother in Christ my way. Just then the Lord spoke to me again. This time it was very stern sounding. He said, " I said.......... Tell your brother you Love him."
Oh, I was suppose to go to him. So I dragged myself out to the day room to see if he was out there. Sure enough he was there and I walked over to him. I told him that I was sorry, and that I love you. We talked, cried a bit, and I told him I had to go lay back down. On my way back the power of God just hit me (Those that have felt the anointing before know what I mean) I was healed instantly and only had a sore throat from coughing. The fever gone, instantly better.
I realized that without the love imparted by the Holy Spirit, faith won't work. Prayers don't work, and without love nothing you do really matters. I knew that before, but now I knew that for real.
Thank you for sharing those things George. It reminded me of a lesson.