How Have You Loved Others Today?

Hidden In Him

Staff member
Sep 10, 2021
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How Have You Loved Others Today?


The second greatest commandment in all of scripture is that you love your neighbor as yourself, or put another way, that you do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The world doesn't see it this way. They are always seeking to get the world to do unto them as they would have them do. They often wait for others to be good to them first before they will reciprocate. But in Christ, we are commanded to constantly be the ones who initiate love. We are called to always have in mind not our own interests but the interests of others, constantly thinking about them and what would make their lives better.

Take a moment to post how you have loved others today; how you have prayed for them, helped them in some way, spoken encouraging words over them and their lives, or ministered to their physical, emotional, mental or financial needs. Take time out if you recall things you did yesterday, or the day before but thought nothing of it. They are a testimony to the world that Christ has done a work in you, and is fashioning you unto Himself, conforming you to His will so that you can increasingly be a blessing to all who come in contact with you.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

Moderator's note: This is not a debate thread.
Today, a friend called who was having problems with his family (of 4) dynamics. We prayed about it and asked God for direction. Then I stood in the gap (interceded on his and his families behalf) and cut off any family bloodline connections and curses over their lives.

Then we talked about introducing new ideas and strategies into his family life, which include things that are fun and would challenge each member in a good way. For example, doing a monthly bread and wine celebration with the family, making sure that the kids are eating together for dinner (to start off with), and having a different member pray beforehand. Creating a star chart that indicates some good thing you did today at school or work, which could also mean not getting mad at someone and walking in the opposite spirit. At the end of the week or month, the winner can choose an activity the whole family can enjoy. Have a study time together and ask some challenging questions. Place scripture everywhere in the house that is encouraging and uplifting. I used to have a sign on the inside of my front door that said, "You are now stepping into the mission field." Also giving each family member a scripture (vs & chpter) that they have to memorize and walk in it for that week. All good stuff and blessings!
Today, a friend called who was having problems with his family (of 4) dynamics. We prayed about it and asked God for direction. Then I stood in the gap (interceded on his and his families behalf) and cut off any family bloodline connections and curses over their lives.

Then we talked about introducing new ideas and strategies into his family life, which include things that are fun and would challenge each member in a good way. For example, doing a monthly bread and wine celebration with the family, making sure that the kids are eating together for dinner (to start off with), and having a different member pray beforehand. Creating a star chart that indicates some good thing you did today at school or work, which could also mean not getting mad at someone and walking in the opposite spirit. At the end of the week or month, the winner can choose an activity the whole family can enjoy. Have a study time together and ask some challenging questions. Place scripture everywhere in the house that is encouraging and uplifting. I used to have a sign on the inside of my front door that said, "You are now stepping into the mission field." Also giving each family member a scripture (vs & chpter) that they have to memorize and walk in it for that week. All good stuff and blessings!

Glory! Or as my Hispanic friends like to say, "Santo!" (it means "Holy!" in Spanish).

People need to have a vision, especially when there are multiple people involved like in a family where everyone seems so divided. I was praying the other night for a brother whose wife has autoimmune disease, and it has effected their marriage. He's a great friend with a calling on his life, so I consider it my duty to pray for him until his family situation turns around as well. He has spiritual gifts and so does one of his daughters, but I have seen him be heavily depressed over the last several months. That shouldn't be. He should be happy and joyful and blessed and moving in the things God has called him to. So I'm going to keep praying for him and not let up until I see him get the victory, and his life belongs fully to the Lord Jesus Christ and His use again.
Today, a friend called who was having problems with his family (of 4) dynamics. We prayed about it and asked God for direction. Then I stood in the gap (interceded on his and his families behalf) and cut off any family bloodline connections and curses over their lives.
