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How to Answer Your Child’s Faith Questions

Focus on the Family

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Your child’s faith questions are important. Some of your child’s faith questions will be easier to answer than others. For your child’s faith questions that may be challenging, here are helpful responses.

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Table of contents​

Q: How do we know Jesus Is really God’s Son?​

Your children will face those who say that Jesus never really lived or that He wasn’t really God. You can help prepare them for this by making sure their faith in Him is solidly grounded.

For biblical testimonies from eyewitnesses, see passages like Acts 2:22, 24, 32, 36 and 2 Peter 1:16. But can you “prove” to your children that Jesus really lived? Perhaps not. Still, you can offer convincing evidence. If you like, read the following to them or share it in your own words.

  • Eyewitness accounts: The Bible is our main source for information about Jesus. Is the Bible accurate? It’s been shown to tell the truth about so much else that you can be confident it tells the truth about Jesus. Those who wrote the Gospels were convinced that what they’d seen and heard was real. Their books were written when others who’d been there were still alive. If the Gospel writers had been telling lies, these others would certainly have exposed them — but they didn’t.
  • Extra-biblical sources: The Bible isn’t the only book that mentions Jesus. Others who wrote not long after He lived show that He was a real, historical person. Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian who lived around A.D. 70, mentioned Jesus, saying that He was condemned to death by Pilate and then appeared alive again on the third day. Josephus also mentioned Jesus when he told how James, Jesus’ brother, was killed. Then there’s a letter from a leading Roman, Tacitus (around A.D. 112), mentioning that Jesus was put to death under Pilate. And some Jewish teachers of the time referred to Jesus or Yeshua.

Three days later​

  • Jesus claimed He was God. As C. S. Lewis wrote, there are only three things you can believe about Jesus’ claim: He is who He says He is (God and Lord); He was a liar who knew He was lying; or He just thought He was telling the truth when He wasn’t (in other words, He was a lunatic). Lots of people would agree that Jesus was a great teacher of right and wrong. If He was, He couldn’t be a liar. Was He crazy? None of His other words or actions suggest that He was. The only possibility left is that He’s who He claims to be — Lord.
  • Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus died, yet three days later He was alive again. What happened? The Romans made sure Jesus was dead. His body was wrapped in cloths with spices, which made the grave clothes stick to the body — very difficult to remove. He was placed in a burial chamber cut into solid rock, its one exit covered by a huge stone that took several people to move. Soldiers guarded the tomb; they knew that sleeping on the job brought a death penalty.
  • Three days later, the tomb was empty. The huge stone had been moved away from the tomb; the grave clothes were empty as if Jesus’ body had passed right through them. The soldiers were bribed to say they’d fallen asleep, yet they were not punished for it. More than 500 people saw Jesus alive after His death. And the disciples were never the same, changing from scared people hiding from the authorities to bold people who were willing to suffer beatings and even death. Knowing Jesus rose from the dead helped them to be bold.
  • How do we know Jesus is the Messiah? One way is through the predictions that Jesus fulfilled — 60 major Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah! For instance, Micah 5:2 predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem; Genesis 49:10 foresaw that He would be from the tribe of Judah; Psalm 16:10 hinted that He would be raised from the dead.

Q: Why did Jesus have to die?​

Most younger children can grasp a very basic explanation. It might be expressed this way:

“Everyone, even you, does some wrong things. These wrong things are sin and make God sad. But God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus. Jesus died for us so that we could be forgiven and could be God’s children. Just as you need to tell me you’re sorry when you’ve done something wrong, you need to tell God you’re sorry for doing wrong things and ask Him to forgive you because of what Jesus did. He will. From then on, you are God’s child. And if you do anything wrong after that, you can ask God to forgive you and help you do better — and He will.”

If your older child wonders why the sacrifice of Jesus was necessary, you may want to share the following:

  • “Why did Jesus have to die? He didn’t have to. He chose to, out of love.
  • “God loves the world. He wants to have with everyone the kind of close relationship He had with Adam and Eve in the very beginning. The only way to do that was to take care of the sin problem.
  • “God made people and chose to be their Father. He chose to be responsible for them. Parents pay for what their children break. If parents don’t pay, who will? The child usually can’t. In a similar way, God made Himself responsible to pay for the thing His children “broke” — their relationship with Him. He did this knowing what it would cost, because He was a loving Father. If He didn’t pay for it, who could? No one.

Forgiveness anytime​

  • “The punishment for sin is death. Since everyone sins, everyone would have to pay the death penalty. Only someone who was not born sinful could die for others. Everyone else could die only for himself or herself. The only perfect Person is Jesus. He defeated Satan and sin when He died and rose again. This is why Jesus is the only way to God.”

To further help your child understand this, try answering your child’s faith question with the following:

  • Younger children may be baffled by the idea that Jesus “died on the cross,” especially if they don’t understand what death is. If you sense that a discussion of death would scare your preschooler, rather than inform, concentrate on talking about the love and actions of Jesus, especially the fact that He came to rescue us. When your child is ready to understand what it meant for Jesus to give His life, explain that part of the salvation story.
  • Do you use time-outs, spankings, or lost privileges to discipline your child? Try mentioning these as you explain the concept of sin and how Jesus paid the price for ours. Children will understand how wrong acts displease God because they know how you respond when they disobey. Explain that wrong actions put a wide space between your children and God — one they can’t cross alone. That’s why Jesus came — to make a way for them to cross back to God and be forgiven. If your children have already accepted Jesus, emphasize that they can go to God anytime, about anything, and ask Him to forgive them when they’ve done something wrong.

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Q: What does it mean to have a “relationship with God”?​

Jesus died for your children so that their sins could be forgiven. But why? So that they could have a close relationship with God, their heavenly Father!

Make sure your children know that God is eager to have a relationship with them. In the words of John 14:23, “Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.'”

God wants a special friendship with your kids, one He can have with no one else because each child is one of a kind. In this private relationship they get to know God in their own unique way.

Lifelong friendship​

Children need to know that deciding to accept Jesus as Savior is the beginning, not the end. Getting to know God is something exciting they’ll be doing for the rest of their lives. Here are some ways to help your kids understand that:

  • Let your children see how your relationship with God works. Allow them to hear you pray honestly and conversationally; encourage them to pray the same way, even about things that may seem trivial. Tell them about something God has taught you from the Bible. Talk about times when you’ve felt especially close to God. If you sometimes feel far from Him, admit it; if it’s sometimes hard to relate to a Person who’s invisible and doesn’t speak to you audibly, admit that, too. Tell them what you would miss most if you couldn’t have a relationship with God. As children learn that a relationship with God can be very real even if it has ups and downs, they’ll have more realistic expectations as they begin their own.
  • Create visual reminders of the relationship between your children and God. Have children draw pictures of themselves hiking with Jesus, for example. Or cut a picture of Jesus from a Sunday school paper and add it to a family portrait. Post these reminders where your children will see them frequently.

Q: Why should I obey God?​

Your children won’t always understand why God says to do something. But if you’re teaching them who God is and what His character is like, they’ll be more likely to trust that His way is best. Children also need to know that, whether they understand the reason or not, it’s vital to obey. Their obedience does not depend on their understanding; He is, after all, God.

  • When using Bible stories to show how to live God’s way, help your children make the connection between the Bible characters’ acts and the results. For example, Joseph was faithful to God. He suffered for a time in prison, but later God rewarded his faithfulness, making Joseph the second most important man in Egypt.
  • It’s easy when you’re tense or hurried to answer your children’s questions with “Because I said so.” But this reasoning doesn’t help them understand that your instructions are for their own good; it doesn’t help them trust you. In the same way, “Because God says so” is inadequate. God doesn’t just tell us what to do in the Bible; He often tells us why. If you don’t know the why behind a command, look it up — or ask someone who’s studied the issue.

Wonderfully made​

  • Many children are fascinated by the human body and how it works. Using age-appropriate books, explore with your children the amazingly intricate way in which God has created us — from our infection-fighting blood cells to our self-mending skin. Point out that God knows everything about us because He made us; we need to respect Him and obey Him because He’s our Creator.
  • Who knows the best way to use a computer, mountain bike, or video camera? The person who designed and made it! Explain to your child that the designer can tell you how everything was meant to work, how to get the most out of that thing, and what not to do with it. As the designer of life, God knows better than anyone else how life works. It only makes sense to abide by His guidelines.
  • While following God’s instructions does lead to the best kind of life, that kind of life isn’t necessarily the easiest kind. Doing the right thing can get us in trouble here on earth. People have, after all, been killed for obeying God. Point out to your children that real success in this life is pleasing God — and we may not see the rewards until we’re in heaven.

For your children, turning their lives over to God means agreeing that He knows what’s best for them, and that He has a great plan for their lives. It means entrusting their dreams and ambitions to His care (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Q: Why is following Jesus hard?​

“Being a Christian is just too hard!” If your children feel that way, they’ll appreciate the truth that we don’t have to live the Christian life under our own power (Philippians 1:6). Let them know that their part is mainly to cooperate with what God wants to do in their lives. He’s right there, ready to help them become more like His Son.

Point out to children that if they’ve received Jesus as Savior, God is with them continuously through His Spirit who teaches them from His Word, reminds them of His way, and gives them strength to make the right choices when they ask for it. God is for them, cheering them on, helping them grow to the next step.

God is never surprised​

  • When children do the wrong thing and feel guilty about it, they may wonder whether trying to follow Jesus is a lost cause. Assure them that God is never surprised by our mistakes or sins. If anything, He works to bring these into the open so that we know about them and can deal with them. God is there when we blow it; the best Person to talk to right then is God Himself, as we ask Him to forgive us and to help us obey Him more completely.
  • Children may be confused over how much of the Christian life is up to them and how much is up to God. Explain that God doesn’t do it all, moving us around and talking through us as if we were ventriloquist’s dummies. God is more like a coach, ready to help us learn how to be and what to do. We can choose to cooperate with Him or not. God helps us love, for instance, but doesn’t do it for us. That has to come from our hearts.

In our faith journey, all of us have questions. Being curious is natural. Encourage your child’s faith questions. Seek answers to your child’s faith questions.

The post How to Answer Your Child’s Faith Questions appeared first on Focus on the Family.

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