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How to hear God?


As Christians, we have the Paraclete Indwelling Spirit, John 14:
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
  1. The Paraclete speaks to our consciences (Romans 8:16). This is not a physical sound wave to be heard in your ears. It is not a voice in your head either. It is an intuitive discernment in your spirit. You can sense the rhema-word quietly. It is like a spiritual antenna :)
  2. We hear from the written word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Read the Bible every day. I employ a disciplined logical approach to interpreting the Bible.
  3. We hear from mature spiritual Christian brothers and sisters. We should not dismiss inputs from the not-so-mature siblings either.
  4. A lot of the time, God does not have any particular rhema-word for us. Then, let the peace of Christ guide us. This is the practice of walking in the Spirit.
  5. Pray daily. Make your prayers your prayer life.
These are not theories. I practice them daily for my spiritual growth.

John 14:
26 But the Helper [Paraclete], the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
In some extremely rare cases, God actually speaks audible words in human ears, mostly to the prophets of the OT.

God sometimes speaks in a dream. If it does not come true, then it isn't God speaking.
As Christians, we have the Paraclete Indwelling Spirit, John 14:

  1. The Paraclete speaks to our consciences (Romans 8:16). This is not a physical sound wave to be heard in your ears. It is not a voice in your head either. It is an intuitive discernment in your spirit. You can sense the rhema-word quietly. It is like a spiritual antenna :)
  2. We hear from the written word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Read the Bible every day. I employ a disciplined logical approach to interpreting the Bible.
  3. We hear from mature spiritual Christian brothers and sisters. We should not dismiss inputs from the not-so-mature siblings either.
  4. A lot of the time, God does not have any particular rhema-word for us. Then, let the peace of Christ guide us. This is the practice of walking in the Spirit.
  5. Pray daily. Make your prayers your prayer life.
These are not theories. I practice them daily for my spiritual growth.

John 14:

In some extremely rare cases, God actually speaks audible words in human ears, mostly to the prophets of the OT.

God sometimes speaks in a dream. If it does not come true, then it isn't God speaking.

Greetings, Tony Chan, and welcome to Christian Forums.

I've been enjoying your posts so far, so thank you for posting and your contributions are welcome.

About your last sentence, I would add the caveat that occasionally it is not the dream that was untrue but the interpretation, which then makes it a matter of casting aside the false presumption and replacing it with the accurate discernment of the dream in hindsight.

Aside from that, I agree with your post entirely.

Welcome once again, and let us know if you should need any help.
Hidden In Him
A lot of the time, God does not have any particular rhema-word for us. Then, let the peace of Christ guide us. This is the practice of walking in the Spirit.
I wish to ask you trick questions:
How is your statement above, similar to the following scripture verse?
How is your statement different?
Could you explain similarity and difference?
Could you explain Elihu?

Job 32:8 kjv
8. But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

Mississippi redneck
Good question. Unfortunately, I don't have a good answer :sad I'd keep waiting but in the meantime, I get on with life and practice the list in the OP daily.
I had a dream and had no idea it was a message to me of my future and @ 6 months later I lived out the dream .
I now pay closer attention to my dreams .
Over 3 decades ago, I was going to a Baptist church every Sunday morning and evening for over a year. I started to go to the Sunday school at 9 am also. The previous Sunday school was quite boring so this Sunday I decided to set the alarm clock for just the main service at 11 am.

Sunday morning came. I was dreaming. An angel showed up in my dream and spoke to me, “Wake up. You are late for Sunday school.” I woke up. Immediately I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and ran to the church in record time. I was barely on time. There was nothing unusual on that particular Sunday school study.
Sunday morning came. I was dreaming. An angel showed up in my dream and spoke to me, “Wake up. You are late for Sunday school.” I woke up. Immediately I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and ran to the church in record time. I was barely on time. There was nothing unusual on that particular Sunday school study.
While it may have been " nothing unusual " it still could have been just one verse of the bible from Sunday school that was etched into your mind by the Holy Spirit . The Holy Spirit will bring things back to our remembrance when we need them , so great when that happens :clap !
Yes, Elihu used ruach in the sense of intellect (#6). He foreshadowed John 14:26.

See Was Elihu not a friend of Job? and follow up there.
Elihu was a whirlwind speaker, who spoke without knowledge. God ignored his speech and talked to Job instead.
Elihu spoke from anger
Condemned Job

Man has no natural ability to understand.
The Holy Spirit leads us into truth.

Eastern mysticism teaches the error that we must find the part of God that within every man. Symbolism is in man, but unless we open the door, God is not in natural man.

Pentecost helped, but the last trump conversion has not hit yet.

Symbolism in creation is abundant, but man without revelation does not get understanding.

The disciples did not say ( thank you for spealing in parables),
(Why do you speak in parables) Matthew 13,
Mark 4, Luke 8

Mississippi redneck