- Aug 9, 2010
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Part 5
Or how God did NOT ordain the form of worship service that is commonly advanced by MANY churches today.
God is Spirit, and so those that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24). For now true worshippers SHALL worship the Father in spirit and in truth, because the Father is seeking such to worship Him (4:23); Without which you don’t know what you are worshipping (4:22); Especially IF you are “allegedly†worshipping God from some place (on earth) (4:21-20); Meaning; in a temple/church that has an altar built by men’s hands where God does NOT dwell, you are in ignorance because you are worshipping an unknown god (Acts 17:24-23,2 5-28). The times of your ignorance (concerning worshipping an unknown god) God has winked at, but NOW is commanding you to Repent of this ignorance! (Acts 17:30).
The word “spirit†does not refer to the Holy Spirit but to the human spirit. Jesus’ point here is that a person must worship not simply by external conformity to religious rituals and places (outwardly) but inwardly (in spirit) with the proper attitude. The reference to “truth†refers to worship of God consistent with the revealed Scripture and centered on the “Word made flesh†who reveals the Father (Jn 14:6) This is why God tells us to NOT believe every spirit, but “test the spirits†to see whether they are of God, because there are MANY false prophets around us today (1Jn 4:1).
THROUGH the Spirit, the deeds of the flesh are mortified, so that we can live (by the Spirit) (Rom 8:13). Through Jesus Christ, we can receive this PROMISE of the Spirit PROVIDING we go through faith (Gal 3:14); Wherein we go through the Spirit by faith in hope waiting for the ability to righteously love (5:5-6). These are the supplies of the Spirit (Phil 1:19); Wherein we have love abounding more and more so that we can approve these excellent things sincerely (1:9-10); which are defined as its FRUITS (1:11 with Jm 5:7).
Loving within the truth are in the supplies of the Spirit (Phil 1:17-19). Going through the Spirit, we obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (2Thes 2:13-14). Going through the Spirit, we have grace and peace multiplied upon us (1Pet 1:2). Going through the Spirit, we have obedience to the truth unto the fervent loving ability (1:22). Now because we believe in Jesus, we also have to believe in God also (Jn 14:1). And what is it that we have to believe in God in Jesus? Jesus has prepared a place for us in the Father’s house, so that where Jesus is, we can be also (14:1-3).
We should both know about this, and the way to this (heavenly) PLACE (14:4-2). In the greatness of His mighty power He has already set Christ at His own right hand in this heavenly place (Eph 1:19-20). The question is: Do you believe that He can raise you up to sit in this heavenly place with Christ Jesus? (2:6). For THIS is the riches of His glory (1:18, 3:16 and Phil 4:19); Which come AFTER the riches of His grace have been shown to us (Eph 2:7). For this household of God is built upon Jesus Christ (2:19-20).
Therefore the mystery of godliness is both in the flesh, AND in the spirit, wherein we are received up into glory (1Tim 3:16); Which is the house/household of the living God (3:15). All of this is within the faith of Christ (3:13); Wherein is the mystery of the faith (3:9). Those who are the lively stones (faithful brethren and the saints) of the living Stone, are being built up as a spiritual house, which can offer up spiritual sacrifices (in spirit, NOT in our body) (1Pet 2:4-5). Please don’t stumble at these words (2:8).
For we are to become priests, who can offer up (worshipful) praises in spirit WITHOUT fleshly lusts, which war against THIS obtainable mercy (2:9-11). Are you using your liberty to be in love with the brethren unto worshipping God? (2:16-17). Christ gave us this example to follow (2:21 with Heb 6:20). We are to be followers of this (example), which is good (1Pet 3:13). Those [who are in this baptism, which are into this example] are NO longer living after the flesh in its lusts, because we are in the fervent love, which covers a great multitude of fleshly sins (4:2, 8 and Jm 5:20). Sin is hidden by love (1Pet 4:8).
IF we convert people from being in error against this true way, their soul/in spirit shall be saved, because a great multitude of sins shall be covered (Jm 5:20). Unless the spirit of glory rests upon us for the keeping of our souls/in spirit, we are going to appear as sinners who are not obedient to the gospel (1Pet 4:14, 19-17). Are you a partaker of this glory that has been revealed, and which needs to be obtained as the very calling of the gospel? (5:1 with 2Thes 2:14). All of this is within the heavenly thoughts, which are in the heavenly way, and which are higher than “our†thoughts and ways (Is 55:8-9).
Part 5
Or how God did NOT ordain the form of worship service that is commonly advanced by MANY churches today.
God is Spirit, and so those that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24). For now true worshippers SHALL worship the Father in spirit and in truth, because the Father is seeking such to worship Him (4:23); Without which you don’t know what you are worshipping (4:22); Especially IF you are “allegedly†worshipping God from some place (on earth) (4:21-20); Meaning; in a temple/church that has an altar built by men’s hands where God does NOT dwell, you are in ignorance because you are worshipping an unknown god (Acts 17:24-23,2 5-28). The times of your ignorance (concerning worshipping an unknown god) God has winked at, but NOW is commanding you to Repent of this ignorance! (Acts 17:30).
The word “spirit†does not refer to the Holy Spirit but to the human spirit. Jesus’ point here is that a person must worship not simply by external conformity to religious rituals and places (outwardly) but inwardly (in spirit) with the proper attitude. The reference to “truth†refers to worship of God consistent with the revealed Scripture and centered on the “Word made flesh†who reveals the Father (Jn 14:6) This is why God tells us to NOT believe every spirit, but “test the spirits†to see whether they are of God, because there are MANY false prophets around us today (1Jn 4:1).
THROUGH the Spirit, the deeds of the flesh are mortified, so that we can live (by the Spirit) (Rom 8:13). Through Jesus Christ, we can receive this PROMISE of the Spirit PROVIDING we go through faith (Gal 3:14); Wherein we go through the Spirit by faith in hope waiting for the ability to righteously love (5:5-6). These are the supplies of the Spirit (Phil 1:19); Wherein we have love abounding more and more so that we can approve these excellent things sincerely (1:9-10); which are defined as its FRUITS (1:11 with Jm 5:7).
Loving within the truth are in the supplies of the Spirit (Phil 1:17-19). Going through the Spirit, we obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (2Thes 2:13-14). Going through the Spirit, we have grace and peace multiplied upon us (1Pet 1:2). Going through the Spirit, we have obedience to the truth unto the fervent loving ability (1:22). Now because we believe in Jesus, we also have to believe in God also (Jn 14:1). And what is it that we have to believe in God in Jesus? Jesus has prepared a place for us in the Father’s house, so that where Jesus is, we can be also (14:1-3).
We should both know about this, and the way to this (heavenly) PLACE (14:4-2). In the greatness of His mighty power He has already set Christ at His own right hand in this heavenly place (Eph 1:19-20). The question is: Do you believe that He can raise you up to sit in this heavenly place with Christ Jesus? (2:6). For THIS is the riches of His glory (1:18, 3:16 and Phil 4:19); Which come AFTER the riches of His grace have been shown to us (Eph 2:7). For this household of God is built upon Jesus Christ (2:19-20).
Therefore the mystery of godliness is both in the flesh, AND in the spirit, wherein we are received up into glory (1Tim 3:16); Which is the house/household of the living God (3:15). All of this is within the faith of Christ (3:13); Wherein is the mystery of the faith (3:9). Those who are the lively stones (faithful brethren and the saints) of the living Stone, are being built up as a spiritual house, which can offer up spiritual sacrifices (in spirit, NOT in our body) (1Pet 2:4-5). Please don’t stumble at these words (2:8).
For we are to become priests, who can offer up (worshipful) praises in spirit WITHOUT fleshly lusts, which war against THIS obtainable mercy (2:9-11). Are you using your liberty to be in love with the brethren unto worshipping God? (2:16-17). Christ gave us this example to follow (2:21 with Heb 6:20). We are to be followers of this (example), which is good (1Pet 3:13). Those [who are in this baptism, which are into this example] are NO longer living after the flesh in its lusts, because we are in the fervent love, which covers a great multitude of fleshly sins (4:2, 8 and Jm 5:20). Sin is hidden by love (1Pet 4:8).
IF we convert people from being in error against this true way, their soul/in spirit shall be saved, because a great multitude of sins shall be covered (Jm 5:20). Unless the spirit of glory rests upon us for the keeping of our souls/in spirit, we are going to appear as sinners who are not obedient to the gospel (1Pet 4:14, 19-17). Are you a partaker of this glory that has been revealed, and which needs to be obtained as the very calling of the gospel? (5:1 with 2Thes 2:14). All of this is within the heavenly thoughts, which are in the heavenly way, and which are higher than “our†thoughts and ways (Is 55:8-9).