So I'm new to this site and figured I'd post about some problems I'm having. Number 1 since my college didn't give me the proper knowledge about dropping classes I now owe them almost $1200 and can't take any classes until I pay it. Number 2 I have no money and a lot of trouble finding a job right now since I also don't have to money to afford my own car. Number 3 is the worst one. My dad has been out of work for quite a while and was taken to court recently and given an eviction notice since we couldn't afford to pay our rent for a few months so there's a chance I will be homeless soon. There's only one chance we can possible keep the house and avoid a pretty awful future that may put us either on the streets or in really awful living conditions in horrible area that involves a complicated legal action we're trying to work out. I live in NJ not too far from Camden (one of the worst cities in the US), so I really do not want to end up there and there is a chance it could happen. By the way I'm also only 21. I don't understand why all this is happening to me. Someone give me something of substance rather than the cliche, typical things people always say. They don't affect me or do anything for me. My life has never been amazing, but this year just hit me like a sledgehammer. I appreciate any support and prayers because I need them big time. Thanks.