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[ Testimony ] I Give Thanks To God


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Four weeks ago, I was work. My daughter-in-law called and said her husband (my son ) was involved in an accident. I quickly got a ride over to the accident scene not knowing what to expect. When I got there the emergency services had taken him to the hospital. The car was in one mess written off. We both visited the hospital. He was lying on a bed his neck in braces. I knew then that he was alive.

I realise that if he dad died that incident would have changed my life for ever. Each day you read about accidents some fatal some not so fatal. My son could have been a fatality. I thank God for sparing his life. I now know what others who have gone through the loss of a love one. He still has pains in his neck, and overtime they should heal.

Each day as we return from our places of work and we return safely we should all give thanks to God. Ensure that we express our love to those who are our love one since none of knows when that day may be their last.
All I can say is God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Praise be to God.
Four weeks ago, I was work. My daughter-in-law called and said her husband (my son ) was involved in an accident. I quickly got a ride over to the accident scene not knowing what to expect. When I got there the emergency services had taken him to the hospital. The car was in one mess written off. We both visited the hospital. He was lying on a bed his neck in braces. I knew then that he was alive.

I realise that if he dad died that incident would have changed my life for ever. Each day you read about accidents some fatal some not so fatal. My son could have been a fatality. I thank God for sparing his life. I now know what others who have gone through the loss of a love one. He still has pains in his neck, and overtime they should heal.

Each day as we return from our places of work and we return safely we should all give thanks to God. Ensure that we express our love to those who are our love one since none of knows when that day may be their last.
All I can say is God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Praise be to God.
I was in two car accidents and God brought me through. Aman


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