Hmmmm. Just because you are having problems in your life doesn’t mean you have lost your relationship with the One who made you. If you look at the patriarchs, they were constantly bombarded with one hardship after another. The same is true of the apostles. Everyone must face certain obstacles to deal with throughout their lives. Granted, some lives are more difficult than others, and it sounds like you have a very difficult one. But God never promised us an easy life. However, He did promise that He would never give us more than we can endure. He also promised us that He would never leave us or forsake us! From my standpoint, the only way you will lose your relationship with Him is if YOU break it off. But even then, He will still be with you.
Faith is believing the promises of God. So when He promised to never leave or forsake you, you must grasp hold of that, BELIEVE it, and never let it go. He IS there with you, and He IS suffering right along with you!