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[ Testimony ] I never knew before...


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Never knew my testimony my whole life and I was terrified to even tell one if I knew

God had shown me a lot in the last few months ( or maybe now I am finally listening to the Holy Ghost)
So I can confidently see it.

A few asked me certain things about myself and its mainly because of my homeless lifestyle. I know its a red flag to most Christians but, its not for martyrdom or some selfless act. It's according to his will and its where I am supposed to be in the current.

I have been around the lower part of the world for a good majority of my life. I feel comfortable because its a sense of freedom from "the system" as it were.

I say its his will because I have a heavy heart for the hungry, the sick, and those in flight. Most people reveal themselves to those they look down on and statistically the majority are "Christians". The reason I went athiest in my youth really.

God opened my eyes to my real sins which is holding my mother over him and judgement. I have never understood the Bible more then I have until now. Most of all though my biggest sin is inaction.

I am a very lazy and complacent individual. God is still correcting me on this, the weight I have now is light and all my doubts removed.

In short... It's my insufficient lifestyle that quarreled with my faith but, Jesus reversed it and now its how he saved me. I don't know if this is a testimony or not. It's not what I think though... Just doing what I am told.

Thanks for reading brothers and sisters. :salute
It is the trials in our lives that brings growth, makes thought reality, and develops habits we find ourselves following. The verdict? Need.
The prodigal son (me) in Luke 15:11-32 found himself in need (Lk 15:14).
I use this scripture all the time because it is so effectual in the different manner each Christian is established in their spiritual walk.
Php 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
I may not have to be homeless, but delivered from drugs, or prison, etc.
In Christ we belong to God, born into His family as sons, adopted to all the benefits thereof, and are presented with the possibility of being joint heirs with Jesus.

Brother JoJoe, it is a pleasure reading your testimony on these forums, and with your cooperation to God's leading the miracle of His salvation will surpass the hope in you. Thanks.
God bless you in Jesus' name. :wave2
Definitely a testimony. It's refreshing to hear bone deep honesty. Isn't that what God would expect of us anyway? I mean He knows us inside and out. The insight you give on where God's Will has takened you has reminded me to never assume what God is doing for others but to always discern spiritually before making a hasty determination. Truly, it is a lesson learned through your words. And I thank God for it. May God continue to work in your life and bring you to that place in Him that He has prepared for you.
Never knew my testimony my whole life and I was terrified to even tell one if I knew

God had shown me a lot in the last few months ( or maybe now I am finally listening to the Holy Ghost)
So I can confidently see it.

A few asked me certain things about myself and its mainly because of my homeless lifestyle. I know its a red flag to most Christians but, its not for martyrdom or some selfless act. It's according to his will and its where I am supposed to be in the current.

I have been around the lower part of the world for a good majority of my life. I feel comfortable because its a sense of freedom from "the system" as it were.

I say its his will because I have a heavy heart for the hungry, the sick, and those in flight. Most people reveal themselves to those they look down on and statistically the majority are "Christians". The reason I went athiest in my youth really.

God opened my eyes to my real sins which is holding my mother over him and judgement. I have never understood the Bible more then I have until now. Most of all though my biggest sin is inaction.

I am a very lazy and complacent individual. God is still correcting me on this, the weight I have now is light and all my doubts removed.

In short... It's my insufficient lifestyle that quarreled with my faith but, Jesus reversed it and now its how he saved me. I don't know if this is a testimony or not. It's not what I think though... Just doing what I am told.

Thanks for reading brothers and sisters. :salute

I lived in Homeless shelters. Preached to the men every night. I love homeless folks, gang members, and drug addicts. One thing I love about them is that they listen. If you say God wants you healed of everything, they don't tell you about Paul's thorn, or Job's turkeys. The believe. God also moves and does amazing things. I have several stories on How the Lord helped us, even one where the dead was raised based on something I taught on one night.

I have the opposite issue. I get frustrated with those that been in church and saved awhile. Trying to help them is like asking a dog to meow like a cat. Folks in church have more faith in Job's boils, and Paul's thorn than they do in the Lord who went about healing ALL that were sick and oppressed of the devil.

People wonder why there are miracles in prisons, Homeless shelters, Africa. Believers here have replaced child like faith with knowledge That is not only faith destroying, but wrong.



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