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[ Testimony ] I think God is answering a prayer from a while ago...


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I've been praying about this one matter for a good year now. Last year I met this atheist guy at this get together of a friend of mine. The reason why me and this atheist starting talking to each other was purely because he works in the same profession as me, and the guy had pretty much the same interests as me(we spoke about photography in particular). I later figured out after hanging out a few times that he's an atheist(also his Facebook profile kind of had indications of that). He later found out that I'm a Christian, yet he wasn't bothered about it at all, and didn't disrespect me for one moment, which I found surprisingly good.

But then after some time, I felt that God told me to start praying for this guy. Take note, I did start praying for him in my own quiet time everyday, but I felt I couldn't go to him directly and tell him I want to pray with him in person as I felt it would have been a bit "in your face" plus at that moment I don't think God wanted me to do that exactly in that manner. But I did pray on my own for him pretty much everyday, and at first I didn't see too much of a difference in the guy.

However, about 4 months after I started praying for him, he and his girlfriend survived an armed burglary at his house, both of them survived with the burglar pulling a gun to his head, some really crazy and scary stuff as well which they had to experience. I think both of them took it alright, although I know they had to get trauma treatment in the weeks after the whole incident. I still prayed at the time for him and then his girlfriend as well(they since have broken up), but since then he actually asked me once about the church I'm involved at.

Now here's the interesting thing that happened in the last few days. Last week he posted on Facebook a series of photos he took with his camera of different churches all over my city, in particular the architecture of these churches. Really nice artistic photos to say the least. We spoke then on Facebook later on and I asked him why he's an atheist yet he took these beautiful photos about churches, and his response were that it was his newfound photographic hobby, and I quote he said "I find the design of those awesome buildings very interesting". He also said he spoke to one of the pastors of one of the churches he took photos of and even had coffee with him at that church.

Now he isn't saved as yet or have given his life to God, but I'm convinced something is happening in this guy's life. As soon as I saw this whole thing unfold, I got this fuzzy but awesome warm feeling in my heart that God is working with this guy. Hopefully my prayer is getting this guy to God. I believe God has got a plan with him, and if he did end up giving his life to Him, I'll be absolutely ecstatic.

Just thought I had to share this. Watch this space :biggrin

God bless :biggrin
I've been praying about this one matter for a good year now. Last year I met this atheist guy at this get together of a friend of mine. The reason why me and this atheist starting talking to each other was purely because he works in the same profession as me, and the guy had pretty much the same interests as me(we spoke about photography in particular). I later figured out after hanging out a few times that he's an atheist(also his Facebook profile kind of had indications of that). He later found out that I'm a Christian, yet he wasn't bothered about it at all, and didn't disrespect me for one moment, which I found surprisingly good.

But then after some time, I felt that God told me to start praying for this guy. Take note, I did start praying for him in my own quiet time everyday, but I felt I couldn't go to him directly and tell him I want to pray with him in person as I felt it would have been a bit "in your face" plus at that moment I don't think God wanted me to do that exactly in that manner. But I did pray on my own for him pretty much everyday, and at first I didn't see too much of a difference in the guy.

However, about 4 months after I started praying for him, he and his girlfriend survived an armed burglary at his house, both of them survived with the burglar pulling a gun to his head, some really crazy and scary stuff as well which they had to experience. I think both of them took it alright, although I know they had to get trauma treatment in the weeks after the whole incident. I still prayed at the time for him and then his girlfriend as well(they since have broken up), but since then he actually asked me once about the church I'm involved at.

Now here's the interesting thing that happened in the last few days. Last week he posted on Facebook a series of photos he took with his camera of different churches all over my city, in particular the architecture of these churches. Really nice artistic photos to say the least. We spoke then on Facebook later on and I asked him why he's an atheist yet he took these beautiful photos about churches, and his response were that it was his newfound photographic hobby, and I quote he said "I find the design of those awesome buildings very interesting". He also said he spoke to one of the pastors of one of the churches he took photos of and even had coffee with him at that church.

Now he isn't saved as yet or have given his life to God, but I'm convinced something is happening in this guy's life. As soon as I saw this whole thing unfold, I got this fuzzy but awesome warm feeling in my heart that God is working with this guy. Hopefully my prayer is getting this guy to God. I believe God has got a plan with him, and if he did end up giving his life to Him, I'll be absolutely ecstatic.

Just thought I had to share this. Watch this space :biggrin

God bless :biggrin
The testimony to your friend goes much deeper that what you say.
Jesus said in John 9:5, As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world, but then Christ is in us too.
Your friend is seeing that light manifest in your walk with our Savior.
I like the following thought in that while we may sow seed, it is our Father giving the increase.
Keep on praying just as your are. :)
Amen brother!

Most athiest don't like personal prayer but, prayer is prayer and its powerful either way. Just keep doing what you have been and God will eventually show him truth.

2 Timothy 2:24-26
And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will

Bless you brother.


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