They don't have to jump the fence. But if you violate a country's borders, you deserve to be deported. Unless we enforce what was instituted for our protection, our society's infrastructure, and our country's language, we are going to lose something. And we already are.
If you didn't see my post on another thread about this, I will re-state that my two yrs at a local police dept in a small-to-mid-size city, that 30 to 40% of our arrests were illegals. Their population was a very small portion of our city, yet the arrests were astronomical in proportion.
It's all nice to hold to the idea that they want a better life, but when it comes to illegals, they continue to live the same way here that they did in Mexico. Drunks, large numbers live in small apartments, they carouse, fight, disturb the peace, drive without insurance and run into people and drive off. And we, the police, have to spend our time on calls with people that shouldn't be here instead of taking care of our citizens.
I have NO SYMPATHY for them. They are creating pockets of communities that cannot speak english, refuse to assimilate , into America's culture, don't want America's values, want a free ride (and get one), then break our laws like a bad habit. No thanks.