- Dec 22, 2012
- 1,593
- 292
I did a quick, rough, and liberal calculation. If I did the calculations right, I'm approx. 39% free.
I calculated for all the hours that I saw. The hours I didn't see I spent sleeping, inmass production school, or working. I left an extra year free and didn't take into consideration the time spent getting ready for, or leaving work, or the days I worked after school my last few years of school.
JESUS said he that hates his life in this world will enter enter into eternal life where there is no more sorrows.
I guess that make me 139% free.
I don't know what I'm doing with the other 61% The Lord said that the birds neither reap, nor sow.
And the Father feeds them.
How much more are we worth?
I calculated for all the hours that I saw. The hours I didn't see I spent sleeping, in
JESUS said he that hates his life in this world will enter enter into eternal life where there is no more sorrows.
They say these colours don't run. Surely they'll perish;
I'm looking to a kingdom more worthy to cherish.
And if we have freedom in CHRIST, I have 100% spiritual freedom and 39% physical freedom.I'm looking to a kingdom more worthy to cherish.
I guess that make me 139% free.
I don't know what I'm doing with the other 61% The Lord said that the birds neither reap, nor sow.
And the Father feeds them.
How much more are we worth?
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