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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

I'm here to love

Jesus has been talking to me in my sleep and I just wanted to share my love for him with you. I want you to know that loving can be hard and Satan is very divisive.

I am calling out to Jesus every day for help. I need to know the will of the Father because that's what he wanted us to do.

Please help me Jesus.

Blessings in Christ Jesus, and welcome to our forum!

Hidden in Him
Actually, I think there is scripture that says the Holy Spirit will pass over you at night, and instill dreams, visions, and insight into your mind.

14 For God does speak—now one way, now another—
though no one perceives it.
15 In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they slumber in their beds,
16 He may speak in their ears
and terrify them with warnings,
17 to turn them from wrongdoing
and keep them from pride,
18 to preserve them from the pit,
their lives from perishing by the sword. (Job 33)

Excellent passage. :thumb