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Bible Study In God We Put Our Trust


CF Ambassador
Sabbath Overseer
Friday 1-28-22 6th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle Shevat 24, 5782 39th. Winter


In God We Put Our Trust


Read: Jeremiah 17:5–8 | Bible in a Year: Exodus 19–20; Matthew 18:21–35
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Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7

The baby wasn’t due for another six weeks, but the doctor had just diagnosed Whitney with cholestasis, a liver condition common in pregnancy. In a whirlwind of emotions, Whitney was taken to the hospital where she received treatment and was told her baby would be induced in twenty-four hours! In another part of the hospital, ventilators and other equipment needed for the onslaught of COVID-19 cases were being put into place. As a result, Whitney was sent home. She made the decision to trust God and His plans, and she delivered a healthy baby a few days later.

When Scripture takes root in us, it transforms the way we react in trying situations. Jeremiah lived in a time when most of society trusted in human alliances, and the worship of idols was prevalent. The prophet contrasts the person who “draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord” (Jeremiah 17:5) with the one who trusts in God.

“Blessed is the one . . . whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that . . . does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green” (vv. 7–8).

As believers in Jesus, we’re called to live by faith as we look to Him for solutions. As He provides the strength, we can choose to fear or to trust Him. God says we’re blessed—fully satisfied—when we choose to place our trust in Him.

When have you felt worried or afraid and then were reminded of God’s promise to bless those who trust Him? How has the realization that you can trust God in all circumstances brought you relief?

Dear God, thank You that I can trust You in all situations and come to You in prayer. You’re right there in the midst of my struggles, and You give me strength.

In Jeremiah 17:6, the “bush in the wastelands” refers to the tamarisk, a dwarf juniper, which would “not see prosperity when it comes” because of its stunted roots that didn’t reach into the water levels beneath the surface. As commentator R. K. Harrison notes: “The implications of the allusion would not be lost on the [Israelites], who—had they lived in a faith-relationship with God—could have been flourishing like the green bay tree.”

If they’d held fast to God, they’d have been “like a tree planted by the water” (v. 8). However, the people of Judah trusted in false gods and in military alliances with other nations instead of God, the only true source of strength. They’d face judgment (“be cursed”) if they didn’t repent, but He would restore and prosper (bless) them if they returned to Him (15:19; 17:5, 7, 13).

By regie keller|January 28th, 2022

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