Follower Of Christ
I don't really see the U.S. falling as a country, but I certainly see that it is going the way of sin just as the Scriptures foretell of all the peoples upon the earth. We aren't some special God blessed nation of people. We are rampant with sin. God isn't out to save nations, anyway. God is about saving people. According to His testimony, the end will be joined by people of every tribe and tongue and nation. That means that there will be people, individual people, within these 200+ nations upon the earth that will know and understand what God asks of them, the individual person, to find His way of salvation. The nation of the U.S. will go the way of all the nations.
Yes, there will be people within the confines of the U.S. who have not 'bowed the knee to Baal'. There will be people in Canada and Japan and China and Brazil and Poland and Estonia and Greece and Italy and all of the many, many other nations who will be just like those in the U.S. who have not bowed the knee to Baal. But in the end, I believe, that the U.S. as a nation will be found right there among all the others that God's testimony tells us will rise up against Israel. We are, even now, seeing that a lot of the people of our nation are ready today to work to destroy Israel and that sentiment will just continue to grow and there's nothing that anyone can do to change the outcome of God's prophecies to us of how this is all going to end.
The U.S. is a powerful nation. We have a mighty economy driven by the wants and desires of some 300+ million people. But, as a nation, we're not particularly beholden to God. There will always just be some who are that live within our borders. Our job is not to rail against our government any more than Jesus or any of the first apostles directed the new believers to do when Israel was under Roman Rule. In fact, the only time that Jesus ever spoke of it, he told us to give unto the Roman Caesar what belonged to him. Not, go out and fight against the tyrannical government that is oppressing you people.