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Bible Study Is Jesus Christ Really "GOD"? Part 1


CF Ambassador
Sabbath Overseer
May 7, 2022

An ancient theological theory has been resurrected in recent years and is being strongly promulgated by a small number who are successfully confusing many with their esoteric doctrine. They claim Jesus Christ had no pre-existence, was merely a human being, and was not and is not truly "GOD."

Yet the Jews who lived in Jesus' own time thought that He proclaimed He was divine and sought to kill Him for this "blasphemy"! What is the real truth? Many today are forsaking the faith of the Word of God -- they are having their true faith shattered -- by false doctrines and modern theologies of demons. Sincere as they may be, they have stumbled off the true path of the true faith, and are in grave danger of causing great shipwreck to themselves and their congregations or followers! The wife of one elder in God's Church wrote to me, and castigated me for several things she found fault with, including the several articles I have written in answer to the new doctrine being preached by Anthony Buzzard and others claiming Jesus Christ was not and is not "God," and did not exist prior to His human birth in the womb of Mary his mother. This no-doubt well-intentioned woman accused me of not respecting the "scholarship" of Buzzard, although, she pointed out, I often quote respected "scholars" in my own writings. This she seemed to think was hypocritical.

She and her husband seem to want to justify Buzzard's message that Jesus was not God and never existed prior to being born as a human being. In my opinion, they seem to have become "buzzard bait" for the great "buzzard" or vulture of this world -- Satan the devil! When I received her letter, I was dismayed -- but not altogether surprised. The saddest thing is that her husband, who is supposed to be the "leader" in the family, had not communicated to me any of his feelings on these matters.

He had only sent me articles written by Buzzard for my reading, without any comments. But when his wife wrote to me, he just penned a little footnote at the end of her lengthy letter saying he agreed with her. 137 Over the past year, I have written SEVEN articles proving that Christ is very GOD, showing His true origin long before His human birth, proving He is often referred to as YHVH in the Old Testament, explaining the "Mystery of God," and showing the proof that God is actually "reproducing Himself" in character and traits in His divine children. I have carefully analyzed and refuted Buzzard's esoteric religious nonsense, showing even how he twists and perverts Scripture, but seemingly all to no avail. At least insofar as this woman and her husband are concerned, it has been apparently to no avail. They still have not finally declared themselves one way or the other, but seem to be leaning toward believing Christ was merely human and never divine.

I wondered as I read her letter, how it was that they came to be led astray. Truly, Satan the devil is subtle and cunning -- more than a match for any of us, humanly speaking. Jesus Christ warned us long ago that in the end times deception would be so powerful that "if it were possible, they shall deceive the VERY ELECT" (Matt.24:24). Paul warned that God would "send them strong DELUSION, that they should believe a LIE: That they all might be damned who believed not the TRUTH, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (II Thess.2:11-12). Apparently, like Eve in the garden of Eden, this dear lady became offended over little things, and allowed her own feelings to be hurt, and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good AND EVIL, and has begun to eat the poisonous fruit -- and her husband, just like Adam of old, has followed her in her transgression.

I say this because thus far SHE is the one who wrote me the letter, and he in effect just wrote a footnote declaring, "I agree." It seems to me that she is the leader in that family, just like Eve -- she seems to be the one who "wears the pants." My heart goes out to them -- yet they must make their own decision, even if it takes them away from the truth and Satan gains an advantage over them. Like Paul, my heart cries out, and I exclaim, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the SERPENT BEGUILED EVE through his subtilty, so your minds should be CORRUPTED from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus . . ." (II Cor.11:3-4). If you have not read my in-depth articles on this subject of the divinity of Christ, then I urge you to write for them right away. They are entitled: "The Pre-Existence of Christ -- Fact? Or Superstition?", "Is Jesus God?", "Who was the YHVH of the OLD TESTAMENT?", "Who or What Was JESUS CHRIST Before His Human Birth?", "The Mystery of GOD," "What Is God Like?", and "Is God Reproducing Himself?" "Beware of False Prophets" How some people can so easily be led astray by every wind of false doctrine truly puzzles and intrigues me. Paul the apostle indeed prophesied that it would happen.

And it can happen to truly sincere and well-meaning people! Truly God's warning is 138 serious business when He says to us, "TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU" (Matt.24:4), and, "Many false prophets shall arise, and shall DECEIVE MANY"(verse 11), "Behold, I have told you before" (v.25). Jesus warned all of us, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits" (Matt.7:15-16). Paul warned us deliberately and urgently: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the LATTER TIMES some shall DEPART FROM THE FAITH, giving heed to seducing spirits, and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS"(I Tim.4:1). Paul warned of some of these pseudo-scholars and make-believe "saints," saying they have "a form of godliness" but deny the power thereof, and commands us, "from such TURN AWAY" (II Tim.3:5). He says they are "ever learning, and NEVER able to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH" (verse 7). We are living in the days prophesied by Jude, the brother of Christ, who wrote, "Beloved . . . it was needful for me to write unto you, and EXHORT you that ye should EARNESTLY CONTENT for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). It is very sad to see some jettison the true faith which was "once delivered," and exchange it for a new model "faith" which is guaranteed to poison the mind and destroy godly, righteous character! And when I become angry when I see these horrible things happening, the people involved accuse me of my "anger," not realizing that God Himself is FURIOUS and VERY ANGRY with their foolishness and their wicked departure from the TRUTH into hideous and Satanic ERROR! Did Jesus Exist Before His Human Birth? There are, of course, as any really devoted student of the Bible knows, many Scriptures which tell us in plain language that Jesus did exist BEFORE His human birth.

He was the Logos, or Word of God, "which was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). John tells us, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was LIFE; and the life was the light of men" (John 1:1-4). This Word, or "Logos" in the Greek language, was a being who was a member of the very Godhead -- a God being just like the Father! No matter how some men attempt to reason around this plain and simple verse, it says just what it says! Now notice what became of this Logos, or member of the Godhead, in due passage of time! John tells us: ". . . And the WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us . . ." (John 1:1, 14). This Word, therefore, which pre-existed with the Father from some point in eternity, was GOD -- and this "Word" IS THE ONE WHO BECAME CHRIST! 139 Jesus Came Down from Heaven That truth is so plain a child can understand it -- yet some have become befuddled and baffled and confused. Furthermore, in John chapter 6, Jesus plainly says, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me" (John 6:38). He said further, "I am the living bread which came down from heaven"(verse 51). Read this whole chapter. But unfortunately, those who have been bamboozled by Satan's dirty tricks campaign, cannot see this plain truth any more at all. They have become strung out on pseudo-scholarship and false, deadly mis-reasoning.

To be continued:
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