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Is jesus is the real Jewish Messiah?

Hi to all my brethren.

Is Jesus is the real Jewish Messiah? Are we sure that we had the right man?

If you are a real Christian defend your Faith....

Here is my questions (This questions came from my friend who is a Rabbi from NY.) My goal is just to show you how they think about our faith. I wish to lead more understanding than wrath against each other.

1. Is Jesus is the same as what the Torah had tell us?
2. IS Jesus is the only one born in a virgin birth? How could we be sure? Is Mary (Marriam) is a real virgin or
accidentally gave birth to a unwanted child. (Born from promiscuity)
3. If Jesus was the messiah, then why Christians fight each other? Is Jesus just invented by careful minds?
4. Is the crucifixion is the only way, we recognize the messiah?
5. Is resurrection is real? If it is, then why didn't His disciples recognize him?

Please this is not a debate! I just want insights from you. This questions were too many, but I just put only 5 for the mean time.
amg0364730 said:
Hi to all my brethren.

1. Is Jesus is the same as what the Torah had tell us?
Can you expand on what you mean by this?
2. IS Jesus is the only one born in a virgin birth? How could we be sure? Is Mary (Marriam) is a real virgin or
accidentally gave birth to a unwanted child. (Born from promiscuity)
Well, it really doesn't matter if Jesus was the only one or not. Why? Because the virgin birth was not the ONLY prophecy concerning the Messiah - it was one of them. This was one requirement that had to be met by the Messiah. I suppose it may be possible for others to be born of a virgin (albeit a very small possibility), but even if they were the question needs to be asked "did they meet and fulfill the remaining Messianic prophecies?
3. If Jesus was the messiah, then why Christians fight each other? Is Jesus just invented by careful minds?
This really has more to do w/ the sinful nature of mankind than the legitimacy of Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus is not simply a clever invention. The Apostles claimed that they were eyewitnesses and other pagan & Jewish historians (Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Josephus, etc.) record that Jesus was a real figure of history and acknowledged that he did many great signs. There is way too much evidence for Jesus' historicity to be just a clever hoax.
4. Is the crucifixion is the only way, we recognize the messiah?
My answer from question # 2 is relevant here. Again, that is not the ONLY way we recognize the Messiah - it is ONE way. Did Jesus fulfill ALL the Old Testament prophecies? Yes. If he failed to fulfill just one of those prophecies, then he would not be the Messiah. So, you need to consider the fact that he fulfilled all the messianic prophecies, not just one or two.
5. Is resurrection is real? If it is, then why didn't His disciples recognize him?
There are a handful of possibilities to explain the empty tomb.

Theory #1 - The disciples stole the body and made it up. Why is this not very plausible? Well, the disciples didn't have a good track record for their bravery. We see that they just about always took off when their lives were at stake (fleeing at Jesus' arrest in Matt. 26:56 & Peter's denial are just 2 examples of the disciples lack of courage). So does it make sense that these same men would take on highly trained Roman soldiers guarding the tomb? Not likely. The disciples were common laborers, not trained soldiers.

Theory #2 - Jesus wasn't really dead and he recovered in the coolness of the tomb. Is this theory plausible? Not really. Roman soldiers were trained & experienced executioners. If they botched a capital execution like crucifixion, then it would be their life. Furthermore, 3 days would not be nearly enough time for Jesus to recover from the injuries he sustained w/ no fluids, food, or medicine. Then, in his weakened state he would have had to unwrap himself from the burial cloths that were weighed down by 75 lbs of burial spices, remove a 1-ton stone covering the tomb's entrance, and overtake the highly trained Roman soldiers waiting outside. It's a pretty ridiculous theory.

Theory #3 - The disciples made it up! Again, not very plausible. Why? Well, we see that the disciples began preaching the Gospel and the resurrection IN Jerusalem only about a month & 1/2 after Jesus' crucifixion. Remember that Jesus was crucified during Passover and Acts 2 takes place in Jerusalem during Pentecost (50 days after Passover). The Christians were considered a nuisance to the Jews and being local, it would have been easy enough for the Jews to go to the tomb and squash the disciple's claims by revealing the remains of Jesus if the body was really there. Secondly, if you're going to create an elaborate hoax, then you don't do it in the same place that evidence is piled against you and certainly not that soon.

Theory #4 - The disciples hallucinated. Ok, this is just absurd! People don't experience mass hallucinations of the SAME THING. Furthermore, hallucinations only last a couple seconds or minutes at the most - not 40 days! Again, it would've been easy enough to retrieve Jesus' remains if it was only a hallucination.

The reality is that Jesus' resurrection is the only legitimate claim that makes sense of all the evidence.

Please this is not a debate! I just want insights from you. This questions were too many, but I just put only 5 for the mean time.
I hope that helps, there is much more that could be said. I suggest you pick up some good books on Christian apologetics if you really want to know more. Do the research yourself, don't just rely on a few paragraphs from a message board.

God bless!

1. Is Jesus is the same as what the Torah had tell us?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the bible say that the Messiah would be a decendant of David?
Joseph wasn't Jesus's real father, God was, and God has no ancestors. So for Jesus to be a decendant of David, Mary had to be. Was Mary a decendant of David? The genealogies in Matthew and Luke only mention Joseph, and I'm not aware of any other genealogies of Jesus that could confirm this.
Yes she is,,,,2 of Davids sons would lead to the Christ...Nathan went to Joseph and Solomon went to Mary ......
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the bible say that the Messiah would be a decendant of David?
Joseph wasn't Jesus's real father, God was, and God has no ancestors. So for Jesus to be a decendant of David, Mary had to be. Was Mary a decendant of David? The genealogies in Matthew and Luke only mention Joseph, and I'm not aware of any other genealogies of Jesus that could confirm this.

I did a little research, and found some interesting facts. In Jesus time, and understanding Hebrew family relation. Lets look back at Abraham, who spoke to God once about having no son and heir, except a servant of his house. Now under Hebrew reckoning, there was what was called extended family, this even included servants, and made them heir under certain circumstances.

An adopted son definitely was qualified as an heir, and was considered a member of ones extended family. So Jesus through his adopted father Joseph was an heir to the throne of David, and a member of David's extended family. Even if you do not accept that the genealogy in Luke is attributed not to Joseph, but Mary. The relation by the extended family of Joseph, was enough to qualify Jesus as David's son and heir.
So the Hebrew view of family was much different than ours.
I did not say that Mary was not! in the genealogical line of David. I simply said according to Hebrew law, the adopted relationship would connect Jesus to David's extended family. This alone; would make him legal heir to David's throne.

But this question has been around for some time, and it is generally agreed from much study, and research the Genealogy in Luke 3; is not Joseph's but Marys'. :)

But no one before or since, has fulfilled the dozens of prophesies made about the Messiah that Jesus did; (not one single one was missed). And the chances he did or anyone could have! are astronomical, a number to large to have a name, just scads of zeros. So the question is was Jesus a Rabbi ?, was he the Jewish Messiah ?, is he our Saviour ?, is he Gods Only Begotten Son ?, "NO DOUBT !!". :amen
1. Is Jesus is the same as what the Torah had tell us?

Yes. From the very scripture of the Old Testament....there was written word in regard of Jesus' coming as well the circumstances of his birth, persecution, death, and ressurection.Though I could be it not much of the O.T. text Jews believe in? Is that not

2. IS Jesus is the only one born in a virgin birth? How could we be sure? Is Mary (Marriam) is a real virgin or accidentally gave birth to a unwanted child. (Born from promiscuity)

In truth, I have yet to see any scripture revealing another virgin birth. Scipture too of the O.T. text states that the messiah would be born from a virgin I believe. Think it is also repeated in N.T. text. Can look and share if need be.

3. If Jesus was the messiah, then why Christians fight each other? Is Jesus just invented by careful minds?

Just as any religion has many interpretations...for not one of us is going to think exactly alike another. Does not condone rudeness amongst one another, but it does happen.

4. Is the crucifixion is the only way, we recognize the messiah?

No... There is these factors too:

The virgin birth

The sinless nature

The amazing message of God's love and the wisdom and love in each answer he gave. Not to mention the truth.

There is the suffering he endured without having done any wrong. There is the grace and humility he exercised when arrested, tried, and persecuted as a criminal. There is the love and compassion he exercised while on the cross.

5. Is resurrection is real? If it is, then why didn't His disciples recognize him?

There could likely be various reasons for this. Jesus could have been adorned in hood or robe....then has there not been times we have looked at something and been unable to believe what we saw so deny having seen it? Again there could be many answers here.
amg0364730 said:
Hi to all my brethren.

Is Jesus is the real Jewish Messiah? Are we sure that we had the right man?

If you are a real Christian defend your Faith....

Here is my questions (This questions came from my friend who is a Rabbi from NY.) My goal is just to show you how they think about our faith. I wish to lead more understanding than wrath against each other.

1. Is Jesus is the same as what the Torah had tell us?

2. IS Jesus is the only one born in a virgin birth? How could we be sure? Is Mary (Marriam) is a real virgin or accidentally gave birth to a unwanted child. (Born from promiscuity)
What do the scriptures say? Is there any other person that has claimed to be born of a virgin in that time? Even the Pharisees of Jesus' day knew His birth was special and claimed He was born illegitimately.

3. If Jesus was the messiah, then why Christians fight each other? Is Jesus just invented by careful minds?
Same reason non-Christian fight each other.

4. Is the crucifixion is the only way, we recognize the messiah?
According to Daniel 9:27 and all the other prophecies that Jesus fulfilled regarding His death? You bet it is certainly one way to tell when the Messiah was to come.

I would learn as much about the earthy tabernacle in the desert if I were you. It will help you see Jesus is everywhere in the Tanakh and be able to competently address a number of questions from your non-believing Jewish friends. Also, one thing that would also help is observing and keeping the sabbath and obeying the laws of God that will make you a much better witness to them.

5. Is resurrection is real? If it is, then why didn't His disciples recognize him?
This is a much harder question to answer because no one had up to that point ever seen a resurrected man in a glorified body.

Please this is not a debate! I just want insights from you. This questions were too many, but I just put only 5 for the mean time.
Great questions to ask, to help build our faith.
actually the blood line does not go to Mary, there is speculation as to who Marys parents were and they are not specified in the Christian bible. According to Catholicsim her parents names were Ann and Joachim.