December 13, 2006-
We have come to Drive out darkness;in our hands is light & fire,
Each one of us is a small light- but together a strong, steady light.
Flee Darkness into the blackness! Fleee from before the light!
(Translation from the Hebrew Hannukah song "Banu Hoshekh Legaresh"
Fridya night December 15th through December 23rd is Hannukah. The jewish feast of lights. Israel certainly needs a Light to shine in its growing darkness. Ineptness, indecision and careless blunders in the upper echelons
of Israels' goverment and military are formenting a growing sense of aimlessness and foreboding among her citizens;America is being asked by her advisors to withdraw from Iraq, placating the hostile entities in the region being allowed to do so gracefully by coercing ISRAEL to give up GOLAN HEIGHTS; yesterday the President of Iran at an internationally attended conference of Holocaust deniers, which he organized, again predicted Israels eminant annihilation. But there is a LIGHT shining in the darkness- and there are signs of an awakening vision, focus & purposefulness among Messianic youth & young adults in Israel.
On Friday evening earlier this month, around 20 young adults were meeting to pray, worship & strategize at a location in Jerusalem(the following Thrusday evening saw a profound visitation of the Holy Spirit in that same group). On the same evening, in a different location in Jerusalem some 40 believing soldiers were meeting for fellowship and mutual strengthening in the things of the Lord. And in yet another location in the capital around 120 youths from all over Israel were meeting for an evening of worship & praise. As they feverently sang & worshiped in Hebrew there was a powerful sense of presence of the Glory of God. Later that evening two busses were transporting some of the youth back to the Haifa area, when one of the busses was hit by a car. Windows on the bus were shattered, but no one aboard was injured. The car was totaled. It turned out it was a stolen "get-away" whose occupant had just taken part in a robbery.He escaped in the confusion. The Lord God came to "UNdo" the works of the evil one, who is a thief & a robber. In this encounter between Light & darkness, there was a shattering collision and it was certainly the Light which was not overcome!!
(JOHN 1:5)
In another recent Instance, two new young believers (friends of ours), one native Israeli & the other an Immigrant from Ethiopia, were riding a Jerusalem bus, when they sensed the power of the Holy Spirit come on the bus. They promptly stood up & announced that Yeshua(Jesus) was Lord and that He was present on the bus to heal the sick- was there anyone there who needed healing and would allow them to pray. A lady with a leg problem requested it. They prayed in the name of Yeshua(Jesus) and the woman announced that she had been made whole! The God of Israel is a God who, through the name of His sonYeshua! Heals the sick!!(Psalms 103:3)
On another day these 2 were at Zion square in downtown Jerusalem and came along side a poor immigrant musician who was playing his violin for small coins which were occasionally thrown into his case.. They began to sing songs of praise and the man began to accompany them. Suddenly people began to surge around and in a short while, the man's case was full of 100 shekle bills. The God of Israel is a God who through the name of His son, Yeshua, Prospers! (Psalms 118:25). These are just a few of the reports we are recieving.
A young youth leader in Jerusalem has been allowed to book the most5 notorious club in Haifa for several hours of youth praise and worship- during regular hours- at the end of January.This is actually entended to be the first in a series of events-taking light into dark places of cities all over Israel during 2007. And for June of next year, a One Thing, Jerusalem will gather youth from Europe and the Americas for an intensive time of worship and training in worship at a location overlooking the ancient city of Bethlehem, where the true light first shone in the world. This is an opportunity to impart a vision for Israel to a younger generation. (see http://www.onethingjerusalem.com) for more information on this.
This coming Sunday- Tuesday noon there will be a Hannukah youth retreat near the Sea of Galilee (see last update). Around 125 teens and 20 young adults wil be gathering to be taught, strengthened and equipped in an event centered on Psalm 91- the secret place in the midst of conflict. And to praise and shine brightly in the darkness with their worship. The song of Moses speaks of God as being "Awesome in praise- doing wonders) Many years ago Steve Fry wrote a song in which he spoke of an army of worshippers standing by Yeshua/Jesus' side- baptized in HIS fire/Revealing His glorious Light!" , who "Lift up a standard of worship/ that shatters the darkness with light/ and God will arise on the wings of our praise/ and march as a warrior who's mighty and able to save." We March to the tune of a Love song:@Stevefry/birdwing Music.
Please pray for Gods' covering over these events - both those which have taken place , and those which are on their way. That the youth of Israel will arise, Shine for their Light has come! (Isaiah 60:1)
2. Pride March canceled- We wish to thank all of those who prayed against the Homosexual pride march in Jerusalem scheduled for last summer- and against the local march which sought to take place this fall. In the event, the first was cancelled- and the 2nd was also canceled- setting for a gathering in a park, which was much lower in attendance than had been predicted.
3. Israel Needs Rain!!
After beginning two months ago, the annual "former rains" have been practically non-existent . These rains are essential for the well being of Israel and our neighbor Jordan. The Sea of Galilee is once again getting low. Please stand with us in the gap to pray that God would have mercey and send the rains in abundance.
Martin & Norma Sarvis
Jerusalem, Israel
We have come to Drive out darkness;in our hands is light & fire,
Each one of us is a small light- but together a strong, steady light.
Flee Darkness into the blackness! Fleee from before the light!
(Translation from the Hebrew Hannukah song "Banu Hoshekh Legaresh"
Fridya night December 15th through December 23rd is Hannukah. The jewish feast of lights. Israel certainly needs a Light to shine in its growing darkness. Ineptness, indecision and careless blunders in the upper echelons
of Israels' goverment and military are formenting a growing sense of aimlessness and foreboding among her citizens;America is being asked by her advisors to withdraw from Iraq, placating the hostile entities in the region being allowed to do so gracefully by coercing ISRAEL to give up GOLAN HEIGHTS; yesterday the President of Iran at an internationally attended conference of Holocaust deniers, which he organized, again predicted Israels eminant annihilation. But there is a LIGHT shining in the darkness- and there are signs of an awakening vision, focus & purposefulness among Messianic youth & young adults in Israel.
On Friday evening earlier this month, around 20 young adults were meeting to pray, worship & strategize at a location in Jerusalem(the following Thrusday evening saw a profound visitation of the Holy Spirit in that same group). On the same evening, in a different location in Jerusalem some 40 believing soldiers were meeting for fellowship and mutual strengthening in the things of the Lord. And in yet another location in the capital around 120 youths from all over Israel were meeting for an evening of worship & praise. As they feverently sang & worshiped in Hebrew there was a powerful sense of presence of the Glory of God. Later that evening two busses were transporting some of the youth back to the Haifa area, when one of the busses was hit by a car. Windows on the bus were shattered, but no one aboard was injured. The car was totaled. It turned out it was a stolen "get-away" whose occupant had just taken part in a robbery.He escaped in the confusion. The Lord God came to "UNdo" the works of the evil one, who is a thief & a robber. In this encounter between Light & darkness, there was a shattering collision and it was certainly the Light which was not overcome!!
(JOHN 1:5)
In another recent Instance, two new young believers (friends of ours), one native Israeli & the other an Immigrant from Ethiopia, were riding a Jerusalem bus, when they sensed the power of the Holy Spirit come on the bus. They promptly stood up & announced that Yeshua(Jesus) was Lord and that He was present on the bus to heal the sick- was there anyone there who needed healing and would allow them to pray. A lady with a leg problem requested it. They prayed in the name of Yeshua(Jesus) and the woman announced that she had been made whole! The God of Israel is a God who, through the name of His sonYeshua! Heals the sick!!(Psalms 103:3)
On another day these 2 were at Zion square in downtown Jerusalem and came along side a poor immigrant musician who was playing his violin for small coins which were occasionally thrown into his case.. They began to sing songs of praise and the man began to accompany them. Suddenly people began to surge around and in a short while, the man's case was full of 100 shekle bills. The God of Israel is a God who through the name of His son, Yeshua, Prospers! (Psalms 118:25). These are just a few of the reports we are recieving.
A young youth leader in Jerusalem has been allowed to book the most5 notorious club in Haifa for several hours of youth praise and worship- during regular hours- at the end of January.This is actually entended to be the first in a series of events-taking light into dark places of cities all over Israel during 2007. And for June of next year, a One Thing, Jerusalem will gather youth from Europe and the Americas for an intensive time of worship and training in worship at a location overlooking the ancient city of Bethlehem, where the true light first shone in the world. This is an opportunity to impart a vision for Israel to a younger generation. (see http://www.onethingjerusalem.com) for more information on this.
This coming Sunday- Tuesday noon there will be a Hannukah youth retreat near the Sea of Galilee (see last update). Around 125 teens and 20 young adults wil be gathering to be taught, strengthened and equipped in an event centered on Psalm 91- the secret place in the midst of conflict. And to praise and shine brightly in the darkness with their worship. The song of Moses speaks of God as being "Awesome in praise- doing wonders) Many years ago Steve Fry wrote a song in which he spoke of an army of worshippers standing by Yeshua/Jesus' side- baptized in HIS fire/Revealing His glorious Light!" , who "Lift up a standard of worship/ that shatters the darkness with light/ and God will arise on the wings of our praise/ and march as a warrior who's mighty and able to save." We March to the tune of a Love song:@Stevefry/birdwing Music.
Please pray for Gods' covering over these events - both those which have taken place , and those which are on their way. That the youth of Israel will arise, Shine for their Light has come! (Isaiah 60:1)
2. Pride March canceled- We wish to thank all of those who prayed against the Homosexual pride march in Jerusalem scheduled for last summer- and against the local march which sought to take place this fall. In the event, the first was cancelled- and the 2nd was also canceled- setting for a gathering in a park, which was much lower in attendance than had been predicted.
3. Israel Needs Rain!!
After beginning two months ago, the annual "former rains" have been practically non-existent . These rains are essential for the well being of Israel and our neighbor Jordan. The Sea of Galilee is once again getting low. Please stand with us in the gap to pray that God would have mercey and send the rains in abundance.
Martin & Norma Sarvis
Jerusalem, Israel