Since marriage seems to be a hot bed of discussion lately...
Did your parents ever council you on how to pick a spouse?
Sort of, in a secular way. Told me I shouldn't take a girl to bed unless I was willing to marry her.
Did your parents have a successful marriage?
I'd have to say no because they did divorce, but comparing them to other couples makes me lean towards pretty much. They didn't fight all the time or anything like that.
Have you learned what not to do to a spouse from your parents?
Yes I did, for the most part anyway. "Don't sweat the small stuff" was good advice from my dad. Don't slap her around, go cool down. Back her up, even if she's wrong, that's what husbands do. Don't fight about money with her, it's only money, but she's your Wife...and so forth.
Did your marriage turn out better or worse than your parents?
I don't know. I was married 5 years longer than they were...We prolly fought more than our parents did, but it's hard to say if they had more than we did (relationshipwise...while it lasted...) because they were pretty private about their private things.
Is your marriage a fantasy come true or have you a peace accord with occasional "benefits"?
My marriage was sort of a fantasy come true for awhile, she is a good lady and was a wonderful wife and excellent mother. There was no peace accord, it is what it is (was). That she became americanized and more interested in more money than I had...wasn't something that could be dealt with in a political way (i.e., peace accord/contract.)
If on your second or third spouse (due to divorce) what went wrong on your part?
Well, it was my only marriage to date. I was able to recognize where I went wrong though. I thought that if I didn't cheat on her, and provided for the family...that my job was done and I am a good husband. That's way wrong. I go to work, she stays home and works, kids, cleaning, etc., when my day's over, I come sit her day over? No, it gets harder, now she's caring for me on top of it all. Work is a means to an end, the end being, being married and having a girl/family. The day begins when daddy gets home from work. Next time, I'll help her with the house chores and cooking. Mmmm, maybe cook dinner once a week instead of once a year. Give the girl some time off!
Your tastes?
My tastes haven't changed and never have.
They deceived you?
The first one did. But I usually could tell that she was lying about something. She hated that, and called me a human lie detector, lol.
You were in a rush?
I don't understand the question here...
Looked in all the wrong places for the wrong people?
No, that was after the marriage ended.
Every one has a story to tell...tell us yours.