Jeremiah 46:13-28 and Matt 25:1-46

Ben Avraham

Apr 25, 2021
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JEREMIAH 46:13-28

600 years later, after the fall of Egypt at Passover, disaster strikes again, this time, YHVH uses Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon as the instrument of destruction against Egypt. It seems like Egypt was not humbled after the Passover experience. You would think that the pharaohs who rose to power after the time of Passover would have realized that the author of Egypt's destruction was the only and True God YHVH, but seems like they did not, a hard heart is hard to break at times.

There are people today who have hardened hearts, still resisting the will of YHVH. Being sons of God, servants of Yeshua, and talmidim (disciples), we must realize that at times, God will humble us through accidents, illnesses, etc.. if we wander away from His will or rebel against His WORD. Don't wait for that to happen, HUMBLE THY SELF IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD! He loves you and wants you as his own!

If Moses was not spared when he struck the rock twice, instead of speaking to it (to bring forth water) and not being allowed to enter the Holy Land, can we expect any preferential treatment? Measure by Measure, we will reap what we sow. It is a life-long race, to run the track of faith, obedience, and maturity in the LORD. We need to be obedient to the Father, and as a Father who loves us, He will discipline us when needed. He wants to shape us into vessels of honor and reap the rewards in Heaven.

MAT 25:1-46; JOHN 19:31-37

”The Ten Talents” A “talent” was a “weight” of money thousands of years ago. It was a lot, one could have a “talent” of gold, or silver, or copper, brass, bronze, etc. And like money today, it could be invested, or wisely spent,

We also use the word “talent” as something that we have, like an “ability” to do good. As believers, we all have “talents” or “abilities” given to us through the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), with which to serve our LORD and Savior on earth. But, like the evil servant in the parable, who did nothing with his talent, only buried it, there are believers today who are doing the same. Many have more than one talent, or “spiritual gift” and they are not using it (or them). They are going to waste, or are squandering them in “things of the world.

Can you sing? Yes, are you singing for God? Can you write? Are you writing for God? Can you teach? Are you teaching God's word to others? Can you play an instrument? Are you playing for the LORD? Think about the talents you have. How are you using them?

John 19:31-37 talks about the Eve of Pesach, since part of this Parasha is all about Passover, it is fitting that these verses be read. The bodies of the two criminals and that of Yeshua were to be taken down from the crosses where they were crucified. The scripture says “Cursed is he who hangs on a tree, (from Deuteronomy 21:22,23)

Yeshua already carried our “curse” and that of the two thieves. All was accomplished during that special Passover. It also states that a Roman soldier pierced the side of Yeshua with a spear, and out came blood and water. We are reminded that "blood and water" were instruments of "redemption and judgment". The blood of the lambs on the houses in Goshen was accepted for "redemptive" purpose. The lives of the first-born of Egypt were taken instead. The "water" was the instrument of death and judgment at the Reed Sea for the Egyptian army.

The blood and water have special symbolism. The blood symbolizes the wine which we drink during Passover and during the beginning of each Sabbath. Symbolically, we are inviting Yeshua to come inside of us and continue to be part of our lives.

The water is Yeshua who is the “Living Water” The blood also symbolizes “life” so through His death, we have “Life” and that is “Life Eternal”.

“They shall look upon Him whom they pierced” (vs 37) One day in the future, Yeshua will return in the clouds of Heaven, and “ALL” will see Him coming, “They” means “All” even those very soldiers who pierced Him, with the flagellum and with the spear, will SEE HIM someday soon. And ALL will have to answer for their actions.