Jerusalem News and World Report
More Information:
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Read an excerpt from Chapter 7:
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Order now from Amazon
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Ahmadinejad in New York
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... =46834128&
If the Holocaust-denying, nuclear bomb-building, terrorism-sponsoring
president of Iran thinks he's going to flit into New York next week for the
U.N. General Assembly and escape unchallenged, boy, is he going to be in
for a surprise.
Putin Deplores Iranian Calls for Destruction of Israel
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Russia's President Vladimir Putin warned against hastily imposing sanctions
on Iran, but in a rare note of criticism he has also deplored Iranian calls
for the destruction of Israel, according to remarks released by the Kremlin
on Tuesday.
US pullout key to Iraq stability
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni told visiting Iraqi Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki in talks Wednesday that the way to end instability
in Iraq was for US forces to withdraw, Iran's state-run television
reported. "We hope a day will come when the Iraqi people reach the stage
they deserve and that, by cutting the hands of the foreigners, its wealth
will come to serve the Iraqi people," Khamenei said.
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Recent events make it clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran poses great
challenges to both American security and global stability.
Thank President Bush for His Support of Israel
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/Thank ... &id=215107
Israel faces deadly danger on all sides. Please ask President Bush today
NOT to succumb to pressure from the Arab League, the UN, the EU, and Iran
to turn his back on Israel.
Help the Jewish people today with your donation
https://www.donation-net.net/CTBF/donat ... &id=215107
Click the link above to make a secure online donation for the comfort and
aid of Israel.
Please pray for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the Jewish people as they
are faced with attacks on every side. Pray that God will give him wisdom
and knowledge to meet the attack of the enemy. (Isaiah 59:19)
Pray for the soldiers kidnapped by HAMAS and Hezbollah, Gilad Shalit, Ehud
Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, and for their families. Pray that they will be
safely returned to their families.
Pray for President Bush. Pray that God will give him wisdom in the choices
he makes, and the advisors to whom he listens. Pray for our members of
Congress, Supreme Court justices, and state and local officials. (I Timothy
Pray for the families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan this week.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort them, and give supernatural peace.
Pray for those who have been injured and face months and perhaps years of
rehabilitation. (Philippians 4:7)
Pray for the safety of our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the
world. Pray that God will protect and guide them daily. (Psalm 5:11)
Pray for revival worldwide according to II Chronicles 7:14.
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 86:11-13
Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an
undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my
God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your
love toward me.
Join the Jerusalem Prayer Team Now!
http://tool.donation-net.net/ctbf/regis ... &id=215107</a>
More Information:
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Read an excerpt from Chapter 7:
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Order now from Barnes and Noble
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/bookse ... EAN=978159
Order now from Amazon
http://www.amazon.com/Showdown-Nuclear- ... -1/qid=115
Ahmadinejad in New York
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... =46834128&
If the Holocaust-denying, nuclear bomb-building, terrorism-sponsoring
president of Iran thinks he's going to flit into New York next week for the
U.N. General Assembly and escape unchallenged, boy, is he going to be in
for a surprise.
Putin Deplores Iranian Calls for Destruction of Israel
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Russia's President Vladimir Putin warned against hastily imposing sanctions
on Iran, but in a rare note of criticism he has also deplored Iranian calls
for the destruction of Israel, according to remarks released by the Kremlin
on Tuesday.
US pullout key to Iraq stability
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni told visiting Iraqi Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki in talks Wednesday that the way to end instability
in Iraq was for US forces to withdraw, Iran's state-run television
reported. "We hope a day will come when the Iraqi people reach the stage
they deserve and that, by cutting the hands of the foreigners, its wealth
will come to serve the Iraqi people," Khamenei said.
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/20060 ... &id=215107
Recent events make it clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran poses great
challenges to both American security and global stability.
Thank President Bush for His Support of Israel
http://tool.donation-net.net/CTBF/Thank ... &id=215107
Israel faces deadly danger on all sides. Please ask President Bush today
NOT to succumb to pressure from the Arab League, the UN, the EU, and Iran
to turn his back on Israel.
Help the Jewish people today with your donation
https://www.donation-net.net/CTBF/donat ... &id=215107
Click the link above to make a secure online donation for the comfort and
aid of Israel.
Please pray for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the Jewish people as they
are faced with attacks on every side. Pray that God will give him wisdom
and knowledge to meet the attack of the enemy. (Isaiah 59:19)
Pray for the soldiers kidnapped by HAMAS and Hezbollah, Gilad Shalit, Ehud
Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, and for their families. Pray that they will be
safely returned to their families.
Pray for President Bush. Pray that God will give him wisdom in the choices
he makes, and the advisors to whom he listens. Pray for our members of
Congress, Supreme Court justices, and state and local officials. (I Timothy
Pray for the families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan this week.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort them, and give supernatural peace.
Pray for those who have been injured and face months and perhaps years of
rehabilitation. (Philippians 4:7)
Pray for the safety of our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the
world. Pray that God will protect and guide them daily. (Psalm 5:11)
Pray for revival worldwide according to II Chronicles 7:14.
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 86:11-13
Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an
undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my
God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your
love toward me.
Join the Jerusalem Prayer Team Now!
http://tool.donation-net.net/ctbf/regis ... &id=215107</a>